zondag 5 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 5

You can listen to the guided meditation here.

Image result for abundance tree

Today we will observe abundance in nature. We end the meditation with a practice of gratitude from our firm belief that by making an intention and releasing it to the Almighty, our wish has already been granted. We open our hearts to receiving abundance and live in expectancy without expectation.

(If you have any difficulty understanding this please contact me privately and I will be happy to discuss this seeming oxymoron.)

Now imagine how nature gives. Have you noticed that when it produces anything, it tends to do so in excess? Have you watched those programs on TV where they show shoals of millions of fish swimming in oceans, or have you had the privilege of going under water and seeing the different species of water plants, and sea life making a wonderful display of colour beauty and abundance, or do you sometimes wonder how many birds there are in a flock flying over you and how God has created them in such large numbers? When nature gives, it gives abundantly.

As we begin our meditation for day 5 of the Understanding Abundance challenge, I would like you to consider your own experience and examples of how nature gives lavishly.

Sit or lie down in a comfortable place and consider everywhere in nature where you have observed such abundance. Take your time to do so.

Lift your heart to the Highest Being and state: “thank you for revealing to me that you meant for me and all creation to live in lavish abundance. From my own limited thinking and that of my forefathers before me, with our uncontrolled thoughts of competition,  lack, and scarcity we have made ourselves less than you meant us to be. Today I claim back the abundance meant for me and share it with all humanity. By the realisation of one being of how powerful you made us, humanity will learn and become powerful once more. I am grateful to be taking part in this practice”

Now I get my daily lesson on abundance from a tree that I imagine, that is planted on fertile soil beside a river. Take a moment to meditate on this tree with me—as a symbol of abundance in your chosen area.

Can you place your hands on you heart and call into your mind a tree planted upon a such a stream.

Starting with the roots, observe how they sink deep into the ground and produce a solid, sturdy trunk that no amount of wind can shake. Imagine how this tree is constantly nourished and provided by mother earth. Can you take a moment to see yourself as this tree, firmly anchored into the ground, supported, provided for and natured by Mother Nature?

Say with me “I am sorry for having wasted so many years in lack. Abundance is mine and I am grateful for such a gift”

Can you picture this tree once more. Notice how much it has grown. Notice how it is evergreen regardless of year, season or day. This is what your life was meant to be, you were meant never to get sick or go hungry or lack in any way. Notice how much life this tree supports with its cover, fruit, leaves, bark and yet it continues to grow and display abundant health. This is a symbol of how much you can give to others.

 Can you imagine all the birds that have built nests and given birth to more life on the tree? Can you imagine the multitude of insects and butterflies flying around in happiness. Imagine the bees producing great tasting honey from its flowers. Notice small animals playing happily around this tree eating its fruit. Watch the bigger animals chasing them for food. Imagine other plants, parasites maintaining life from this one tree.

Consider how this goes on for years and years and the tree grows bigger and bigger until it touches the sky.

Can you state “surely my cup overflows”

Whatever you call this power, this intelligence, this Creator, isn’t it an amazing force? Isn’t it wonderful?

Can you spend a few moments expressing gratitude in your own way- dancing shouting , sitting or carrying on with the meditation and thanksgiving. When you are done, stretch, open your eyes and take this expression of gratitude into the rest of your day.

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Thank you boob-lady!