zondag 12 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 12

You can download the audio here.

On day 1 we looked at people we know who have succeeded in a particular area of life. We learnt abundance from other people. We went on to learn abundance from nature.

It is best to do today’s meditation whilst you are lying on your back, on a flat surface. Arms facing upwards, eyes closed.

Today we meditate on the fact that all the abundance we need is within us. We are the authors our our lives. Please repeat: “I am the author of my life: today I create a life of unlimited abundance for myself and for the good of all. I hand all the fruits of my practice to the Supreme Consciousness.”

Try not to sleep. Just relax and listen to the music, as well as to my voice.

For a moment, Breathe slowly and deeply. Watch the flow of your breath, following your in-breath and as you do so, feeling the cool air come through your nostrils. Follow the out breath and as you do, feel the warmth of the air coming out.

 Focus on the tip of your nose and breathe slowly and deeply for the next few minutes.

Engage in the exercises I give you during this meditation and accept all the suggestions I make. If you find the suggestions hard to accept, breathe deep into the areas where you feel the resistance.

 Now relax completely.

Let’s us play a small game—I would like you to think as many thoughts as you can, anything, good and bad. I will tell you when to start. For now Imagine a large steel case with a heavy metal lid and a strong lock. Walk to it. Open the lid fully.

Now imagine that your thoughts are tennis balls. Each thought you think drops into this steel case and cannot come out.  Think as if you are in a race. Just let the thoughts come into your mind ad as soon as they do, let them drop into the case. Start in one, two, three—start.

Now stop.

Ensure your mind is completely empty. Gently close the lid on the still case. Lock it. Test the lock to ensure it is secure. Turn and walk away living all your thoughts, your worries, concerns, doubts in the steel case.

Now Take three, slow, deep breaths right into your belly. Relax completely. Ensure every part of you is fully relaxed, your mind is empty and completely clear. Just engage with the process.

Now in your mind remember a time you did or experience something that made you feel really great. See what you saw and experience this fully and completely. You may have earned a large amount of money unexpectedly, or fell in love for the first time, graduated with good grades, gave birth to your first child or something you waited for for a long time came your way, or when you bought your first car. Now feel the feelings you felt then. Relive this experience.

For a moment You felt like you were living the life. You were on top of the world. Go there, be on top of the world. Feel the excitement. See yourself do that silly little dance and sing that song. Carry on, and have fun. Take three deep breaths and let the feelings sink in.

Now relax completely and listen to my voice. You don’t have to hear what I say or even believe it. Just relax and listen to my voice.

That life you had for that brief moment is the life you were meant to live. That is what God meant for you. You were meant to live in bliss. You were meant to live a joyful life. Every single day was designed to be the best day of your life. Now take a moment and experience the feelings you felt. Feel them. That is what you were meant to experience all your life.

Take three deep breaths here.

You were equipped with all the tools to design such a life. You are a creator. A co-creator with the divine. You were created in the image and likeness of God. You are God. You are a part of the divine. You were meant to create the life of your dreams and live it. You are meant to create your own abundance in your own way. Your imagination is the creative force you were given to create the life you love. Your thoughts and feelings are the environment, the fuel and energy to attract what you imagine and have it. Don’t ever think about how. Leave the how to the divine.

Now take three deep breaths. Relax. Go back to the feelings you felt then. Really experience them. Relive that experience. Even now you are living that life of your dreams. Go back to that moment in your life when the sky was not the limit because there are no limits except your imagination. Truly there are no limits to what you can achieve—only your imagination.

Now I want you to be as selfish as you can for a moment. Imagine the energy in this group today as we all get excited. Take it all for yourself. Take some more, and more and more.  Now use this energy to take you back to that moment your felt powerful and invincible. Claim that power back. I can feel this energy right now and I have confidence that you can do it again. Take back your creative power. You can do it and start feeling what you felt over and over again.

Relax deeply. Go even deeper no.

You are capable of living the life you love. Imagine it. Intend it. Focus and dream. Let nothing stop you.

I know things might look really difficult right now, even impossible!

Listen to my voice, listen and relax. Relax and listen. You are energy. Your thoughts are energy. Energy-vibration, spirit. That is what you are. Your thoughts and emotions, being energy are associated with a frequency. The higher the frequency, the more joyous, grounded, confident, powerful you feel, the closer you are to who you were meant to be. The better you tap into the divine- God.

Remember the universe was once just a thought in the mind of the divine. All the wonderful buildings, cars, clothes you were, the chair you sit on—everything was once a thought in somebody’s mind. The divine is unlimited. Your imagination is unlimited. You are unlimited. If you can think it you can imagine it and if you can imagine it, you can feel it and if you feel it you bring it into your life. Now feel the powerful feelings.

Repeat in your mind—“I create my personal abundance from an infinite source” this is today’s affirmation. Recite it. Ponder on it. Use it to .remind yourself who you are. You are a part of the divine. God in flesh.

Deep breath in.

Now take a moment to be grateful. Imagine the favour God gave you to make you in his image and likeness. Imagine the power He gave you. Claim back this power this minute. Declare it each time you meet a challenge. Repeat to yourself: “I am a divine being. I am made in the image and likeness of God. I claim back my power”.

Feel this for a moment. Open your eyes and keep these positive feelings today and every day.

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Thank you boob-lady!