donderdag 9 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 9

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In the last meditation we reflected on acceptance of what is, Acceptance goes together with non-resistance. When we practice non-resistance we go with the flow. We do not struggle for anything. Once you see yourself struggling then you know you are going, like what Esther and Jerry Hicks wrote, “upstream”. Like carrying your heavy luggage on the bus, it is unnecessary as well. Drop the struggle.

It is extremely difficult to swim upstream because you will be fighting against conditions of life. You will be struggling against the world or carrying the world on your shoulders.

There are many people whose lives are a constant struggle and they don’t know better. I am not talking about struggling to eke out a living. I lived that life when I was growing up but the thing that characterised me then was my joy. I resisted nothing. I loved that life and I was happy as I was. Now when I look back I don’t see struggle but an empowering learning process. It taught me to do only the best I can in any circumstances and leave the rest to source.Here I am talking about those who are forever complaining, fighting against things, people and all forms of life.

When you do not resist, you learn to move in the direction of a push when you are pushed and the direction of a pull when you are pulled. That is the path of least resistance. Let me give another example: Have you ever forgotten where you placed something, lets say your keys?. Have you noticed how difficult it is to find them the more you scratch and crack your head to try and remember where you put them?. Yet when you give up and carry on with other business, the image of where you placed them literally drops into your head? The same thing often happens when you are trying to remember a name. The moment you let go of the search, the name literally presents itself to you. You do not have to struggle..

I think you get the picture. Letting go is how we create abundance. Do what you can to create and energise the intention, as we are doing for the next 21 days. When you finish, let it go, release it into what Deepak Chopra calls the “womb” of creation. In that womb, the spiritual world, there is no time and there is no space, everything is here and now. We create time and space by our limited thinking when we look at our dreams and think they are “too big”,” impossible” or too “ambitious”

Find a comfortable place where you can sit or lie down. Gently close your eyes. Repeat after me: “As I let go of the need to arrange my life, the universe brings abundant good to me”

Let’s dedicate this meditation to the supreme: “I offer the benefits of living free of attachments to outcomes and the need to control completely to the supreme consciousness for the highest good of everyone concerned.''

Make yourself as comfortable as possible.For the next few minutes, let go of attachments to anything such as Abundance, the outcome of this meditation and the control of anything in your life

Today we use a meditation in which we repeat one word and only concentrate on repeating that word in our heads. The easiest word I can think of is “Love”. Repeat the word “Love” and only focus on mentally pronouncing “Love” Dont think of what it means. Just say the word as many times as possible, until I tell you to stop.

Now stop and visualise life as a stream and you are rowing a boat on the stream. Can you row downstream and experience how easy it is?. Watch yourself flow. Visualise how easy it is. Can you experience the easiness. Can you enjoy that. Can you bring yourself to love every minute of your experience. Can you resist any temptation to go upstream. Just move with ease.

Now at the end of your journey, there is an abundance of all your needs. Can you find the easiest way to come off your boat and find the most comfortable place to sit and watch your abundance. I usually visualise myself as a little lamb sleeping on green grass. For the lamb the grass is food, shelter, a comfortable bed, cools it down and is beautiful to watch after all. At this point I always remember “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want” He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me besides still waters, he restores my soul” imagine the beauty of these words. Can you picture what else your shepherd can do for you?

Can you repeat continue every hour of your day today and whenever you feel the need to use force or push against anything life brings your way: “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want”

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Thank you boob-lady!