maandag 13 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 13

You can download the audio here.

On day 12 we claimed back our power as Co-creators with the Supreme Intelligence. We brought the Understanding that our thoughts and feelings, are creative. In daily life, whether we are conscious of it or not, we create all the time. When we have a clear and positive intention, with clearly and carefully controlled thoughts and great feelings, we become conscious creators.

We came together to understand abundance and to test the Understanding that if we focus our thoughts and feelings together as a group and empower them with an intention, that intention becomes manifest in real life. Today we practice the concentration of our thoughts, feelings and intention onto members of this group. We visualise each other and ourselves as having accomplished our intentions for 2020 and extend gratitude to each other for the help we gave each other in the process.

Today we practice heart centred meditation. Let us therefore become comfortable and close our eyes. Put all your attention in the centre of your chest. And breathe slowly,  deeply and comfortably into the chest

Let us hand the fruits of this practice to the Supreme. “Supreme God, teach us everything we need to learn regarding abundance and heal everything that needs to be healed. Especially heal any fears, contrary and limiting beliefs and thoughts that sabotage our intentions. Increase us in all areas where there is lack. We hand all fruits of this practice back to you for the highest good of all the members of this group and for all sentient beings, wherever they exist”

Breathe slowly,  deeply and comfortably into the chest. Relax. Full attention in the centre of your chest. And breathe.

Now recall a positive event or a person that makes you feel love, compassion, joy, or peace, gratitude or any other good feeling. Now keep breathing slowly,  deeply and comfortably into the chest. And relax. Experience this good feeling in your heart.

Now as you breathe in, breathe this positive feeling into your heart and as you breathe out, let this feeling extend to every cell of your body.

Next as you breathe in, breathe this positive feeling into your heart and as you breathe out, let this feeling extend to cover the whole body.

Breathe this positive feeling into your heart and as you breathe out, let this feeling extend around you.

Breathe this positive feeling into your heart and as you breathe out, let this feeling extend to fill the room where you are.

Now Breathe this positive feeling into your heart and as you breathe out, let this feeling extend to your loved ones.

Now Breathe this positive feeling into your heart and as you breathe out, let this feeling extend to all members of this group

Now Breathe healing energy into your heart and as you breathe out, let this healing energy extend to all members of this group. Feel that you have been healed of any ailments and let this healing energy extend to all members of this group

Now Breathe powerful thoughts and beliefs into your heart and as you breathe out, let these powerful thoughts extend to all members of this group. Feel that you only think positive thoughts with ease and extend positive thoughts to all members of this group

Now Breathe gratitude into your heart and as you breathe out, let this gratitude xtend to all members of this group

Now take a moment to see all your intentions for 2020 being met. See the intentions of all members of this group as having been fully met.

Now Breathe gratitude into your heart and as you breathe out, let this gratitude extend to the whole universe for fulfilling our needs

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Thank you boob-lady!