dinsdag 4 februari 2020

Understanding Abundance: Day 4

You can download the audio here.

On Day 1 we identified happiness as God’s will for us. We considered that all suffering is of the mind. All difficulties arise from the mind labelling them as difficulties. Unless your mind perceives an experience as difficult, uncomfortable or painful, you will not experience any of these negative effects. That is why you find in most cases, two people in the same situation having very different experiences: one will be comfortable and happy whilst the other continues to mourn and complain forever.

On Day 2 we explored our five bodies and filled them with positive energy as our source of healing. We particularly spent some time in the astral or emotional body, energising it and making it dream pleasant dreams so as to influence the mind to take a positive view of life, because the astral body is the body that is connected with the mind and emotions.

On Day 3 we gave love to ourselves.

As you may have noticed, we have been using breath to calm and centre the mind. Breath is our life force. It is what is called Prana. It is the source of life.You can last for months without food but will not survive only a few minutes without breath.

The intention for today is to generate happiness so say after me “I choose to be happy”. We continue to influence our astral body, as we did on day 2 and day 3 to generate and maintain positive emotions. We are rewiring our brains to be happy.

So sit comfortably with your spine straight. Eyes closed

Breathe rapidly in and out through the nose for just a few seconds, like this.

Pause and take a long, slow, deep breath and hold for as long as you can.

When you exhale, empty your lungs completely and again hold your outbreath for as long as possible. Now breathe normally.

Let us do this one more time.

Deep breath in, hold for as long as possible. Exhale and empty the lungs completely in one breath.

From now until the end of the meditation, breathe at your own pace, in through the nose or mouth it doesn’t really matter. Whatever you choose, make sure to  remember only to breathe out from your mouth with your lips just slightly open. Let each inbreath happen naturally. Let each inbreath follow its own pace.

However, be conscious of your outbreath, making each outbreath as long and complete as possible. Feel the warm air pass through your slightly open lips. You should hear a soft sound as you breathe out. Make this sound even softer, almost inaudible. Just focus on the outbreath and make sure you are breathing out through the mouth, with the lips slightly apart.

Relax deeply and completely. Relax. Feel completely relaxed. You are now relaxed from the soles of your feet to the top of your head. Go even deeper.

Now picture a scene of your choice, of your own creation in which you are really happy. This scene has never happened and you don’t wish it to happen. You will not remember it when you finish this meditation, but it is very important that you engage in it. As you build this happy scene, let your heart give you the ideas. Ask your heart whenever the flow of ideas stops. Just remember to breathe out through the mouth. Never mind the inbreath.

You are actually making this scene up as you progress. Your heart is guiding you through the process. So where are you? Remember to breathe out through the mouth as you experience your own creation of happiness. Get fully absorbed in your creation. You are exhaling through the mouth. You are relaxed

Who are you with? What are you doing? Can you picture the whole scene clearly and vividly?. Can you hear every word every person there with you is saying?. What do you see? Add more colour. What colours do you see?. These must be your favorite colours, I suppose. Relax deeper and only exhale from the mouth..

Now add some sensory perception. Are you eating or drinking? What is that which you are eating? Can you intensely taste whatever you are eating? Taste it. Is this your favorite taste? Can you smell it? Is it your favorite smell? How do you feel? Are you hot or cold? Or is the temperature just right? Make it as pleasant as possible. Laugh if you should. Just enjoy. Make your emotions real. Feel the happiness. If it is an event that makes your heart rate speed up, let it speed up. Bring it right up. Let your palms sweat. Let your body make the movements it would make. If you feel like jumping around hugging people around you do it. Only that you are playing this from your mind. And you are asking your heart for guidance when you get stuck. And you are deeply relaxed. And you are breathing out from your mouth, through slightly open lips.

If you feel the urge to yawn, why not, yawn. In fact, fake a yawn right now. And again. Can you yawn again? If you are generating tears of joy, let them fall down your cheeks. Feel the warmth of your tears. Feel the cheeks cool down as the wind gently washes over your face. Be happy. Breathe out through the mouth, softly, easily, inaudibly.

Now listen. Relax, keep breathing out through the mouth and listen to me.

This scene is the kind that most likely manifests in real life because you have created it from your heart. You do not wish it to happen. You are not attached to it. You are not attached to the outcome. Yet when you created this scene you were deeply engaged. The breath kept on calming your mind further down as you got deeper into the activity of creation. You are not begging God, declaring lack in the process. The happiness you have experienced brings with it healing at the deepest level.

Notice the  quieting of the mind. Experience the quiet mind. Love your quiet mind for a moment. 

Thank yourself for your creation. Thank God for the gift of happiness. Keep breathing out from the mouth long after the meditation. You can even make a sound as you breathe out, now that you are not likely to disturb yourself. Yawn if you feel like it. You may stretch, open your eyes. namaste

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Thank you boob-lady!