donderdag 13 februari 2020

Undestanding Abundance Day 13

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What does Healing Mean to Me?

On day 12 we sought a deeper understanding of what healing meant to us as individuals. Now as you settle down for today’s meditation, you might find that your body is already relaxing and eyelids so heavy that you may find it difficult to keep the yes open. Go ahead. Have your eyes closed and appreciate the feeling of relaxation that gives you. You are in a seated position. And you are already going deeper into relaxation.

It might be that you did not get an answer to the question: What does Healing Mean to Me?

Whether you did or did not get an answer, it doesn’t matter anymore. You are here now. Remember the universe works in many mysterious ways to perform its wonders. In fact, after me, the universe works in many mysterious ways to perform its wonders. Allow your mind to accept this statement: the universe works in many mysterious ways to perform its wonders

The teaching process takes so many different shapes. Remember: the universe works in many mysterious ways to perform its wonders.

This meditation today may just be one of the ways in which you are receiving your teaching, so allow your body and mind to relax as you listen to my voice. Let your mind accept what is. And relax.

If you got an answer, that is perfect. You can apply it in this meditation as a reference point and you might find that your understanding will be greatly enhanced as you go deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation.

Take a deep breath here.

Now exhale completely through the mouth and relax.

Today we breathe through the central channel, the channel that runs along the spine. As you breathe in, picture a glowing white column of light move from the base chakra to the top of your head and out into the universe. This column of light moves in an opposite direction to the breath

 As you breathe out, picture this channel as a conduit of cosmic healing energy flowing in from the universe, energising and blessing all your energy centres and the related glands of the endocrine system. Cosmic energy also moves in the opposite direction to the out breath

Picture each gland being revitalised and rejuvenated as you breathe out. You are receiving healing whilst being grounded as cosmic energy flows into the earth through your feet.

Breathe and relax.

 I will give you time to continue breathing this way.


In one in breath, let your attention move up the central channel: from muladhara, the base chakra to swadhisthana the centre of creativity and passion, to mandipura the seat of the will, to anahata, the heart chakra, to vishuddha the throat chakra, to ajna the third eye and up to sahasrara and out to the universe. As you breathe out, picture cosmic energy coming into your body through the central channel to revitalise and rejuvenate your pituitary gland, the pineal gland, the thyroid gland, the heart, thymus and spleen, to the adrenals, Pancreas and sexual organs.

Relax the best way you know how.

We now hand the fruits of this practice to the Supreme Consciousness. That is to say, we do not have any claim to the fruits of this practice as they belong to the Supreme Intelligence. We are open to such fruits being of benefit to all humanity. We acknowledge our oneness with the divine and that all humanity is a part of this undivided whole. We therefore share all our experiences with the rest of humanity.

Let us say for a moment that healing means easing, or relieving something. Wouldn't this be extended to apply to the relief from or easing of any suffering, deficiency, or a problem?

There are only three areas every person may experience lack: Health. Love and Wealth. Only three. Health may be broken down to physical, mental, emotional, psychological. Love may involve erotic love or all the other forms of love whilst wealth could include money, a feeling of abundance in many different areas or having sufficient possessions

Healing means relief from suffering, deficiency, or a problem arising from lack in any of these three areas of life. When we heal ourselves, we experience fulfilment in any of these areas.

Healing means being whole. It means making holy. It means to be perfect.

If you remember from Day 1, we can only heal through the renewal of the mind. Only our thoughts can bring healing. So healing means using our thoughts correctly. That is to say keeping in our thoughts, the picture of perfection. Only see Yourself as perfect in every way. We said on Day 2 that perfection was the nature of God. Healing therefore means adopting the nature of God. It means seeing ourselves as a part of the divine, which is the all and in all.

Now relax and contemplate this. Never see yourself as lacking in anything. Never entertain thoughts of sickness or lack. Reject any thoughts of powerlessness. You are powerful as God is powerful. You are whole as God is whole. The more time you spend picturing yourself as a part of the whole that is perfect, the more you attract healing in your life. That is the exercise of healing

Contemplate this. Meditate on this.

Now, on Day 14 we shall meditate on the correct use of the will.

For now, I pray that we have received clarity on the real meaning of healing. But what does this mean to you? How does this apply in your life?

Peace and healing be upon you


Thank you

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Thank you boob-lady!