vrijdag 3 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 4

You can listen to the guided meditation here.

On day 4 of the understanding abundance challenge we seek to expand our awareness of abundance by recalling people who have shown abundance in different areas of life. We also revisit the areas where we would like to attract abundance and build specific pictures of some of the things we would like to attract in 2020.

Here is today’s practice.

Stretch as slowly as possible. For example, you can circle your head clockwise. Take a full minute to complete a full circle. Then circle it the other way and taking a full minute to go full circle. Stretch any other areas that need stretching and as you do so, yawn at least five times. Take time to do this.

Sit comfortably or lie down and watch the flow of your breath.

State once and boldly, meaning every word:
“Today I learn abundance from people placed in my path. I had the fruits of this practice wholly and completely to the Supreme Intelligence for the benefit of all humanity. I also claim a clear wish for 2020 and release it into the infinite depths of abundance where it came from, without any attachment”

Focus on your heart centre, let your hands rest on your chest and as you do: Imagine all the people whom you know and who remind you of abundance in any area of life. Some examples are:

A couple who remind you of the abundance of love from the way they talk, look at each other and hold their hands.

A mother holding her child adorably for having made a small achievement, and saying the most adorable things—reflecting abundance of love and appreciation.

Somebody who has wealth in abundance

Someone with an abundance of patience, kindness, peace, power, confidence, what you might call luck, health and vitality, friends, joy, joy, patience—you name it.  Ask your heart to let them come through your consciousness.

Continue to focus on your heart.

Now imagine them receiving these gifts from one source, an inexhaustible source.

Ask your hear to reveal this source to you.

Imagine that this source is accessible to you. You do not have to do anything. You do not have to be special or do anything special. This source requires you to only set a firm intention and Release it, never worry about it anymore. This source knows when and how to provide you with all your needs. It has kept you alive, breathing air into your lungs and digesting your food without your conscious effort or any help from you. Take time to reflect on this from your heart.

Now revisit your chosen area of abundance. Can you set an intention for 2020–just one thing that will happen among all the abundance of things you wish for. Ask your heart for guidance.

If you would like to lose weight, what size clothes would you like to fit into? Is there an amount of cash you would like to earn? Or do you just want to be able to pay all your bills without effort, do you want to fall in love again—this could be with your current partner or someone new, live it all up to the source of infinite abundance to decide. Take your time to think about this.

Can you repeat, meaning every word: “I am grateful that all my wishes are met. Today I feel abundance and my wish being fulfilled above and beyond my expectations”

Think of a good feeling, any feeling, it doesn’t have to have anything to do with your intention—just a great feeling. Can you experience this feeling from your heart. Can you feel a great warm in your heart. If you cry, let yourself cry out of joy, amazed at how much love this great source of abundance can give. In fact it’s essence is love. It is love. Experience it, let it visit you in this moment.

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Thank you boob-lady!