zondag 2 februari 2020

Undestanding Abundance Day 2

You can download the audio here

We begin the practice whilst sitting comfortably. In the second part we lie down. Make sure you have prepared a comfortable seat next to a flat comfortable surface where you can lie down and be perfectly comfortable and warm.

In the first part of the meditation we carry out a breathing exercise and we lie down in the second part.

Now sit comfortably and relax. Close your eyes. Breath deeply and slowly into your heart. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Focus your attention on the heart centre. Breathe a few times into your heart.

Now listen to my voice as you relax deeply: You are now relaxed, deeply relaxed. Just listen and relax. Relax and listen, softly and lightly. Do not strain..

For now, I would like to introduce you very quickly to your five bodies. These are:
The normal body made of food and blood, the dense structure we easily associate with.
Just outside is the energetic body. This is made out of energy, prana. It is called the energy body. When you rub your hands against each other and pull them apart very slowly, you can feel this energy in your hands.
Further out is the astral body, associated with the mind, emotions, feelings, colours and our inner state. It is often referred to as the emotional body. We access this body in our feelings and in  dreams. Some people can access this state at will. Most of us occasionally when we have a hunch, or when we think of something and it shows up.
The next body is the supramental, that gives us access to the highest truths. You can access this supramental state when you are deeply in the present moment, meditating, contemplating or when you are engaged deeply in something that you enjoy..
The fifth body is boundless, limitless. It is who we really are. We can access this state when we are in a blissful state, profoundly happy. That happiness we cannot describe, but makes we know internally we are really happy. We feel connected to everyone and everything. One with all in all.

Why are we discussing these? In today’s meditation we would like to imagine these bodies and expand our consciousness to reach these bodies and experience our highest truths. In the process we access deep healing for ourselves and everyone and everything. We would like to make this our practice in the next three weeks as we meditate together,to expand our consciousness to reach our highest potential and heal.

Tibetan Singing Bowls, Mwari Muri Zuva,
For this part of the meditation we are going to place our attention on each of the first three bodies, the physical body, the energetic or pranic body and the astral or emotional body. Remember, where you place your attention, energy goes. We place our attention on these bodies by breathing a brought shimmering white light going out with the out breath, into each of the bodies.
Now the next time you breathe in, I would like you to picture this bright shimmering white light coming into your physical body through the nostrils with your breath. This light is the is the healing light energy descending into the heart. It is filled with loving energy that heals and dissolves any energy and everything that no longer serves you. You therefore breathe this light deeply into your heart.
When you breathe out, picture this white light spread out from your heart into every part of each of your body, starting with the physical body.
Now breath slowly at your own pace, deeply slowly, softly and smoothly into your heart and out slowly, and completely, carrying the bright white light with your breath into the physical body. Keep breathing. Keep breathing.
Remember you are deeply relaxed. Breath in healing and loving white light into your heart and out into your physical body.
Now your physical body is full of this shimmering white light. Take a moment to feel the healing and loving energy circulate around your physical body. Scan your body and command any pain, discomfort or uneasiness in your physical body to heal now. Give these foreign energies mental commands to depart now. Tell your body to heal.
Now Breathe this bright shimmering white loving energy into your heart. As you breath out, picture this bright shimmering white light fill your energetic body. Breathe a few times, in through the nose and out into the energetic body. Let this body be filled with bright white light. To picture the body, just imagine the layer covered by your clothes and two inches outside. Feel the white light in your fingers and let it direct the energy into your body, bringing healing with it. Direct this healing energy into every part where you still feel any more discomfort, pain or uneasiness.
Breathe at your own pace.
Deep breath in, breathing in the bright white light into your heart. When you breathe out, this time picture this bright white light spread out into everything around you, into your astral body. To help you imagine this, have you ever been in a room and somebody who is super angry walks in, and you can almost touch this anger. You can smell this in the air and you know something is not right. They are deep into this body and it is affecting everybody and everything around them.  In our case imagine the beings of light to come and fill that space. These are the angels, archangels and ascended masters. They are always here with you. Just that In this moment you have allowed them to be felt within your being. They are there to support you through every moment of your life. Feel them now.
Breathe in the bright white light softly, smoothly and deeply, into your heart. Breathe out and let the light surround you, let it fill the space covered by these beings of light who have gathered around you to support you with your healing. Now begin to feel the loving energy of this bright white light. You can almost touch the love around you. Take a moment to enjoy the love that surrounds you. Let this love engulf all your thoughts, emotions and feelings. Feel only love. Think only love. Touch it. Taste it.
Now we are going to go deeper into the first three bodies: The physical body, the energetic body and the emotional body.
1 Hour Guided Meditation
I am going to play a guided meditation which I found on YouTube by someone called Juston and You are the Creators. I use this regularly to relax, clear my mind and heal.It tells you when you breathe in and when you hold your breath. It helps you pace the breathing by counting the seconds for you. All you need is to remember to make your breaths as easy, as soft, as soft and as deep as possible. You breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. As you breathe in, imagine the bright shimmering healing light come into your heart. When you hold, take this light onto your emotional body and hold it there. To do this, imagine this energy covering the centre of your head. As you breath out, let the bright light shower outwards into the whole physical body, the energetic body and the emotional body. The energetic body is being refined into nourishing and loving energy and deep healing is taking place in the physical and emotional bodies.

