zondag 19 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 19

You can download the audio here.

You may find it useful to read this guidance before you begin your meditation. It explains what we are doing today
Yesterday we worked on creating a vapour of energy, which we allowed to move into the heart and transmuted it into love. We sent this love back to the lower energy centres to allow them to realign and perform their functions properly. In the process we removed abundance blocks.
 Today, as we continue to remove any remaining abundance blocks, we will continue to transmute energy from the lower energy centres into love and send it to the higher chakras and out to the universe. 
As we understood from a previous meditation, we cannot give if we cannot receive. We allow ourselves to receive love and abundance from the universe.
We then send this love, form the heart, out to our loved ones, to humanity, and to heal the world.
For purposes of clarification, there are three energy centres above the heart centre. The heart is the centre of love and connects with the vibration of the universe-love. It might sound rather woo woo, but it has now been proved that the heart sends out a frequency that connects us to others and to things around us. This frequency has now been measured scientifically.
In a world where we have been trained to live in competition, to work extra hard to survive, to take short-cuts if we cannot have our own way, we have closed our hearts from sending and receiving love. We have depended on our brains to think and on the survival centres, dysfunctional lower centres to decide our nature as people.
When we open our heart to love again, we restore it to its function of guiding us and we become loving beings once again. The heart aligns all the other energy centres to its frequency of love. The heart restores all the chakras to their normal function, including the three higher centres, which are:
·      The throat chakra, located in the centre of the throat. This is the centre for self-expression. When functioning well, this centre allows us to speak our truth and not only be creative but to understand and appreciate beauty, works of art and creativity-the finer things in life and abundance.
·      The sixth chakra is the third eye, situated between the eyebrows. However, as you might understand from science, the visual cortex, the part of our brain that makes sense of images allowed in by the eyes, is located at the back of the head. So is the pineal gland which controls the sixth centre. The sixth centre is connected to our ability to understand and perceive things. It allows us to see and hear beyond what the eyes can see and what the ears can hear, or to perceive the hidden meaning of things. It helps us think clearly. It gives us clarity including clarity regarding what abundance really means to us.
·      The seventh energy centre is located at the centre of the head. It connects us to all that exists-the entire universe-God.
In today’s meditation, we introduce a method of silencing the mind in which we place attention on the spine from the base to the top of the head. There is an energy channel that moves from the base of the spine to the top of the head. The energy centres or chakras are located along this channel. When we place attention of this channel, moving it up and down, we move energy from one centre to another. This way we align the energy centres.  Just by moving our attention on this channel for at least five minutes daily, we make our mind very peaceful and quiet and we think clearly. We react calmly to all situations.
By turning our attention into love and move it up and down this channel, we fill all our energy centres with love. All the energy blocks are removed and we open ourselves to receive abundance from the universe. In today’s meditation we spend some time sending and receiving love from the universe. We then send it to our loved ones and to the entire world. We finish the meditation sending love to everyone, everything and everywhere it is needed. This includes the sources of abundance in the areas we intend to create abundance in 2020. Whether it is financial abundance, peace, love, confidence, or just abundance in general, or abundance of customers or business ideas if we are running a business, we bless them all
I wish you all the best in today’s meditation-the last in the short series of meditations to clear abundance blocks

Today’s meditation is best performed whilst lying on your back, on a flat surface, feet slightly apart, arms by your side with palms facing upwards.
Take a deep calming breath and tell your whole body to relax. For a few moments make gentle suggestions to your entire body to relax. Say to every part that feels tense or in pain or holding any form of negative energy: “Relax”
Keep telling every part of your being to relax.
Now relax and feel the support of the surface on which you are lying. Aspire for comfort. Tell every muscle to relax. Relax deeply.
Now relax deeply. Look within and tell your entire body to relax.
Breathe in deeply and relax. Relax and breathe. You are deeply relaxed.
Now I would like you to keep breathing for a few moments, deeply, but as you do, make your breath as long as possible, as soft as possible. Breathe softly, deeply and slowly. Soft breath. You are now breathing softly. As you do, you are going deeper into relaxation. Your mind is becoming quieter. You are relaxed. You are in a surrendered state.
In your relaxed, surrendered state, lightly place your attention at the base of your spine. Breathe deeply, slowly, and softly. As you breathe in slowly move your attention up your spine to the top of your head. As you breathe out, move your attention from the top of your head to the base of your spine. I repeat this instruction.
Softer breaths. Don’t strain. Don’t force it. Soft, long breaths, attention lightly placed on your spine, moving it from the base of the spin to the top of the head on your in breath and from the top of the head to the base of the spine on your out breath.
I will give you some time to breath slowly and deeply, moving your attention from the base of your spine to the top of the head on the inbreath, and from the top of the head down the spine to the base of your spine.
Now keep breathing. Breathe deeply, slowly, softly and as you do, move your attention up and down the spine. Keep breathing. Soft breath, attention lightly placed on the spine, moving up to the top of the head on the in breath and down on your out breathe. Softer, lighter, longer. Your mind is very very quiet.
This time, as you move your attention up and down the spine, let your heart transmute your attention into love.
Allow this loving energy to move from the level of the heart into the throat, into the back of your head, to top of the head and up to the universe. As you breathe out, let loving energy from the universe flow into the centre of your head, down to the back of your head, down the spine to the back of your neck, into the heart and down the third and second and first centres. Softer, easier, deeper. I repeat this for you.
I will let you exchange loving energy and abundance with the universe at your own pace for a few minutes.
Remember you are fully relaxed. Deeply relaxed. Your body is soft and comfortable. Your breaths are soft, long, deep and your mind is very quiet.
Continue to breathe, and as you breathe in, move this beautiful loving energy up your spine from the base centre, to the top of your head and out to the universe. As you breathe out, allow loving to move from the universe into the seventh chakra down to the base.
Slowly, deeply and softly. Softer still.
Now place your attention on the heart. Relax deeply. Feel the love from the universe that has filled your heart, all your chakras and your entire body. Feel this love throughout your body. Soft healing love energy fills your entire body. Your body is relaxed and your mind is quiet.
You are loved. You are cared for. You are supported. You live in an abundant universe. You are abundant. You have an abundance of love. You are a loving being. You are made out of love. You are love. Take a moment to feel the love from the universe. Deep, soft, unconditional love.
Let this loving energy flow to every part of the body where you still feel any lack, any pain, any tension any loss of energy and any resistance.
Send this loving energy to all your loved ones. Tell them: “I love you”. Softly. Softer-I love you.
Send this loving to the entire world and let it heal the entire universe. Softly, easily, quiet mind.
My love, blessings and peace goes to each one of you, your loved ones and the entire world. You may open your eyes, stretch and go about your business for the day, calm and relaxed.

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Thank you boob-lady!