dinsdag 14 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 14

You can download the audio here.

Today is the last day of the second week of our meditation challenge. We have come a long way. On Day 12 we celebrated our power as creators of our wishes—Co creators with God almighty.

Today we would like to explore one way in which the universe may choose to manifest our wishes—synchronicity. It is an amazing experience if you can spot it and appreciate it but a mere coincidence if you are not aware. Today we meditate to increase our awareness of synchronicities in our lives.

Carl Jung who first observed synchronicities said these were meaningful events that are significantly related but appear not to have any causal connection. This is when you think of someone and make a mental note to call them but before you even move, the phone rings and that person is on the other side of the line.

At one time I made an appointment to meet someone on a particular day. This was an extremely important meeting. A few days nearer the date I discovered I had another appointment on the same date and it was of equal importance. I worried for a couple days thinking what I was going to do. I really had to cancel the meeting with the first guy but did not want to disappoint him. Just one day before the appointment date he called to cancel the appointment.

My most favourite was when I was a consultant and I had got to the end of a contract. After that I would not have any work meaning no money for several weeks. As I was driving to work on my final day of the contract I was finishing, I pictured a crisis in a company, any company. I saw the management discussing how they were going to resolve the crisis, then I heard in my mind’s ears one suggesting to ring Chris and ask if He could come and help solve the crisis. Before I completed my imagery the phone rang and yes there was a college in a crisis and needing someone to review their policies and train their staff for an urgent inspection within a week. I said yes, I could do it and in the evening on that day and for every day the following week I was so busy I was getting home in the morning.

You get the picture.

Let’s practice. Remember we are strengthening our awareness, understanding and appreciation of synchronicities.

Now Consider your chosen area of abundance. I don’t know what your abundance wish is but let us do some creation together.

Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Breath slowly and deeply. Offer your practice to the Supreme Intelligence in your own way, from your heart.

To begin let us practise one wish together. Imagine we wish for a new car. You decide what car you wish to have.

Now picture that at the right time the car meeting all your specifications will show up. The right model, make, colour, everything. Now picture this car together with me.  Let us choose one scenario from millions of possibilities, for the car to show up. Picture the car being manufactured. However, we are only looking for a second hand car.

Picture someone raising some money from some job and purchasing the car. This person uses the car for a short period. Then they get fed up with it. Picture benevolent forces making the guy send the car to some car dealer. Then they decide when that dealer will sell the car and for how much. Can you imagine the car being advertised on a website. Imagine seeing the advert and really loving to buy that car. Imagine the same benevolence forces cause a windfall to happen and you raise the exact amount for the car. Now picture yourself driving this car—your pride and joy.

This has happened to me exactly this way, not once but a few times.

Can you picture the same benevolent forces bringing all the right people, things, funds if that is what is needed, events and conditions together at the right time, place, and in the right way to make your wish come true. You need to relax as you do this exercise. Can you relax now and picture the necessary events unfolding before you. Picture the people, things and events unfolding before you to make your wish for 2020 come true. You don't need to create too much detail—leave space for God to use his mysterious ways to perform his wonders

Say after me “God works in mysterious ways to perform his wonders. I see the wonders before me. I have seen this with my own eyes and heard with my own ears.”

Say this until tomorrow when you start the meditation for day 15.

Now spend a few moments in gratitude as you receive your wish. This is no longer a wish but a wish fulfilled. Let your gratitude come from your heart.

Namaste. Thank you.

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Thank you boob-lady!