zondag 9 februari 2020

Undestanding Abundance Day 9

You can download the audio here.

Today, day 9 we continue from where we left on Day 8. We are healing issues with our physical bodies. These issues include ailments, pains and unwanted repeating patterns. If you exhausted the issues on day 8, today may be the day to relax in your meditation and integrate the healing that took place yesterday.

Let us begin lying down on the back with eyes closed. We reaffirm the intention from day 8:
I will find out where this pattern started and I will make peace with the event, person, people, time involved. Almighty God, help my subconscious mind identify the source of this issue and heal it today. Even now I am healed.
Breathe normally from the nose. What is important is that you are comfortable, warm and completely relaxed. So observe that your body is now used to the practice of relaxation and responds to you quickly. You are now relaxed.
Now scan your body round and tell every part that is tense or feeling any pain or uneasiness to relax. Take your time to go over your body and tell any uneasiness to relax. Tell your body to relax.
Keep going, telling every part of your body to relax. You may find that your body is deeper into relaxation. Deeper and deeper. You are deeply relaxed. All your muscles and your joints are soft and completely relaxed. You may find that even if you tried to lift your arms you cannot because they have become very heavy. Your legs are very heavy. Your body is heavy, lying on that surface. You are deeply relaxed.
Now in order to relax even deeper, can you pay attention to your breath now. Breathe normally and naturally. Do not try to alter your breath or change anything. Just be aware of your breath. Feel the cool air travel through your nostril, down through your throat, into the chest and feel your stomach lift as you breathe in. Feel the gentle dropping of your stomach as you breathe out and feel the warm air exit through the nostrils. Keep breathing normally and naturally.
If your mind wanders, return to your breath. Remember you are breathing normally. Just observing your breath.
Your mind is now completely relaxed. Empty. You are deep in relaxation.
Now listen to my voice. Let go of the breath and listen to my voice. You may be sleeping at this stage. Your subconscious mind is fully awake and listening to me now. It hears every command and it is taking action to heal you. You are free from any unwanted patterns and trends in your life. You are healthy and free.
You have the power to heal yourself. You remember every incidence and every detail of every cause of every ailment. You are now healing yourself. You are using your divine right to be free from illness. You are free from any repeating, unwanted pattern. You are healthy. Your mind is healthy. You are free.
Now turn to one of the issues. Go where it started. Experience what you experienced then. See yourself in the scene. Just observe the feelings and see what you saw.
Now it is time to let go. It is of no use to keep holding onto pain. That pain served its part to protect you. Your subconscious mind has been trying to protect you all along. It is not necessary anymore. You are safe. That incident is in the past. It is a distant memory. It is gone. It is forgotten. You are free of any memory of that experience. You do not need it anymore. You are free to venture and explore the world. Let go of any fear.
Now turn to another incident. Your subconscious mind knows where that pain started. Just watch to see that that experience is no longer a threat. You are free. You are healed at the deepest level. All the painful memories inside your body, in your cells, in your DNA and within your psyche is healed. You Are free. You are healed.
Now turn to your whole being and say: I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, Thank you. Keep repeating this: I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, Thank you. Keep going: I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.
You may drift to sleep

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Thank you boob-lady!