vrijdag 17 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 17: Solar Chakra - Manipura

You can download the audio here.

We now move to the third energy centre. Just below the rib cage. This is the centre of will-power. When you are balanced in this chakra you are outgoing, open minded, respectful, confident, and decisive. You have the will-power to pull through your projects and anything you start. When this centre is unbalanced you display anger, greediness, lack of compassion and empathy. You lose confidence and the fire, tSit comfortably and take three long, slow, deep breaths. Relax deeply. Now close your eyes and continue to breathe slowly and deeply.
Today we are meditating on the third energy centre, located just below the rib cage. This is the centre of will-power. When you are balanced in this chakra you are outgoing, open minded, respectful, confident, and decisive. You have the will-power to pull through your projects and anything you start, including finding and keeping abundance.
This chakra is related to Fire.
Now take a moment here and breathe. Relax and breathe.

he will power to pursue your projects to the end. It controls the ego.

Manipura Mandala.svg

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Thank you boob-lady!