woensdag 1 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 1

Happy New Year!!!

While driving to Almere for another dance event, the open road invited me to think about 'Abundance'.

A fish, in the ocean, is it aware of the vastness of the waters around it?
Is it aware of the all Abundance that exist for it?
What would it need to do, to become aware of that Abundance?
And furthermore, why is it not undertaking any action to achieve this awareness?
Then I replaced 'fish' with 'me' and 'ocean' with 'world'.

Mind. Is. Blown. Away....

Fast-forward to this morning, we just received the first guided meditation from Chris in the Abundance group chat and I just completed it.

As the guidences begins, Chris tells us to feel the centre of our chest and to offer everything to the Supreme Being... it's at this moment that my heart exploded with joy and excitement. It's this feeling I'm taking out of this experience. 💓

You can listen to the guided meditation here.

“Today I claim back my right to live in abundance”

Opening my eyes to see a new world... 🙏

Since my divorce almost 10years ago, I have had a placeholder in my calendar for the week my children were supposed to be at my place.
I just removed that placeholder.
Suddenly my calendar, and thus my time, looks open for more possibilities without having to comprimise my connection to my children...
Abundance baby!

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Thank you boob-lady!