dinsdag 14 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 15: Root Chakra - Muladhara

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I can’t believe we have now completed two full weeks of the Understanding Abundance challenge. That means going fourteen days into the month of January, fourteen days into the New Year and 14 days into the new decade, although I must confess I am not sure whether the decade begins on 1 January 2021 or has already started on 1 January 2020.
In the new and last week of the practice we are going to be looking into every corner and sweeping off anything that might hinder our access to abundance. It is important to consecrate the entire week to the Supreme consciousness as well as the day today. Here we go;
Sit comfortably with your back straight and close your eyes. Make sure you are relaxed and comfortable. Breathe slowly and deeply.
Repeat after me: “I lift my heart up to the Almighty in prayer that all the fruits of this practice may accrue to the Almighty-not for my own benefit but for the benefit of all humanity. And so it is”
The first corner we look at today is where abundance blocks tend to sit most of the time. That is on the base chakra, Muladhara, at the base of the spine. Muladhara is the chakra for survival, grounding, vitality, and stability. It is the centre for the survival instinct, desire for safety and security, and basic needs, such as food and shelter. It also affects the emotional needs and functions, such as family loyalty, and beliefs and values.
A balanced Muladhara provides a sense of stability, grounding, and security. These aspects are all related to abundance in any area of life. 
Here is how we reawaken our Muladhara chakra? First establish a symbol of abundance in your eyes. This can be something steady, full of vitality and secure. Can you build a picture of what abundance looks like or what it means to you. I picture the tree we meditated on last week If you like it as well, that is a good symbol of abundance. I also picture the abundance I witness each time I visit our family farm back in Africa where in summer we see loads of different wild fruits. I have tried to use google translate to find the names of these fruits in English but could not identify them these come at a time when the fields are green with massive amounts of produce. That is abundance to me--so much of what you want, you don’t even know what to do with it. What is yours? Take time to develop a picture or meaning of abundance. Meaning of abundance might be that you shall never have to suffer any more. Or grow old or get ill. Your picture will therefore be something that never ages, or is forever full of energy and vitality, or a river that is flowing forever...

Now take your picture and bring it down to the base chakra, the first energy centre. Pin it somewhere there and keep your attention on it. If your mind wanders, return your focus onto your picture at the base of the spine and concentrate on it. Just relax, breathe slowly, taking air deep into the base chakra. Feel how you are supported by the earth... This is how the earth, the universe provides you. There are benevolent forces around you, providing for you. Any lack is a result of this chakra losing its vitality.
Now just focus on your symbol at the base of your spine. This is the source of your abundance. Don’t do anything, just pay undivided attention to the base energy centre and to your symbol of abundance. Why are you doing this? Wherever you place your attention, energy flows. Allow yourself to relax and focus on the base of the spine. Focus on your symbol. You are energising this chakra and aligning it to source. You are letting benevolent energies flow into your body where they will organise your energy and increase your capacity to receive abundance.
Take a deep breath into the base chakra. Relax.
Now for the last part of the meditation, as you breathe in, see energy moving from the base chakra, along the spine into the heart. Feel the heart opening up. See your abundance flow. From mother earth to your heart. As you breathe out, breathe gratitude from your heart, along the spine, into the lower centre and out to every part of the body... Keep moving energy-abundance with the in-breath through the base energy centre, up the spine into the heart, and sending gratitude back on the out-breath from the heart, down through the spine into the base chakra. And all parts of the body.
Relax, breathe. Move energy with your breath-abundance from Mother Earth, in-through the base chakra, up the spine to your heart and gratitude from the heart down the spine to settle at the base energy centre and let it spread throughout the body, saying thank you to Mother Earth. 
Now say after me: “I am supported and fully provided for. I am grounded and I am powerful. All my needs are met and I am grateful for my bounty. Thank you”

Muladhara Mandala.svg

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Thank you boob-lady!