maandag 6 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 7

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Today we repeat the relaxation exercise we did yesterday. When we are fully relaxed we ask the universe itself, God to teach us abundance.

You might find this practice most beneficial while lying on your back with the back straight, feet apart with the heels almost touching. Place your hands on your chest or allow them to rest on the sides with palms facing upwards

Gently close your eyes.

Before we go into relaxation let’s hand the fruits of this practice to the supreme. “I hand the fruits of this practice back to the Almighty, wholly, completely and unconditionally for the benefit of all humanity.”

In this first part of the relaxation you can move around to adjust your position to be sure you are fully relaxed.

Here we go: place your 100 Per cent attention on the toes of your left foot. Mentally tell each toe to relax. Move slowly down the left foot and then up the left leg, feeling each muscle and telling it to relax, up to the knee and the thighs. Tell every muscle to relax. Now your left leg is fully relaxed. Take time to note the difference between the left and right legs.

Now move to the toes of the right foot. Allow yourself to feel all the sensations on each toe and down the right foot to the heel, mentally telling each muscle to relax. Take your focus up your calf muscle, and through the whole leg past your knee to the thigh. Now both your legs are fully relaxed

Place your attention on the fingers of the left arm and up the forearm front and back right up to the left shoulder. To the right arm and place your full attention on the toes, the palm of the hand, the wrist, all all the way up to the shoulder, telling each muscle to relax. Relax your buttocks, your perineum, sexual organs and the pelvic bone. Relax you tummy and your back and your chest. Relax your head and face and slightly open your eyes for a few second.

Now gently close your eyes and place your attention on the chest. Breath into the chest. Call up a warm feeling of compassion to your heart and as you breathe in, breathe compassion into your heart. As you breathe out, give compassion to each cell of your body. Do this for a minute.

Continue to breathe compassion into your heart and this time as you breath out, breathe compassion into the room where you are including everything and everyone in the room with you. Do this for a minute.

Continue to breath compassion in to your heart and to the whole house and everything and everyone in the house on your out breath.

Breath compassion into your heart and out to your neighbourhood and everyone and everything in it. Give compassion to in to your heart and out to your city including everyone and everything especially those in this abundance group.

Breath compassion into your heart and out to the whole earth including everyone and everything. Breathe in compassion and out through the whole universe to infinity.

For the next few minutes I will leave you to breathe compassion in through your chest and as you breath out, consider compassion for yourself, everyone, everything and every event in the past ten years alternating with the next ten years until you get to your time of birth and an equal number of years into the future.

Can you now breath compassion into your heart and out a hundred years in future and 100 years before your birth. Give compassion to everyone, everything and every event in this era. I will leave you to go back and forth into the past and future to an infinite number of years.

Repeat after me, “I am all time, all space all things and one with all” open your eyes briefly and as you close them, make no movements from now on.

Mentally sit or bow before the universe, whatever it means to you and ask it to teach you more about abundance. You may ask the Angels or Ascended masters to help you with this. You may throw the questions out there and the universe who knows all your thoughts will answer, now or during your day. Ask what part you can play to ensure your abundance is distributed fairly for the good of everything, and everyone in the universe until infinity.
Wait patiently for the answers. Remember to bring your mind back to a receptive posture each time it wonders. Do not sleep. Put all your attention in the centre of your brain. To help with this place all your focus between the ears and just below the eye level. I will leave you to listen for answers from the universe for the next few minutes. Look out for sudden Flow of ideas, deep inner knowing, words repeating in your head, images or a voice now or any time later.

Can you thank the universe and repeat this affirmation, now and to everyone and everything you meet anyone or anything from where  you receive some insights into abundance, “thank you for teaching me abundance”

Be open to receiving such insights. Record into your journal the lessons you have learnt about abundance during the meditation and if you wish, share your insights with the group. At the end of the day, record any insights you got regarding abundance from things, people, written words, adverts, songs, everywhere and record them into your journal. You may share these insights with the group if you wish.


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Thank you boob-lady!