donderdag 6 februari 2020

Understanding Abundance: Day 6

You can download the audio here.

For today’s meditation, we keep our eyes open for the most part. We are going to get into a dialogue with our highest self, regarding the answers we got or did not get from yesterday’s meditation. If we did not get any answer, this is the time to find out what the answers should have been.

You will need your journal and pen for this meditation.

I will take you through the process.

For now, you will carry out a breathing exercise to get centred and focused.

So sit comfortably with your back straight, and relax. Relax fully and completely. Relax. Take a deep breath in. Breath out through the mouth with a sigh.

Now roll your head very slowly clockwise, meaning that you start with your chin on the chest and rotate your head so that the chin goes past the right shoulder first. Slowly, widely. Eyes open. Make this a huge circle. Feel the muscles around your neck stretch and make a clicking sound. Slowly--take a full minute to complete a full turn.  Super slow. The rest of your body is completely relaxed. You are fully relaxed. Relax completely.

Let’s do this a second time. Super slow. The rest of your body is completely relaxed. You are fully relaxed. Relax completely.Turn your head clockwise. Slowly. Chin is still on the chest, slowly past the right collar bone, now over the right shoulder, now chin is pointing upwards, over the left shoulder and now rests on the chest.

Now relax, for a few moments, integrating the feelings of relaxation you have generated. Relax.

Now turn your head anticlockwise. Slowly. Chin is still on the chest, slowly past the left collar bone, now over the left shoulder, now chin is pointing upwards, over the right shoulder and now rests on the chest.

Repeat this process

Repeat. Slowly,

Stop and again take a moment to feel the relaxation this exercise is already giving you. Now relax. You are now fully relaxed

Gaze in front of you with eyes slightly open, very relaxed. You are not focusing on anything in particular. You are using your peripheral vision to see all objects around you: up, down, sideways, front see it all at once. You are not focusing on anything in particular. You are gazing in front. Back and neck straight. Now breathe following the pacer, into your chest. You breathe in through the nostrils and out through the slightly opened mouth. Eyes gazing forward. Breathe. Make it softer. You may have noticed that the out breath is longer. Make it as complete as possible. Your body is getting rid of all the waste carbon dioxide. You are nourishing your body with fresh oxygen each time you breathe in.

Breathe. Now on each out breath, I would like you to feel your body sink into the chair or floor you are sitting on. On your out breath, feel your shoulders and upper back relax. Feel all the tension go. Feel your mind become completely empty.

Relax. Following the pacer, your out breath is long and relaxing. You are purifying your blood.

Now bring up a beautiful scene, event, person, place or experience that gives you a positive emotion like love, compassion, loving kindness. Breathe this emotion into your heart. On the out breath, take your awareness outwards as far as it goes. Eyes open, how far does your awareness go-sideways, upwards, down. You are looking straight in front of you. Make it a soft gaze as you take your awareness up, down, on all sides and forward in front of you.

Now close your eyes for a moment and continue breathing.

Now start a dialogue with your superconscious mind. With eyes closed, ask these questions from yesterday:

What is the most important thing for me to do in my life at this moment?
What would I need to do to heal in my life in order to start engaging with my highest purpose?
Listen for a moment. Listen.

Now open your eyes and write down whatever thought, word, phrase or insight comes into your conscious mind first. Even if it does not make sense, just note it down.

Now ask anything you would like to know.

For example, ask your superconscious mind to confirm the answers for you. Listen for the answer and write down whatever comes first into your consciousness. Keep asking some more questions to clarify the answers you got. Ask some more questions about the answers..

How do I know this is not my conscious mind giving me these answers? How do I know it is not my ego?

What is the first step that I need to take to start healing? Write down the answer. Ask any more questions you personally have.

Now close your eyes for a moment. Breathe.

Now open your eyes and start writing anything that comes to your mind. It doesn't have to make sense. It might be just meaningless words. Just write. Write some more and more.

Now stop.

Close your eyes and say after me.

I have made contact with my highest self. For the rest of the day today, the answers to my questions and any other questions I will have are getting clearer and clearer.  I now know exactly what is most important for more. I am deeply happy, and content. I am relaxed and fully aware of what is important in my life. I know exactly what to do. If anything appears unclear to me, all i do is turn inwards and the answers show up.

Thank you God almighty.

You may open your eyes and as you go about your business today, take short moments to look at your journal. Check the answers to see if they make more sense. Note down any new insights.


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Thank you boob-lady!