zaterdag 8 februari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 8

You can download the audio here.

On Day 8 we are healing the Physical Body. We use relaxation to heal every part of our physical body that needs healing.
I would strongly recommend some lavender or vanilla essential oil. If you have a grade you can apply on your skin, rub a drop or two just below your nostrils. If it is not safe to apply on the skin, place the oil on a cotton bud and hold it close to your nostrils.
You need space where you can sit and then lie down in the second part of the meditation. You need your journal and a pen at the beginning and at the end. Keep them close to you. We are going to conduct two breathing exercises. Both use the pacer.
Now take a seat, Eyes open. Let us set the intention first. In your journal, write down: the heading: Today  am healing my body of:
Write down any physical problem you may have right now. Or write down any problem that comes from time to time which you would like to get rid of. If you do not have any physical ailment, write down a repeating unwanted pattern in your life:
Just write the condition: High blood pressure, migraine, difficulty breathing, bladder problems, Inability to keep a job. Or inability to keep a relationship. Or estranged child.
Write down: I will find out where this pattern started and I will make peace with the event, person, people, time involved. Almighty God, help my subconscious mind identify the source of this issue and heal it today. Even now I am healed.
When you have finished place the journal and pen on the side and, look at a point in front of you.
Place your right thumb on the right nostril and the index and ring finger on the left nostril. The middle and pointing finger are on the forehead. You may want to hold the right hand up using your left hand or if you are holding a cotton bud with your left hand, I am sure you can cope with both your hands up towards or on your nostrils for a few minutes.
For the first breath close the right nostril and breathe in through the left nostril. Open the right nostril and breathe out. You alternatite like this to the end. I will guide you through this breathing exercise at the beginning.
In the second part you can use both hands to support each other to hold the cotton bud in place. We breathe using the same pacer at the same breathing and out. I will guide you.
I am now starting the pacer and let us do the alternate breathing:
Close the right nostril and breathe in through the left nostril. Open the right nostril and breathe out. Breathe in through the left nostril. Breathe out through the right nostril. Breath in through the right nostril and out through the left nostril.
Keep alternating like this to the end.
Now stop. Take a moment to feel your male and female energies, yan and yin fully balanced. Your right and left brain are synchronized. Your creative potential and emotional qualities are completely balanced. Positive and negative energies are completely balanced.
I am starting the pacer again so still with your eyes open, breath in, breathe out. In and then out.
Now sit for a few moments to feel the benefits of the breath, Your mind is quiet and you are feeling mentally relaxed.
Now, slowly, adjust your position, and lie on your back. Feet slightly apart. Arms on the side and palms facing up. Keep your Eyes open. Gaze up at the ceiling. Find a point you can gaze at. Just keep gazing at the object or point or a colour in front of you.
As you lie there, you might find that your body has become fully relaxed. You feel the support of the surface on which you lie and You might find that your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier. Your eyelids are very heavy and you find it difficult to keep them apart. And now they are so heavy that you give up and let them close if you haven't done so yet.
Now with your eyes closed, take a quick scan of the body and identify any tense areas and places where you cannot relax. Make soft, gentle mental suggestions for your body to relax. Make it softer still. Relax.
Now place your attention to the toes on your left foot. Tell each of your toes to relax.
Move down your left foot and tell it to relax. Feel the warm, gentle sensation of relaxation as you move up the muscles of your leg: the cuff muscles, up your left thigh. Tell the whole left leg to relax.
You might notice that the whole body has gone deeper into relaxation. Your left leg is limp, warm and relaxed.
Move to the foot of your right leg. Tell each toe to relax.
Relax the whole foot, the cuff muscles and muscles on the whole leg. Tell your thigh muscles to relax.
Now both your legs are relaxed.
Take a moment to relax the fingers and thumb on your left hand. Move up the forearm and tell it to relax. Continue up the muscles of the upper arm and the shoulder and tell all the muscles to relax.
Now move your attention to the fingers and thumb on your right hand. Tell them to relax as you relax the hand, the wrist forearm and upper arm. Your right hand is now relaxed. Right shoulder is fully relaxed.
Now relax your whole torso and feel your whole body sink into the surface where you are. Feel your body lying there like an abandoned coat.

Now listen to the next song. Listen to the sound of the heart beat. Just relax and listen. Listen and relax. You will not sleep. Your body is completely relaxed but now your mind is fully awake. Your thoughts are giving way to the subconscious mind. You are fully relaxed.

Keep listening to the heart beat. You will not drift away. You will hear only the heartbeat and my voice. Listen to the heartbeat and my voice. I will give you plenty of time to listen to the heartbeat. Relax and listen.

Now take the issue that bothers you the most, of the issues you listed. Can you ask your subconscious mind to tell you where and when this began. Where are you? What do you see? Consider the scene and fully understand how this became the problem that you now have. Can you forgive it now. Can you forgive yourself if you thought you did something wrong.? Guilt does not serve any purpose ever in life. Release it. You did what was appropriate at that time. You can not change what you did but you can change how you feel about it. You have learnt and you are moving on now.

Can you forgive whoever or whatever you thought was wrong? Can you ask your body to release this pain? It does not serve you anymore.

Can you make peace with whatever or whoever or wherever this issue started. Look at it and say: I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, Thank you. Keep telling your heart: I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, Thank you. Keep going: I am sorry, please forgive me, I live you, Thank you.

Say after me: I release the memory of this from my and delete it in time, space and reality. I forgive everyone concerned and transmute this pain into love and send it back to its source to bless them. I bless  myself.

Let us do this for the next issue.

Let us do this for the next issue.

Now we have cleared a lot and you are feeling lighter. Keep listening to the heartbeat and now even my voice will be gone. Please make sure you listen long enough to fully integrate the healing that has taken place in your body.

When you wake up, write down your experience in your journal. You may want to take a look at it later today and find any insights if there is anything else you need to do. Whenever any feeling or pain or emotion shows up today just repeat. I am sorry, please forgive me, I live you, Thank you.

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Thank you boob-lady!