Now resume normal breathing
Now breathe in deeply and relax. Breathe in the bright white, healing light.
When you breathe out, let this bright white, healing light fill your supramental body, your genius body. Let the white light spread round the house or building where you are. Relax, breathe and let this light fill and engulf everything inside the building where you are. There is nothing but this white light around you.
In this last part. Breathe in the bright white light. As you breath out see yourself merge with this light. You are the bright white light. You are limitless. Feel yourself fill every space, every crevice, and everything you can imagine. You are one with all creation. Breathe.
Enigma, Haleluya, Be still
Now take a moment to breathe normally. Feel the benefits of the breath exercise so far. Open your eyes.

Now, slowly, adjust your position, and lie on your back. Feet slightly apart. Arms on the side and palms facing up. You may now close your eyes.
Take a quick scan of the body and identify any areas that may still be tense, and places where you cannot relax. Make soft, gentle mental suggestions for your body to relax. Make it softer still. Relax.
The following part of the meditation takes you into your astral body, your dream world.
Take a journey up in your consciousness, out of your physical body until you get to a wonderful place-a garden where there is only green grass.
Take a moment to look around you. Make this place your own. Fill it with all the flowers, trees, grass or even pets of your choice, with colours of your choice.
Take a moment to feel this place. Really soak it in. Feel the nice breeze and soft shimmering light from the sun. Make it heavenly. Feel this wonderful experience from your heart.
Add some more details to make this the most wonderful experience you have ever had. Feel this from your heart.
Now say the following after me. Repeat from your heart: “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Now leave out the rest of the poem and move to the part that says: “He leads me through the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake”
Now listen, Emmett Fox suggested that paths of righteousness means a tendency to follow patterns of right thought. Now repeat:  “He leads me through the paths of righteousness” Feel this statement come from your heart. “He leads me through the patterns of right thinking”.
Now take a moment to think right thoughts, thoughts of beauty. After all you are in the most beautiful, most exquisite garden. Describe its beauty to yourself. Make the description more vivid. If you cannot find the words move around and touch things in your beautiful space. Appreciate everything you see, smell, touch. Taste some things around you and smell them. Feel the lovely breeze and warmth around you.
Now turn to your feelings and emotions, can you imagine all the wonderful feelings your presence in this garden gives you.
Now repeat after me and feel each of the following emotions:
Joy; exhilaration, gratitude, reverence, serenity, calm, peace, curiosity, fascination, anticipation, Pride, hope, Amusement, Inspiration, engagement, upliftment, awe, grand, spectacular, appreciation, Elevation, inner goodness, satisfaction, contentment, fulfilment, Relief, Affection, cheerfulness, upbeat, happiness, delight, confidence, self-esteem, Admiration,  respect, appreciation, Enthusiasm, excitement, motivation, Eagerness, Euphoria, positivity, Contentment, comforting, well-being, Enjoyment, optimism, Love.
Take a moment to recite any of these emotions you remember. Feel them. Whatever you remember is what your subconscious mind is yearning for right now.
Now going back to the poem, “For His name’s sake” means because that his nature, Because of His essence. Now take a moment to remember, he takes you through the patterns of right thoughts because of His nature-He is righteous. Now take a moment to think of the nature of God:
Now repeat after me:
God is: The one, the all in all, the absolute truth, unconditional love, The Great I AM, Omnipotent-all powerful, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Infinite, Holy, Immutable, Perfect, Self-sufficient, indescribable. In fact there are no earthly words that are sufficient to describe Him.
Take a moment to imagine such greatness. It is surrounding you right now. It feels every part of your being right now. It is the bright white light that we experienced in the first part of this meditation. See any area of inadequacy in your life dissolve in the presence of this shimmering white light. See every weakness, failure and bad memory have dissolve in the presence of God’s might. See Him renew your thoughts because nothing less than perfect can stand in His presence
Now slowly return to your physical body. Be conscious of the floor you are lying on and the feeling of clothing on your skin. Move your fingers and toes. Take a deep breath and stretch. You may now open your eyes. Remember to take a moment to get used to your physical environment.

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Thank you boob-lady!