dinsdag 18 februari 2020

Undestanding Abundance Day 18

You can download the audio here.

 For day 18, we will continue with the breath and the mudras we introduced on day 17. Let us start with the intention for today. We would like to build up the energy of compassion for ourselves, for our loved ones and for humanity. We do this at the beginning of the meditation and hand it all to the Supreme intelligence. The next time we call up our intention is when we reach the heart centre where we feel the energy of compassion in our hearts and teach the cells of our whole body compassion. We spread compassion to all humanity throughout the ages.

So sit comfortably with your back straight and close your eyes. Relax for a moment. Relax deeply. Relax every muscle in your body. Speak to your body and tell it to relax, from the head, the face, tell your neck muscles to relax. Relax your shoulders and the shoulder blades. Relax the chest, the abdomen and your back. Relax your arms and relax your thighs and your legs. Your whole body is completely relaxed. You are fully relaxed.

Now for our intention: Say after me, and mean this from your heart:

Lord God of my being, creator of heaven and earth, teach me compassion as you are compassionate towards humanity and the entire universe. Let me show feelings of deep sympathy and sorrow for anyone else who is stricken by misfortune. Teach me to cultivate strong desires to alleviate my own suffering, the suffering in my body and the suffering of all humanity. Let this desire be the wish for every human being now and throughout eternity. So be it.

Now relax. Relax a little and let this request sink in.

Now with even greater meaning, let us say it again:

Relax again and let this really sink in. Now for the third time, mean it from your heart and from every aspect of your being:

Relax and let this request be transformed into your nature. Feel the acceptance of the request and see it being fulfilled.

So now, we breathe.

As a reminder, in this breath: the four by four by four by four breath we breathe in to the count of four, hold the breath for four counts, exhale for four and keep the breath out for four.

As you breathe in you squeeze the muscles in your perineum, then the lower abdominal muscles and the upper abdominal muscles pushing up the spine to the top of the head. You hold at the top of the head and as you breathe out you relax all your muscles completely.

 You therefore squeeze all these muscles at the base, pushing up the spine, up the lower abdomen, the upper abdomen and imagine you are pushing energy from muladhara right up to sahasrara, the seventh energy centre.

As you breathe in, you might find that you may arch a little, especially when you hold, that helps to push the energy up.

Just as a reminder, the lower three energy centres store up a lot of energy, including the energy of creating, the source of life. They store all the strong emotions including energies that do not serve us any more. This breath helps push these energies up to the higher energy centres. When they get to the heart they are transmuted into love. As they go up, these energies become powerful energies including higher creativity and expression of truth at the throat centre, clarity of thought, higher perception and mystical experiences at the sixth centre and connection with all at sahasrara.

So I am going to start the pacer now. Today we are doing the breath for half the time we did yesterdayLets begin:

Breathe in and squeeze your perineum, muscles of the lower abdomen, the upper abdomen and push energy up past the heart, the throat the base of the head and at the top of the head and hold.

Hold at the top whilst squeezing the muscles.

As you breathe out, relax all the muscles progressively from the upper abdomen down to the perineum. Hold at the base and pulse the perineum muscles.

Pulse and squeeze and breathe in. Hold at the top. Breathe out.

Make sure your spine is straight. Hold the palm of your left hand out as if you are saying stop. Make the stop sign. Now place the left palm on your lower abdomen, below your belly button. Hold up the pointing finger and the middle finger out, on your right hand as you do pretending to point a gun at somebody. Point this finger gun at the lower abdomen, just below the little figure- rest the tip of your fingers at this point and feel the two fingers there. You may relax your left hand now.

Keep pointing these two fingers at the lower abdomen. Breathe into this point. You are breathing prana into the lower dantian. Feel only the two fingers resting lightly on the lower dantien. Place your full attention on the point where your two fingers touch the lower dantien. Breathe into this point. Breathe deeply, slowly and comfortably into the lower dantien. As you do, imagine you are fuelling your body with prana-energy. Keep breathing. Put your one hundred percent attention on the lower dantien, feel the tip of your fingers on the lower dantien. If your mind wanders, bring it back to this point. Keep breathing into this point. Picture the energy you need for the day flowing into this point and being stored for later use when you get tired or your energy is low. You will need this energy when you meet energy vampires. Keep breathing and [lacing your attention on the lower dantien.

Now place your two fingers lightly on the heart. Feel only the two fingers on your heart. Breathe into the heart. Place your one hundred percent attention at the point where your two fingers touch your chest. Keep breathing into this point. Keep breathing into your heart. Now can you feel compassion by calling up a situation you showed or witnessed compassion. If you do not understand or cannot build the feeling of compassion, intend it. Just say to your heart, I intend to feel compassion and relax. Breathe compassion out from the heart into every cell of your body. Let your heart teach every cell of your body compassion. How does it feel to be compassionate. Feel the experience of compassion now. Allow yourself to feel the feeling of compassion. Experience compassion and spread it to the rest of the body.

Feel compassion for yourself.

Now move this feeling to your closest-your nearest and dearest.

Feel compassion for all humanity now.Feel compassion for all humanity form your heart.

Now move the two pointed fingers between your eyebrows. Breathe into this space. Feel the breath coming into your third eye. Turn your eyes inwardly to face the third eye. Keep them closed but imaging you are looking at the third eye. Feel the fingers touching the third eye. All your attention is on your third eye. One hundred percent attention is on your third eye. If you need to support your arm with the left arm, please do so and keep your one hundred percent on your third eye.  Imagine everything that you need to know about compassion coming to you. You don't know how you know about compassion but you know. Imagine anything you want to know about compassion becoming clearer now. What will you do? How will you heal yourself and the entire universe with compassion. What is your role? What is your part in showing compassion and healing through compassion. This is becoming clearer now. Feel the pressure of the two figures on the third eye and receive clarity on everything you would like to know and do concerning compassion.

Now can you end this meditation in deep gratitude for learning and understanding the meaning of compassion.


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Thank you boob-lady!