donderdag 2 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 2

Abundance is an energy that either flows to us or away from us. As an energy, it either increases in its quality and intensity in the presence of other energies, by the principle of resonance. We are channels and vessels for the flow of energy and certainly for the flow of abundance.
If we allow abundance to flow freely in our lives, it increases in both intensity and quality and comes to us through synchronicities.

Some of the most common causes of blockages of the flow of energy in our lives are anger, resentment, guilt, jealousy and envy. A feeling of victim hood keeps us holding onto grudges and past errors of others who we believe did something to us. However, I have come to learn that it is all about me and how I judge situations. The pain I thought other people caused me in most cases was due to my own labels that I put on their actions.

One lesson I have learnt from Neale Donald Walsh was that everything people have ever done was an expression of love. It might have been wrongly expressed, interpreted or received and that gave rise to conflict, but underneath there was only love.

Exercise for today
Today we would like to open ourselves as channels for abundance through forgiveness.
First allow yourself to become very comfortable and then breathe slowly and deeply twenty one times, in through the nose and out through the mouth into the heart centre. Allow your mind to become very still. Raise your heart to the Highest Being, the Supreme Intelligence-God, and declare “In this practice I intend to give and experience forgiveness. This will help me open myself as a channel and container for the flow of abundance into my life and for blessing others around me. I hand the fruits of this practice  wholly, completely and unconditionally to the Supreme Intelligence for the benefit of all humanity”
 In that state invite the following categories of people to show up in your subconscious and either forgive them or ask for forgiveness from them. Just sit still, imagining them as pure and perfect souls, spirit, and pure energy that is present here with you right now. Make an open invitation for friends, family, strangers—people who are  still alive or have passed on for them to show up in each category.
Those who interpreted what you did or did not do for them as errors against them including those who expected you to behave in a certain way and felt you let them down. Let them express what you did wrong if they wish. Keep listening or watching for these souls or pure spirit to express their pain and anger for “what you did” until they stop showing up in your consciousness. Also scan your conscience for any feelings of guilt, genuine or imagined. Ask the people concerned for their forgiveness, stating “I am sorry to have wronged you, knowingly or unknowingly, in reality or imagined. Please forgive me so that you and I can open the flow of abundance into our lives. I have nothing but unconditional love for you and I thank you for letting go of me for what I have done against you and accept that all the negative energy between us has been transmuted into pure love and abundance.” Sit for a while watching any more guilt you may have felt or unknowingly kept in your life for any wrong you thought you had done, being forgiven and evaporating from your life. Declare “I release any feelings of guilt I may have kept within me and transmute these into love for all concerned” Open your heart to receive and give love.
For everyone who has done something “against you” ask your subconscious mind to reveal them to you and what they did or didn’t do. Forgive them, clearly stating: “I forgive you and release you so that I can experience the flow of abundance in my life fully and completely. I bless you and transmute any negative energy that I accumulated against you, into love. I declare that I love you truly and completely. I invite the Supreme Intelligence to help me forgive those I still find hard to forgive. I let you go”. Feel unconditional love for them from your heart and take a moment to experience that love from your heart.
For the next few moments experience the opening of you heart to receive and contain all the abundance you wish to invite into your life in 2020. Remember your intention and the feeling that receiving the abundance gives you. Can you experience this feeling from you heart and keep doubling it, allowing it to flow outwardly from your heart to every cell of your body? Smile and you may open your eyes.

Affirmation for today: I am a free channel and open container for the flow of abundance into my life and the lives of those I touch.

Write down in your journal any insights you might have had concerning forgiveness and abundance including any difficulties in forgiving or receiving forgiveness. If you need any help especially around forgiveness please do not hesitate to contact me privately.

You can get the audio here.

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Thank you boob-lady!