vrijdag 21 februari 2020

Undestanding Abundance Day 21

You can download the audio here.

Yes it is the last day. I miss this series already. It has built me into a strong being with a controlled and balanced view towards life. Healed of my fears, my limitations and my perspective for the future. Once again it was really wonderful to work with people I have worked with before and new people who joined us only for this series. I feel that my family is growing bigger and stronger. I am hoping that we all stay close and work together on other meditations for those who will be leaving at this stage. For those who are still on board, we will be starting another series on the first of March 2020. I will advise you all what topic we will be meditating on.

I love you all.

For today, our last day we will begin and end in deep and sincere gratitude.

So as usual, sit comfortably and close your eyes. Go within and begin to experience deep relaxation. It is very important that you allow your body to relax. Again, your body knows how to relax deeply. Allow your whole body to relax.

Focus your attention on the heart centre and relax. Can you put maximum focus on the heart centre. Relax and focus only on the heart centre. Breathe deeply into the heart. Relax and focus on the heart. Feel a wave of relaxation from the heart. Breathe from the heart.

Now focus on gratitude. Allow yourself to just feel grateful. It doesn't have to be gratitude for anything. You are just grateful. Allow yourself to feel gratitude in your heart. Experience heartfelt gratitude. Let it become deeper and deeper. Just be grateful and relax. Relax and experience how to be in a state of restful gratitude. This is contentment. You are content in your life. You have a beautiful life. I will leave you to just enjoy such deep contentment.

Now again relax deeper. Relax and feel contentment within yourself.

Now look at your life before this series of meditations started. Just take a moment to reflect what has changed from the first day of these meditations. What has shifted in your life? It could have been just a fine shift but something shifted. Just one thing. Ask your heart to show you just one thing that shifted. Can you feel this shift from the heart. Now relax even deeper.

Can you breathe into your heart and spend a few moments in deep gratitude for this aspect of life. Experience the shift for the better. Ask your heart to teach you to love this shift. Can you cherish it and ask that this shift stays for the rest of your life. Ask your heart to teach you to use this shift for the benefit of all humanity. For your continued growth and for the benefit of everyone you touch.

Now focus on your heart and consider the power that brought you into this series of meditations. Consider the circumstances that brought you to join this group. This meeting of souls was ordained long before you were born. Can you thank God for the power of synchronicity. Can you be grateful for the gift of synchronicity. Can you be grateful for mysterious events that brought you to this group? Relax even more and feel gratitude. There is no coincidence ever in lif. It is all according to a grand plan. Would you focus on your heart now and expand your awareness to the body that has no boundary. The part of your being that is concerned with your soul. Allow yourself to experience your highest self from your heat. Experience yourself as the highest being and feel gratitude at this level. You are adding wonderful spiritual growth to your soul. And this growth is carried with you to the end of time. Now experience gratitude from the heart. Can you be grateful for your experience of life?

Can you relax even deeper? Deeply relaxed. Calm and relaxed. Deeper and deeper you are relaxed. Focus intently on the heart. Can you experience the new being that you have been since you joined this group? Now take your time to see how you have changed as a person. Can you feel it? Feel the changes that have taken place. Can you focus on the heart and feel gratitude for the new person that you have become. Relax even more deeply and allow yourself to experience being a new person, with even deeper experiences of life. Relax and feel gratitude.

Breathe deeply into the heart. Can you relax even deeper. Allow your mind and all your being to focus intently on your heart even deeper. Relax and experience even greater gratitude for your life. Experience gratitude from your heart.

Keep your focus on the heart and continue to express gratitude for your life. Allow yourself to see and appreciate what has worked in your life and what is working at this moment. Experience deeper gratitude. Express even more gratitude from the heart. Express gratitude from the heart.

Experience even deeper gratitude for the gift of healing. Experience it from the heart. Gratitude is faith. It is the state of receivership where you allow yourself to say thank you even before anything has been given. Take a moment to remember what you wish for. What do you still wish for.Can you feel gratitude for it? It has already been given. Feel gratitude for this.

I will be quiet now and allow you time to express gratitude for all your wishes being fulfilled.


Thank you

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Een reactie posten

Thank you boob-lady!