zaterdag 11 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 11

You can download the audio here.

Today we honor the intelligence that is our source of abundance. Please sit in a chair or kneel down on a comfortable cushion that allows you to relax. Bring your hands to a prayer position against the chest. Make sure you are comfortable.Eyes closed.

In the first part of the meditation I will guide you in remembering how great this intelligence is by observing and contemplating Some mysteries of creation. In the second part each of us will explore and remember what this intelligence is-what it has done and how it has expressed itself in our personal lives. In the last part we dive deeper into gratitude for our lives.

Let’s begin.

Consider a sunflower seed or any other seed you are really familiar with. We know came from the fusion of two specks of dust both individually invisible to the naked eye. We know that wind or insects bring these specks of dust together and once they get together they start changing fast to become the seed you are holding in your mind’s eye. Yet the seed does not bear even the slightest resemblance to the tiny specs of dust. Contemplate the whole process and try to find how the two specks produced a thing so different. Take a moment to do this.

Take a good look at the seed and really picture it. Imagine it’s shape, it’s colour, texture, smell. In most cases it is dry and almost “dead”. Now in your mind’s eye, dig a shallow hole in the ground and place the seed in there. Cover it with soil. Water it a bit and watch a tiny plant shoot out of the ground. Take the plant out and observe it. Really observe it. You might find the remains of your dead seed. You might also find that nothing about the plant resembles the seed. Take some time to contemplate this process.

Now the plant has become mature and starts to flower. It produces tens or hundreds of seeds each of which bears no resemblance to the plant. If you follow this process for each seed, that tiny seed can multiply into fields of sunflowers. Take time to contemplate this process.

Follow all the processes of life and observe the mysteries of birth, growth, death, life. Could the earth be alive? Could the dead become alive when it gets into contact with water, warmth and air? Do the specks of dust, the seed, the plant all have a memory? Ok DNA but on its own, DNA does not explain how the seemingly dead elements spring back to life when conditions change. Who developed these complex processes and gave each of these elements an intelligence? How? Where? When? Contemplate these questions for a moment

There is a powerful divine force at work. This is the invisible intelligence—God, Allah, Shiva, the universe, the Supreme Intelligence.

Now Consider the space that surrounds you everywhere. Consider the empty sky. Consider yourself and all living creatures.. At one point nothing existed—there was nothing-just emptiness. Then the Supreme Intelligence thought it all into existence. Yes this whole universe  was a mere idea in the Mind of God. Then she brought it out of her mind into reality and it became the universe—a living, breathing universe. Consider the beauty, the wisdom, the power this one force has made. Imagine the giant planets and the stars and all celestial bodies. Each suspended in space with meticulous balance. Let us take a moment to contemplate such greatness..

Imagine all the beauty, the intelligence and perfection of creation—we can only look in awe and wonder. Consider the magnificence, the greatness in even the tiniest of creation. Everywhere there is something to fascinate, and amaze us. Imagine the beauty in the flower, the mystery in the darkness. Take a look at the sun, the moon and stars. Truly This intelligence is a wonder.

Now can you take a moment to express gratitude for All the wonders of the universe. Express gratitude for your life, your health, the lives of your loved ones. You know what this intelligence has done for you. Take a moment to remember every good thing or event, that has ever happened in your life—each time you have been paid at work, all the gifts you have ever received. Consider the wonder of your birth and the birth of each of your children if you have them. Take time to ponder these. Now express gratitude for all the good that you have ever experienced. Feel it as if it is happening right here right now. Rejoice and be happy. Smile. And now you may open your eyes

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Thank you boob-lady!