donderdag 2 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 3

You can listen to the guided meditation here.

Today we will continue from where we left yesterday. We are still making ourselves ready as channels and vessels for the flow of abundance into our lives and the lives of those around us. When we finish the exercise for today we will have identified and removed all areas in our lives where negativity exists. Negativity blocks the flow of positive energy and therefore the flow of abundance.

Today’s exercise and meditation will be combined into one activity. The meditation will therefore be active and open-eyed.
We begin by taking a few deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth.
Let us lift our hearts and offer the fruits of this practice to the Supreme Intelligence for the benefit of all humanity past present and future and wherever and in whatever form it exists.

Repeat three times: “Today I intend to clear my energy field of all negativity but as I do so, I detach myself from all outcomes of this practice. I therefore offer the fruits of this practice to the Supreme Being—God for the benefit of all humanity. I wish abundance to all sentient beings wherever they exist. So be it”

Now, with laser focus on your heart centre, visualise a bright white light extending from the heart centre and extending into every cell of your body.  Ask the Supreme Intelligence “help me and guide me to clear my aura of any negative energy, and to suspend all judgements of things, people, places and events. Surround me with your light of protection as I remove all negative forces from my life. Help me transmute them into love and send them back to their origin, deleting and clearing any negative karma I accumulated”

Picture any negativity bubbling up and then disappearing into nothingness.

In your journal, make a list of all the people around whom you feel uncomfortable for whatever reason. Those who push your buttons and those who present any personal challenges that take abundance from your life. They may be anybody including loved ones, spouses, children or in-laws, friends, bosses at work, neighbours or people with whom you commute to work everyday. Take your time to list as many as you can.

Address the Supreme Intelligence as follows: “I know that people in my life are there to teach me lessons of life and to fulfil karmic contracts. I take any lessons I have learnt and bless these people from now on. Help me to accept these people fully and unreservedly. Help me learn any more lessons left for me to learn joyously. I clear all channels for the flow of abundance into my life by blessing all”

Take time to bless all the people you have listed, mentioning them by name.

If there are people involved in the challenges we identified on day 1, can you list them as well. Would you say a prayer for each one of them them “you played your part in allowing me to learn what I needed to learn as part of my challenge. I thank you for that and now bless you. I claim abundance from the infinite source into your life. Now I let you go”

Take time to picture them receive abundance and the part of them that caused you pain or discomfort disappear.

Next, take time to identify things that you feel are less than acceptable to you. Write them down—these are things you usually criticise, complain about, faults you see in yourself and others, pains in your body, the shape of your body, lips or whatever makes you feel inadequate.

Can you see these faults vanish? Can you learn to see the beauty in imperfections? God who created them is perfect. Can you imagine how perfect He meant them to be? Would you apologise for finding fault in His creation? Repeat after me the affirmation of today:

“From now on I see only perfection around me. I see God in all things, therefore I see only perfection. The world I see is a reflection of my internal state. Today I notice that I am perfect and therefore everything and everyone in the world is perfect”

Can you spend a few moments looking around you and seeing only perfection from your heart. Appreciate everything around you, the air you breathe, the chair you are sitting in and the support it gives you, the floor or ground you are standing on. As you do so, feel the flow of abundance in and out of your life and bless everything your eyes rest on.

Repeat after me:

“Thank you, thank you, thank you for being a part of my world”.

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Een reactie posten

Thank you boob-lady!