dinsdag 7 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 8

You can download the audio here.

In the meditation for Day 8, we practice Acceptance of what is. I will explain a little bit. In his book, the Surrender Experiment, Michael A. Singer narrates how he built a massive business empire from surrendering to and accepting whatever showed up. From homelessness, Michael began to experience synchronicity after another: strangers knocked at his door seeking accommodation and what would start off as accommodation for one night would end up a permanent living arrangement until he built a housing estate; what started off as a small meditation class with no teaching plan became a vibrant practice with many members and what started as an interest in personal computers became a massive corporate with many customers. He resisted nothing, just accepted and surrendered to what is. As we look back to the completion of a week of our practice, can we revisit the meditations for Days 2 and 3 and further remove negativity, especially where we tend to judge and think some things are bad, or poor or evil. Rather than dwell on these negative facades, why don’t we look on what good these experiences carry for us. Can we call our practice for today “Acceptance of what is”? Can we call it “living in the flow of life” as Michael Singer calls it. When we live in the flow of life, we take whatever comes our way. We accept it fully and completely. We do not give it names or labels. We take everything as great for us-lessons placed in our path or things meant for our growth. Rather than ask why? Or why me? Why don’t we learn from now on to examine everything and take lessons we need to learn from them and move own. We do that with joy, without judgement. We consider that everything, everyone and every experience and every challenge that comes in our path is for our highest good. We rejoice and are thankful for our growth, for the lessons and for the abundance hidden in these experiences, regardless how ugly they look. We learn to accept when we can observe what is without judging. So today we sit with ourselves and observe every sensation and every feeling in our bodies. Do not spend any time on anything. Just observe and move on. When we go through life thinking that what we are experiencing is “bad” for us that is what suffering means. When we accept everything, we are happy despite outward appearances. Acceptance brings peace of mind. This meditation is particularly beneficial if you are moving in nature where it is safe to use your peripheral vision. Just walk and do not respond to anything, do not label anything, do not spend time on any object. Just observe and move on. So for our meditation today, let us close our eyes (unless you are in nature where you keep your eyes open) and declare: “today I accept what is without judgement”. Can you sit for several minutes just observing the feelings and sensations in your body. Don’t react to anything. Do not judge anything. Do not resist anything. Do not adjust to become more comfortable. Do not scratch that itch. Don’t label anything. Just observe. I will remind you at various points to just observe without judgement Can we now express gratitude for our capacity to accept what is. We express gratitude for the lessons in all our experiences. We express gratitude that all the experiences we have are for our highest good.

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Thank you boob-lady!