donderdag 9 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 10

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Today we consider the concept of giving. We begin with our posture of choice—sitting or lying down. And let’s close our eyes.

Focus in the centre of your chest. Take a moment to relax completely and Repeat after me: “i offer today’s practice to the universe—wholly and completely for the benefit of all humanity”. Take a moment to receive an answer which should come as a positive energy around the chest.

The whole universe is in motion, nothing is static. It is a complex mix of processes of giving and receiving. In most spiritual traditions the law of three is regarded is a fundamental law. This reflects knowledge and action, positive and negative, giving and receiving, birth and death—these always exist together in nature. A third force which gives  the direction of the flow of creation—upward to the spiritual or more superior level or downward to the less superior or inferior. In simplest terms, this third force is an invisible force, demonstrated by the intent—the zero point.

When you stop the flow of the process of giving and receiving, a blockage happens. There is no hoarding in the universe. In order to receive you receive.

Today we observe the simplest process of giving and receiving—breathing.

For the next several minutes breath normally. Watch the flow of your breath, placing the greatest attention where each breath ends. So you breathe in and pay attention at the end of that breath, which is the beginning of the out breath. Pay particular attention to the end of the outbreath which is the beginning of the next in-breath, continuously until I tell you to stop.

Can you stop now and start contemplating the following:
If you what to receive learn to give first
If you want love, give love,
If you want abundance help others become abundant
You get back what you give out
At an energetic level, imagine what you give out is what comes back to you
If you give out negativity to get back negativity
Since our thoughts are creative you get back your dominant thoughts
Give out constant thoughts of worry and you constantly attract situations that keep you worried
Some people are constantly angry and they meet people and circumstances that keep them angry

Now we would like to take the final minutes learning to entertain positive thoughts.
Can you focus on your heart and state “I intend to understand what these feelings feel like. Teach me how they feel like”. Just bring the feeling to your attention and let you heart teach you how it feels. If you allow yourself to become fully relax and really observe your heart, you will pick up the subtle differences between the feelings. Your intention gives rise to the feeling. Take time to understand how each feeling feels

Joy of giving
Joy of receiving
Loving kindness

Take a moment to consider your intention, area in which you want to receive abundance, your new year resolution for 2020. Fuel it with these feelings or other positive feelings and add gratitude

Can you use the force of your intent to fully absorb and integrate these powerful feelings as part of your dominant feelings, what you constantly give out to the universe.

Finally, consider how you can give these good feelings to others in your day-to-day life. Can you also give a gift to everyone you meet today—a silent blessing, a helping hand, a smile, a complement… the list is endless. Also stay open to receiving. Don’t feel obliged to give back in return or to return a favour to people who give you. A simple thank you is all you need to give in return. If someone compliments you, a simple thank you will do instead of saying something like you look good too.

Let’s repeat the following affirmation for today, now and every hour during the day “today and everyday I give that which I want to receive”

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Thank you boob-lady!