zondag 9 februari 2020

Undestanding Abundance Day 10

You can download the audio here

Healing from Collective Consciousness
Today’s meditation is a seated meditation. So sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Let go of any thoughts of the past or the future. Just be present at this moment. Can you take your awareness to what is happening in this place at this moment. Feel the clothes you are wearing. Feel the breath and feel the temperature in the place where you are. Let go of any judgements or any worries or anxieties about what will happen next. Accept what is happening at this moment.

Relax. Now listen to my voice.

It is amazing how one idea, one issue, one problem and one disease affecting one person becomes widespread so quickly. These days we think it is the internet but how often do you have an idea in your mind and within a few days find that idea being already known and used widely by other people. That idea might not have appeared to you in any form before, no internet, no discussion and not even witnessing anyone using that idea

A scenario that puts this concept into perspective is the story of monkeys that were taught to wash their hands before eating. They were kept in one area and not allowed to mix with monkeys from any other area. However, a few months down the line, it was found that some monkeys in a different area were washing hands before eating but nobody had taught them. This is the concept of collective consciousness. There is a field within which anything that has ever been known or done by anybody at any time in any place, can be known or done by other people elsewhere out necessarily any form of communication.

Because of the amount of emotion related to suffering, there is far greater transfer or exchange of pain related and suffering across space and time, than normal life.

I hope I have made the concept clear. I call it collective consciousness. We are affected by other people’s suffering without any need of direct contact or communication. These days of fast information transfer, such exchange is much quicker and a lot more widespread.

Today we are healing pain and suffering from collective consciousness. We can remain free of such suffering and become the healers rather than victims of any trendy disease, problem or state. That is the state we are claiming today. We are masters of our experiences. We have the power to decide our experiences.

That is our practice for day 10 and day 11. For day 10, today, we open our minds for clarity on the concept of collective consciousness. We do this by activating our sixth chakra, that centre of clarity of thought, perception and understanding.

By placing our attention on the third eye, we activate it for clarity of thought, deeper understanding of issues and of the meaning behind what we see, hear and feel. Through such activation we can understand when we are grounded in our own energies and when we are responding to the energies of others around us.

To open this centre, we do a quick breathing exercise. Breathe from the belly. You do not consciously breathe in. All you need to do is push your belly inside and as you do, breathe out through the mouth like this: The idea is to take as many breaths as possible for as long as possible. As you breathe, maintain your focus on the space between your eyebrows. You place your attention on the third eye.

Let us begin.

Now take a deep breath in and breathe out through the mouth.

Can we do the breathing exercise again?

Now take a deep breath in, and hold. And out through the mouth. Now relax. For the rest of this meditation, sit and continue to focus your attention on your third eye. Place all your attention between your eyebrows. If your mind wonders, bring it back to the sixth chakra. Focus intently on this centre.

With eyes closed, you can pretend to look up and look bring your eyes together, to look at the spot between your eyebrows.

If your mind wonders, bring your attention back to this centre.

Now finally, sit and contemplate the concept of collective consciousness. Let your mind rest on the concept and let it receive deeper understanding of how people respond to other people’s suffering by suffering themselves. Contemplate how we pick up energies across time and space. Contemplate the suffering that is widespread in families across generations. We are masters of our own reality. There is no question of a family disease or family trend. We are free from such bondage. We are masters of our own destiny. Contemplate this idea.

You may now open your eyes..

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Thank you boob-lady!