zaterdag 1 februari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day1

You can download the audio here

Hello everybody. I cannot thank you enough for showing up to make the next 21days a reality.
God bless you abundantly, and may all your needs in life be met in every respect. May you all experience an abundance of health, wealth and happiness in your lives and the lives of everyone you touch? Thank you
I will cover the background to our 21 day practice in the form of a meditation. This is part of today’s practice.
We begin the practice whilst sitting comfortably. In the second part we lie down and then finish in a seated position. Make sure you have prepared a comfortable seat next to a flat comfortable surface where you can lie down and be perfectly comfortable and warm.
In the first part of the meditation we prepare our minds to hear the background with a breathing exercise. In addition to putting the mind into the theta brainwave State which allows you to experience the deeper meaning of what I tell you in the background, the synchronised, rhythmic breathIng is well known to produce many healing effects on your body. These include stress reduction, improved cardiovascular health and a strong immunity system.
In the second part we listen to the background. Finally in the third part we pray for grace so as to get strength to go through the full 21 day meditation period successfully. We affirm this before we end the meditation in gratitude.
Now sit comfortably and relax. Close your eyes. Breath deeply and slowly into your heart. Focus you attention on the heart centre
Repeat after me: “Today I embark on a journey, a journey of healing. I surrender my thoughts fully and completely to the Almighty to transform me by the renewal of my mind.”
Say it again from your heart.
Now make it even deeper from your heart and mean every word from the core of your being.
Repeat this, with your both your hands placed lightly on the chest with the tips of the fingers touching the throat. The throat is the centre where our energy for decision making is stored.
Repeat after me: “Today I decide to remove negative thought patterns from my being. I embrace forgiveness, compassion and kindness  so as to become completely healed of all suffering in any form. I heal myself of all suffering”
I am going to play some music, which will guide us through the breathing exercise. Listen very carefully:
With the music, you will hear the sound of a bell in the background, like this:
Theta Breathing
When you hear this sound you breathe in slowly, softly and deeply through the nose until you hear the sound again. When you hear this sound again, breathe out slowly, softly and completely through the mouth. Keep doing this until I tell you to stop. In through the nose and out through the mouth at the sound of the bell
I will guide you through the first few breaths.
Echoes, Ganesh Mantra II
Now breathe normally and take a few moments to feel the quiet and calming effects of the exercise on your mind. Get used to the silence in your mind and appreciate it. Know it and hold on to it. Your mind is now in the most ideal state to absorb and retain information.
Continue to relax deeply and completely.
Now for the second part, with great care not to lose your relaxed state, carefully lie down on your back with arms on the sides, palms facing upwards. Feet are slightly apart. Eyes closed
Take a quick scan of the body and identify any tense areas and places where you cannot relax. Make soft, gentle mental suggestions for your body to relax. Make the suggestions softer still. “Relax, Relax, Relax”. As you place your attention round the body into parts where you feel any tension, any pain or any form of discomfort.
Relax deeply. You are deeply relaxed. You are in a state where you can hear and understand every word. Listen lightly. You will not sleep. Relax and don’t sleep.
Now place your attention to the toes on your left foot. Tell each of your toes to relax.
Move down your left foot and tell it to relax. Feel the warm, gentle sensation of relaxation as you move up the muscles of your leg: the cuff muscles, up your left thigh. Tell the whole left leg to relax.
You might notice that the whole body is already starting to relax. Your left leg is limp, warm and relaxed.
Move to the foot of your right leg. Tell each toe to relax.
Relax the whole foot, the cuff muscles and muscles on the whole leg. Tell your thigh muscles to relax.
Now both your legs are relaxed.
Take a moment to relax the fingers and thumb on your left hand. Move up the forearm and tell it to relax. Continue up the muscles of the upper arm and the shoulder and tell all the muscles to relax.
Now move your attention to the fingers and thumb on your right hand. Tell them to relax as you relax the hand, the wrist forearm and upper arm. Your right had is now relaxed. Right shoulder is fully relaxed.
Now relax your whole torso and feel your whole body sink into the surface where you are. Move your consciousness up and look behind at your body, lying there like an abandoned coat.
