dinsdag 21 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 21

You can download the audio here.

This meditation requires the perfect environment comprising some cushions or pillows to allow yourself to sit comfortably, and a flat surface to lie down with a blanket to keep you warm. Now sit or kneel comfortably with your back straight. Close your eyes

Now as usual, relax completely. Take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. Take another deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. Relax—back straight. Return to normal breathing.

Relax and place your attention on the heart. Take a few moments to feel your heart.  Now for a few moments breathe into the heart.

Now repeat after me. “Almighty God, thank you for giving me the strength and commitment to successfully complete the meditation experience for the last 21 days. Thank you for all the abundance that I know I already have. I hand it back to you with gratitude for the benefit of all.”

Now for the next few minutes breath slowly, deeply and make it as smooth, and as soft as possible. Breathe. Relax and breathe.

Take another few minutes breathing slowly, softly, smoothly and deeply. As you breathe in, move your attention very gently up your spine from the base of the spine to the top of the head. As you breathe out, move your attention from the top of your head to the base of your spine. Soft, smooth, gentle and easy breaths. Gently, place your attention on the spine moving up from the base to the top of the head at your in breath and down from the top of your head to the base of the spine on your out breath.

Now for the next few minutes be completely quiet, completely at peace. You are not doing anything—just relaxing appreciating the silence behind the music. Focus on the silence. Lightly, not straining. Just relax.

Now lie down. As you do, let any word or phrase to express the love of the almighty float into your mind, hold it very lightly in your consciousness and let it go. Let these words float in, hold each for just a second and let it go.. Make it easy and effortless. I will help you to start—peace, love, wondrous, gracious, Great, awe, wonder, beautiful, wonderful, magnificent, grace, merciful,

Now carry on.easily, softly, relaxed.

Thank you for a wonderful journey which I loved and enjoyed greatly. Wishing you abundance beyond your wildest dreams, peace and love

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Een reactie posten

Thank you boob-lady!