zaterdag 18 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 18

You can download the audio here.

Today’s practice is best taken whilst lying down flat on your back, hands on the side and palms facing upwards.
In a moment I will explain some issues related with the three lower energy centres. I want you to listen, but remain as calm as possible. Do not strain in any way. Deeply relaxed.
But first, let us offer the fruits of our practice to the Supreme: “As I seek abundance and to learn about abundance, let your will be my will. Let my will merge with the universal will, so that I only aspire for what is grand, beautiful and noble, for the greatest good of all your creation”
Breathe and relax deeply. Now your whole body is fully relaxed. You are deeply relaxed. Deeper and deeper. You are deeply relaxed.
You have a higher self that lives in you, with you and is available to advise you every minute of your life. As I speak, ask this higher self to identify what behaviours you have, knowingly or unknowingly and the issues that exist in your life. These are the issues that block your abundance. By the law of resonance, your higher self will tell you what issues you have, from the following:
Your base chakra might be misaligned if you:
·        tend to struggle with survival, for example if you operate from pay cheque to pay cheque
·        hold the belief that you can only achieve what you desire through hard work: taking on several jobs without finding any time to rest, going out of your way to please your partner so that they do not leave you
·        tend to hoard things
·        have weight issue
·        constantly suffer from constipation
·        have eating disorders
Now take a moment here and breathe. Notice how much you are deeply relaxed and breathe. Let your higher self, tell you what resonates with you. What are your issues from this list? Make a mental note of these issues.
The sacral chakra may need love and attention if you have issues such as
·        addictions and attachment
·        depression and lack of confidence
·        overactive or lack of sex drive
·        trouble establishing relationships including friendships
·        struggling to be yourself and just having fun
A healthy balance results in you enjoying life in moderation and having healthy social interactions.
Now take a deep breath here. Listen to your higher self. What resonates with you? Take a moment to listen. Make a mental note of your sacral chakra issues.
When this centre is unbalanced you display
·        anger, greediness, lack of compassion and empathy
·        loss of confidence and the fire, the will power to pursue your projects to the end, including those bringing abundance
·        control issues with a tendency to manipulate
·        too much pride or control
·        complete lack of drive, purpose and direction
·        an inability to process and understand your emotions and information
·        digestive problems
Take a deep breath here. Listen to your higher self. What resonates with you? Take a moment to listen. Make a mental note of the issues with your third energy centre.
This chakra is related to Fire.
Now picture and imagine a ball of fire glowing with a bright golden light. Hold it in front of you, yes literally stretch your arms out to hold this ball of energy. Move this ball of energy slowly closer to you until you hold within you, inside the upper abdomen.
Relax deeply and take a deep breath. Ask your higher self to remind you of the issues it has identified with all the three chakras.
Take another deep breath and declare: “Now I am doing some deep cleaning”
Now listen very carefully to the following instruction:
In the following exercise you follow your breath slowly and deeply right down to your base chakra. As you do so, hold a picture of your issues there and move them from the base chakra up through the sacral chakra where you also pick up the issues you identified, and the issues of the third chakra. Move them through the ball of fire. Let this fire consume all these issues, transmuting them into a vapour of pure unconditional love. As you breathe out, take back some loving energy into the third centre, the second centre right down to the base centre.  Continue breathing, transmuting your limiting beliefs, your self-made limitations and issues with abundance into pure unconditional love and moving this clear vapour of love into the heart and as you breathe out, take back some of this loving energy back into the third centre and the second centre right down to the base centre.
Take a deep breath and from now on breathe slowly and deeply, moving all your issues from all the three chakras into the fire, transmuting them into a pure, unconditional love, and letting this pure love accumulate into your heart. On your outbreath take back some love into the third, second and first centres
I will let you do this for the next few minutes. Move all that junk in your three lower energy centres, transmute it into pure unconditional love and take up this beautiful energy into the heart. Take back this energy to the lower energy centres.
Now relax deeply. Deeply relax. All your limitations, issues and blocks to abundance have been converted into a loving energy that now fills all the first four energy centres.
Now move this beautiful energy from the first energy centre, through the second, third and the heart and let it now go past the fifth centre in the throat, past the sixth at the back of your hear or centre of your eye brow, past the seventh centre in the centre of your brain and out into the universe and back the same way. Move this beautiful energy everywhere.
Now send this loving energy out to every part of your body where you still fell lack, pain, or any low energy. Send this loving energy to all your loved ones who need it. Send it to the entire world and let it heal the entire universe.
Now in this last part let your mind wonder and if you go to sleep then sleep, otherwise when the music stops, you may open your eyes, stretch and go about your business for the day.

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Thank you boob-lady!