Intermezzo, Pour Melia, Ke Nale Modisa,
Background to the practice
In our healing practice over the next 21 days, we will be focusing on opening our hearts to receiving healing for ourselves and our loved ones as well as to give healing to others, Mother Earth and the entire universe. We will be sending healing energy wherever it is required, whether past, present or in the future.
According to a Zen saying:
“All suffering, is born of mind; but mind cannot fix, what mind created. ……. Sorrow and struggle is found only within your conceptual thinking.”
Every form of suffering we experience in life is some form of illness that needs to be healed. According to this Zen saying, all these illnesses are created in the mind, and yet the mind cannot heal itself. By our thoughts we create all our experiences, but once we get stuck in suffering, the mind cannot redeem itself. A mind stuck in negative thought patterns cannot heal itself.
The Bible says in Romans 12.2: “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
You just need to go out, and hear people talk, or meet some people who within a couple of minutes will give you the details of their life histories, to see the nature of this world and the suffering there is out there. And if you watch TV or read newspapers, you sure receive a daily dose of the suffering that has become rampant in this world. I see fear, one of the lowest forms of thought patterns- a sickness that perpetually exists within many people these days. I hear it in almost every conversation. I have also lost a few friends for advising them not to be fearful but to bring love and positivity into their lives. “How dare you take away my priciest possession? My fear protects me from the future” they seem to say. How often people say “worst case scenario”?
That is why the Bible says do not be conformed to this world. It means do not identify with the suffering of this world-with the fearful thoughts and negativity of this world. Do not be part of the sickness of this world. Be transformed by changing the way you think. Yet remember, once you are stuck in the thought patterns of sickness and fear, you cannot get yourself out of this. This is especially true when you become attached to victimhood. This is the state where you get attention from people who sympathise with you. How often do you hear people competing to tell their victim story first?
“You don’t care about me. If you did, you would let me tell you about my experience, then I would feel better” How often have friends, family and even work mates said this to you when you tried to advise them to focus on the good and free themselves from their victim stories. If you are an empath like me, do you ever wonder where those depressive feelings you have the next day after listening to people’s negative stories come from? I have been fortunate to remember a few instances which I could pinpoint a victim story I heard from someone, sometimes even three days later.
When in a state of victimhood, or you become addicted to suffering, the only thing that will save you is the grace of God, which you need to transform you. Only God can free you from destructive thought patterns
When you get transformed, you become a living testimony of the will of God to yourself and to the rest of the world.
But what is the will of God? A Course in Miracles lesson 101 says: “God’s will for us is perfect happiness.” Not just happiness as we have come to know it, but perfect happiness.
But, what is happiness?
According to Mahatma Gandhi: “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” The Greater Good Magazine lists a range of benefits of happiness, including stress reduction, lower heart rates and blood pressure, improved immunity, higher heart rate variability, less aches and pains and better health.  According to Wayne Dyer, “Happiness is something that you are and it comes from the way you think”. I say, “Perfect happiness has nothing to do with pleasure which you get temporarily from pleasant external stimuli. It has everything to do with the way you think”.
Aristotle called it “…. the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”
Now carefully sit up. Again without losing your calm, relaxed, meditative state. Hands in a prayer position.Bow your head in reverence to the Almighty.
 In your own way, and using your own words pray to your God, Buddha, Allah, the Universe, Yahwe to give you strength to go through the next 21 days. Pray for deep healing. Pray for happiness as we defined it. Pray from your heart. Place your full attention on your heart and pray.
Pray deeply and reverently. Talk to your Father. He is here with you. He is listening.
You will be there
Finally, repeat after me:
“I surrender to the Almighty for deep healing to take place, starting today. I surrender my thoughts, I surrender my emotions. I surrender any control and the desire to control. I embrace Loving kindness, I embrace compassion, I embrace forgiveness”

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Thank you boob-lady!