donderdag 20 februari 2020

Undestanding Abundance Day 20

You can download the audio here.

One day to go. I sincerely hope we have so far achieved significant healing in our minds and as a result freed ourselves from any form of suffering. We have also healed other people, the universe and yesterday we healed our relationships with people, people, places, events and situations. We worked on the understanding that when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Our practice for today is to bless each other in this group. We start with what Anrew Weiss calls the 4-7-8- breath. He suggests that it is one of the most effective types of breaths to achieve quick relaxation. If used for insomnia, you sleep very quickly.

Sit comfortably and relax. Close your eyes. Become aware of a deep sense of relaxation which has already started to take place. Relax. Allow your body to become profoundly relaxed. Relax your feet. Relax the Lower parts of your legs. Relax your thighs, your buttocks. Relax your back and abdomen. Relax your chest, shoulders and both arms and hands. Relax your neck, your Jaws, lips and the entire face. Feel a warm wave of relaxation over your entire body. Enjoy this state of relaxation for a while.

Now make sure your back is straight and that you are comfortable and relaxed. I will give you the instructions for the 4-7-8 breath. You breath in through the nose for a count of four. You hold for a count of seven and exhale for a count of eight. You exhale through the mouth. When you exhale, you press your tongue slightly against your front teeth so that you make a sound. Relax and breathe. We will use the pacer for this breathing.

Now use the process of transfiguration we used yesterday to picture all members of this group-active and inactive. See even those that have stopped. As we did in day 19, we saw ourselves as one with everything. Can you see yourself as one with each and every one member of the group. Can you picture the amount of energy we generated together over the past twenty days.

Can you picture how amazing the experience we had together was. See us all rejoicing together and being very excited as a group. See the freedom we have generated for ourselves and our loved ones. Can you see how much we have achieved for humanity. Imagine how much healing we have achieved for Mother Earth and for the entire univesre. This is because of the force of love.

Now experoience deep love for each member of this group. Bless each one. Wish them abundance of health, love and wealth. Wish everyone a wonderful life. Bless them.

Picture each member of this group as the most beautiful person you ahev ever met and bless them.

Now let us go into a deep sense of gratitude towards each other for working together as such a wonderful team.

Bkless the experience. Experience gratitude for each member of the team and their loved ones. Experience our oneness.

Tell everyone how much you have enjoyed working with them as we approach the end of this magical experience we have had together. Can you allow yourself to be consumed with the deepest love you have ever felt and send it to each member of this group.Tell each person on the group how much you love them and that you will always love them

Deeper and deeper, you are falling in love. Your love is getting stronger and deeper.

Finally, to enhance the effect of our meditation today, focus on the experience of breathing. Don’t change anything about the breath. Just notice how it feels to breathe. See how the breath cools your nostrils on the inbreath and how nice and warm it is when it comes out. Experience the life force and vitality your breath gives you. Relax and just notice your breath. You are not changing anything . Just observing the effects of your breath and witnessing the life that it is giving you.

Let this breath fill your heart.

Let this life force fill your entire body.

Move the life force around you as you continue to experience the miracle of breath.

Breathe the life force ro cover your whole being. See the power of this force that animates every living creature. Feel the life force all around you.

Can you bring your awareness of the life force to cover the room where you are.

Become aware of the life force in the house or place where you are. Every living being in that space is being animated by this life force. Air on its own cannot bring anybody to life. A person who is not breathing cannot experience life even if there is air all around. When this force acts on a person or other life forms, it breathes life. Become aware of this life force in all members of this group wherever they are. Become aware of it in all humanity and all creatures that dwell on the earth and all the worlds.

Continue to be aware of the life force. Maintain awareness of the life force on the earth and everywhere where life exists.

Relax and become intensely aware of the life force. Bless all life in all places at all times.


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Thank you boob-lady!