dinsdag 11 februari 2020

Undestanding Abundance Day 12

You can download the audio here

 What is your view of healing?

Today I challenge you to explore what healing means to you.

First, Sit comfortably and close your eyes.

Ask: “What does healing mean to me?” Repeat this after me: “What does healing mean to me?”

Again: “What does healing mean to me?”

Let us consecrate this practice to the Supreme consciousness. Remember, this is the process of handing the fruits of our practice to the Supreme, wholly and completely for the benefit of all sentient beings. We will that the benefits accrue to all humanity, as they accrue to one. Ask the Supreme to enable all humanity to share a common goal of healing. Relax and let this request be received at the deepest level.

Now let us open our perception centre by carrying out 81 power breaths. This will wake us up mentally and allow us to relax and invite peace afterwards. Remember to focus your attention on the space between your eyebrows, your centre of perception as you breathe. Let the inbreath happen naturally. Hush the air out by forcing your belly in, 81 times. Exhale strongly through the mouth. We are waking ourselves up and opening ourselves to deeper and clearer understanding of the meaning of healing.

Let us begin.

Now relax and experience the energy that you have generated throughout your body and the opening of your sixth chakra. The centre for deeper understanding, clarity of thought and mystical experiences. Relax and perceive the activity of the sixth centre. How do you experience its opening? Focus intently on this centre for a few minutes and experience its opening. How do you feel? Where do you experience its opening?

In the second part of this meditation, we carry out the alternate breath. With your attention still focused intently on the space between your eyebrows, breathe in and out alternately through the left and right nostrils, holding after each inhale and exhale.

Now relax and feel the peace and calm in your mind. Appreciate the calmness in the mind. Feel the balance in your male and female energies. Feel the yang and yin. Feel and experience the balance in the left and right hemispheres of your brain. Your emotional and creative abilities are fully balanced.

You are now ready to experience the meaning of healing.  Now focus your attention on the heart centre and ask your heart: What does healing mean to me? Listen intently for the snawer. Listen and relax. Relax and listen.

What does healing mean to you? What is your greatest need for healing? What area needs healing in your life at the moment. Ask this question. I will be quiet in the next few minutes. I would really want you to now place all your focus on the heart and the sixth centres at once.

Do not force yourself to think of an answer. Just sit, relax and place your attention between your eyebrows and your heart.

Sit comfortably. Now let go of the intense focus on the heart and third eye chakras. Allow you mind to open for answers. Allow the answer to this question come to you. Relax. Let your heart tell you the answer to the question: “What does healing mean to me?” Let your centre of perception perceive the answer. Acquire a deeper understanding. Allow this understanding to be deeper and clearer.

I will be quiet to allow you to fully integrate the answer.

Now open your eyes and record in your journal, a detailed explanation of your understanding of the meaning of health. If you haven’t received an answer during the meditation allow yourself to write whatever comes to your mind. Write and write again.

Review this later today. On day 13 we will review this meaning first and then explore the question deeper.

Namaste. Thank you

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Thank you boob-lady!