donderdag 16 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 16: Sacral Chakra - Svadhishthana

You can download the audio here.

We continue with the removal of abundance blocks, which we started yesterday. In yesterday’s meditation we awakened the lowest energy centre, the survival centre. Today we bless the second energy centre, the centre for enjoyment of life, creativity, pleasures, desires, sexuality and emotions. Its colour is orange, showing that it is the inner flame, the burning fire of passion and self-awareness needed to succeed in life and used as a powerful energy source for self-confidence and emotional well-being.
A blocked second centre reduces our creativity, passion for life and spontaneity without which we cannot create our own abundance

Sit comfortably with your back straight and close your eyes. Make sure you are comfortable and relaxed.
Repeat after me: “I love my life and as I bless myself in this practice may the blessings accrue to the Almighty-not for my own benefit but for the benefit of all humanity. And so it is”
Remembering that where we place our attention, energy goes, focus on the colour orange at the point just below your navel. This is where you experience and enjoy the fruits of your abundance. You are not doing anything in this meditation, just paying undivided attention to the colour orange at the point below your navel
 Allow yourself to relax and focus on the colour orange, the fire of passion, just below your navel. You are energising this chakra and aligning it to receive and enjoy abundance. You are letting benevolent energies flow into your body where they will organise your energy and increase your capacity to experience and enjoy abundance.
 Take a deep breath here. Relax.
Now relax, breathe. Imagine your guilty pleasure, whatever you go to when you just want to spoil yourself. This can be a food, a game, a TV show, something, and anything that makes you feel really good. Whatever it is, can you allow yourself to imagine you are having it this minute. Picture yourself enjoying it. Relax and enjoy. Taste it, smell it, feel it, bring it into this moment, and let your whole body experience the wonderful feelings of pleasure. Have fun.
 Now move all that positive energy to your heart, enjoy from the heart.
Experience the ecstasy from the heart
Now send it through the whole body. Feel the energy move.
Now say after me: “I am successful, confident, I am abundant, I am blissful and I embrace myself fully. I am creative, passionate and spontaneous. The love I give to myself, I give to all creation”


 Swadhisthana Mandala.svg

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Thank you boob-lady!