vrijdag 7 februari 2020

Understanding Abundance: Day 7

You can download the audio here.

Today is Day 7, which marks the end of the first week of our 21 days of Healing. We have been working on clearing and refining the energies in our outer bodies. We have mostly worked on the emotional or astral body and the body that connects us to all that is. Today we would like to spend some time clearing and healing the lack of self-acceptance in our physical bodies.

First, as we look back, we wouldn't have been able to do what we did without the help and support from the Almighty. So we breathe today, we would like to offer as much gratitude as possible to the Almighty for taking us through the process. We also thank the Almighty for the gift of healing, which has already started to take place. As we understood from Day 1, all healing is of the mind. Ae spent time healing the body associated with the mind, giving ourselves love, happiness and seeking our highest purpose as a way of achieving healing.

Now sit comfortably and close your eyes. Place your hands on the chest and say after me. “I am full of gratitude for all the healing that I have received this week. Thank you God Almighty for the gift of healing and for making me know that I can heal myself. I am grateful that I have healed my mind and I have achieved peace in my heart. Thank you”

As you sit and offer gratitude, you might realise that you have started to relax. This is because you are home. By offering gratitude, you are confirming that you are safe. You are home. All your needs are met and you are grateful to the Almighty for them. Now take a moment to feel that all your needs are met. Look back at the week and take stock of what you achieved through these meditations. I will give you time to do this.

Now let us offer the fruits of this practice to the Almighty. Repeat after me: “I offer the fruits of this practice to the Almighty so that by the healing of one, the world may be healed. I offer the fruits of healing wholly and completely, with gratitude, and I offer these from my heart.”

Again you might realise that you have already gone deeper into a state of relaxation. You are deeply relaxed. You are comfortable and relaxed. Deeper and deeper you relax. Relax your whole body. Notice and surrender to the feeling of relaxation.

Take a moment to scan your body quickly and identify any part of you that you have been told or feel maybe I would have been better if I was a little taller, shorter, darker, thinner, bigger here, smaller there, smarter. Continue scanning your body to identify where you think things would have been better were your lips a little thicker here or whatever. You know what you do not like about yourself.

Let me tell you what happens almost daily in my life. I deal with people most of the time and I hear statements like:

I can do this but I can't because…..
I can succeed but my English is bad
I know I could if only I had the support of a man, woman…. In my life. I always tell these people, embrace “I can, regardless”. When you learn to accept yourself, then others will accept you.

If you do not accept yourself, how do you expect somebody else to accept what you don't accept? First accept yourself, then others will love and accept you as you are.Teach yourself you accept yourself as you are.

Teach yourself to look at only cultivating love in your life, loving and accepting yourself first, then the whole world will love and accept you.

So now, we will be breathing using the pacer again. On your inbreath, breathe in acceptance into those areas where you are less than happy with yourself. As you breathe out, relax your body. Soften every part that is tense. Soften any area where you feel any resistance. Breathe in healing into any painful areas and breathe out all those years of rejection in those parts of your body.

So you understand-Breathe in self-acceptance, breathe out all the tension in your body, inviting a wave of relaxation wherever you feel tense. You feel the relaxation flow throughout your body. Breath in through your nostrils and out through the mouth, with lips slightly open.

Let us begin. When you hear this sound, breathe into those areas you have always thought were less than acceptable. When you hear this sound, breathe out, see all the tension, any pain, anything that you never liked about yourself disappear with the waste carbon dioxide.

See all those years of rejection and self criticism disappear.

At the next outbreth, go into your mind.Get rid of any self criticism and judgement that you cannot do something because you feel you are less than adequate. Anything about which you ever said “I can't”. Accept yourself and replace “I can't” with “I can”. Infact, say I can and I will. Say after me as you breathe out, “I can and I will” Breathe in self lf acceptance and “I can and I will” In self acceptance and “I can and I will”

I will shortly stop the pacer and you can resume  your normal breathing. Now feel the relaxation in your body. Feel the sense of lightness. Feel the calmness in your mind. Take some time to enjoy this peace. Take your time to enjoy self acceptance.

Say after me: “I accept myself wholly and completely. Today I have claimed back all the years and months of lack of self-acceptance. I am grateful that I have come back to myself. I have returned home. This is where I was when I was born-unlimited, pure, wonderful, beautiful, perfect in all respects. This is home-I love and accept myself. And so it is.”

From now on, go back to the mantra for Day 2: “I love you” Whenever you feel low just look inside your heart and say “I love you” Whenever you feel you cannot do something. Instead of saying I can't, just stop and say to your heart “I love you”  Do that now, say “I love you” I love you” “I love you” “I love you”

You may open your eyes and stretch. Thank you. Namaste.

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Thank you boob-lady!