maandag 17 februari 2020

Undestanding Abundance Day 17

You can download the audio here.

Today’s meditation is a seated meditation. So can you sit comfortably with your back straight and close your eyes.Can you relax and make yourself really comfortable.

Today we go back to our breath. We will use the pacer today. However, we hold at the top of the inbreath, and we also hold at the end of the out breath, so there will be four tones. Like this.

You have to listen very carefully to distinguish the tones. It is the four by four by four by four breath. You breathe in to the count of four, hold the breath for four counts, exhale for four and keep the breath out for four.

 I know it can be challenging, but this is the transformative breath in which we move energies from the lower energy centres up to the upper centres and transmute them into higher forms of energy at the top of the head. I am sure some may have experienced this type of breath with Dr Joe Dispenza. Ours is rhythmic, that is the only difference.

As you breathe in, you squeeze the muscles in your perineum, then all the pelvic muscles, lower abdominal muscles and the upper abdominal muscles pushing up the spine to the top of the head. You hold at the top of the head and as you breathe out you relax all your muscles completely.

To understand the perineum, imagine the muscle that you use to stop pee and the muscle you use to push and stop poo. The muscle in between these two is the perineum. You therefore squeeze all these muscles at the base, pushing up the spine, up the pelvic floor, the lower abdomen, the upper abdomen and imagine you are pushing energy from the lower energy centres right up to the seventh energy centre.

As you breathe in, you might find that you may arch a little, that helps to push the energy up. This practice may sound a bit woo-woo but it has been backed by science and this is where Dr Joe did a great job to explain what happens scientifically in his book Becoming Supernatural. This concept has also been explained by Matak Chia in some of his books and those who follow him on YouTube may have watched him demonstrate this practically.

Here we go, I will guide you for the first few breaths as follows.

Breath in and squeeze your perineum, muscles of the lower abdomen, the upper abdomen and push energy up past the heart, the throat the base of the head and at the top of the head and hold.

Hold at the top whilst squeezing the muscles.

As you breathe out, relax all the muscles progressively from the upper abdomen down to the perineum. Hold at the base and s pulse the perineum muscles.

Pulse and squeeze and breathe in. Hold at the top. Breathe out.
In Tantra we call the process of moving energy from the lower chakras to the upper chakras, and experiencing high states of being, inner alchemy.

Now relax. Relax and listen to me.

Make sure your spine is straight. Hold the palm of your left hand out as if you are saying stop. Make the stop sign. Now place the left palm on your lower abdomen, below your belly button. Hold up the pointing finger and the middle finger out, on your right hand as you do pretending to point a gun at somebody. Point this finger gun at the lower abdomen, just below the little figure. You may relax your left hand now.

Keep pointing these two fingers at the lower abdomen. This point is called the lower dantian in QiGong. Feel only the two fingers resting lightly on the lower dantien. Place your full attention on the point where your two fingers touch the lower dantien. Breathe into this point. Breathe deeply, slowly and comfortably into the lower dantien. As you do, imagine you are fuelling your body with prana-energy. Keep breathing. Put your one hundred percent attention on the lower dantien, feel the tip of your fingers on the lower dantien. If your mind wanders, bring it back to this point. Keep breathing into this point. Picture the energy you need for the day flowing into this point and being stored for later use when you get tired or your energy is low. You will need this energy when you meet energy vampires. Keep breathing and [lacing your attention on the lower dantien.

Now place your two fingers lightly on the heart. Feel only the two fingers on your heart. Breathe into the heart. Place your one hundred percent attention at the point where your two fingers touch your chest. Keep breathing into this point. Keep breathing into your heart. Imagine all the love you are bringing into your heart. Breathe love into your heart. Let your heart teach all the other parts of your body love. Spread love from this point into the heart. Breath love. Feel the experience of love. Allow yourself to feel the feeling of love. Experience love and spread it to the rest of the body. As you do, heal any pain, any stress, anything you feel is unwelcome. Heal any emotions and transmute any negative feelings into love. This is advanced alchemy. Continue to breathe love. Feel love as you breathe. Place your hundred percent attention on the heart.

Now move the two pointed fingers between your eyebrows. Breathe into this space. Feel the breath coming into your third eye. You can turn your eyes inwardly to face the third eye. Keep them closed but imaging you are looking at the third eye. As you do, feel the fingers touching the third eye. All your attention is on your third eye. One hundred percent attention is on your third eye. If you need to support your arm with the left arm, please do so and keep your one hundred percent on your third eye.  Imagine everything that you need to know coming to you. You don't know how you know but you know. Imagine all the answers to your questions being answered. Anything that is unclear is becoming clear now. You can see clearly now. You perceive beyond any normal human being. Your mind is being healed to think clearly and only wonderful thoughts. One hundred percent attention on the third eye. Feel the pressure of the two figures on the third eye.

Now to close this meditation you can put your hand down and relax.
I would like you to notice that throughout all your life, there was a presence that has stayed with you. It never left you. It never changed. It remained there with you. You don’t have to think hard. Just look back and feel this presence. That is your soul, your higher self, one who knows you in and out. One who has experienced with you everything you have ever experienced. Your body has changed a million times from a tiny body to what it is now. This presence remained unchanged. It never grew old. It is as it was when you had your first memory. When you had your first breath It witnessed everything and never judged you for anything. You have awakened this presence. Feel it as you do whatever you do today. When you feel low or sick or upset, remember this presence and say silently thanks for having my back.

I will leave you to picture this presence and express gratitude to it for never leaving you even for a fraction of a second.

Say thank you for having my back.

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Een reactie posten

Thank you boob-lady!