dinsdag 21 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 21

You can download the audio here.

This meditation requires the perfect environment comprising some cushions or pillows to allow yourself to sit comfortably, and a flat surface to lie down with a blanket to keep you warm. Now sit or kneel comfortably with your back straight. Close your eyes

Now as usual, relax completely. Take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. Take another deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. Relax—back straight. Return to normal breathing.

Relax and place your attention on the heart. Take a few moments to feel your heart.  Now for a few moments breathe into the heart.

Now repeat after me. “Almighty God, thank you for giving me the strength and commitment to successfully complete the meditation experience for the last 21 days. Thank you for all the abundance that I know I already have. I hand it back to you with gratitude for the benefit of all.”

Now for the next few minutes breath slowly, deeply and make it as smooth, and as soft as possible. Breathe. Relax and breathe.

Take another few minutes breathing slowly, softly, smoothly and deeply. As you breathe in, move your attention very gently up your spine from the base of the spine to the top of the head. As you breathe out, move your attention from the top of your head to the base of your spine. Soft, smooth, gentle and easy breaths. Gently, place your attention on the spine moving up from the base to the top of the head at your in breath and down from the top of your head to the base of the spine on your out breath.

Now for the next few minutes be completely quiet, completely at peace. You are not doing anything—just relaxing appreciating the silence behind the music. Focus on the silence. Lightly, not straining. Just relax.

Now lie down. As you do, let any word or phrase to express the love of the almighty float into your mind, hold it very lightly in your consciousness and let it go. Let these words float in, hold each for just a second and let it go.. Make it easy and effortless. I will help you to start—peace, love, wondrous, gracious, Great, awe, wonder, beautiful, wonderful, magnificent, grace, merciful,

Now carry on.easily, softly, relaxed.

Thank you for a wonderful journey which I loved and enjoyed greatly. Wishing you abundance beyond your wildest dreams, peace and love

maandag 20 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 20

You can download the audio here.

Today, we would like to push the energy in this group further up.

In the next few minutes can you sit in a comfortable place and relax as we always do. Close your eyes. Take three slow, deep relaxing breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. Relax and be comfortable. Comfortable and Relaxed. Take time to adjust yourself so that you feel comfortable and relaxed. Now relax and look within.

Let us state “Almighty Lord, I am recalling the kind of experiences I would like to experience once again, over and over again and as I do, I had all the benefits to you unconditionally and for the benefit of all humanity “

Can you take a few moments to picture three really positive experiences that have ever happened in your life. These are experiences you would really wish to repeat. Remember them vividly.

 Go back to them a few times and remember them.

Picture these experiences vividly. Remember the experiences, remember the details and the emotions you felt. Take your time to remember. Make sure these are awesome experiences. Really great experiences.

Now you would like this type of experience to repeat in your life over and over again in 2020.

Now to help you remember even more, picture the first experience even more. Just the first experience.

Now let’s move to the second experience. Remember it vividly. Go back to the first experience and remember it. Now remember the second experience.

Go back to the third experience and remember it. Remember the first experience, now remember the second experience. Let us call these experiences one, two and three. Remember the the order.

Remember them one more time. Feel the wonderful experience. Go ahead now and recall one, recall three, recall two, recall three, recall one, recall two. You now know the order.

All I want you to do do in the next few minutes is to call them up in order: one, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three until they run in your head like a film on repeat. Experience each of them vividly but quickly.

Keep running your film on repeat and say as you do: “Almighty God, I want more of this. Mighty God, give me more of this”. Remember your film and declare each time: I would like to experience more of this” Continue: “Give me more of this.”

This is now a movie we have created. Call this movie: “Rain”. When I say “Rain” can you remember your film vividly as if it is showing again and it is falling down on you like rain. For the rest of the day today,remember “Rain” and play the movie and the song. “Give me more of this.” Whenever you feel down or someone upsets you, just remember “Rain”. And play your movie and say

I will live you watching your movie and repeating: “Give me more of this”

When the music is finished you may stretch, open your eyes and carry on for the day.

zondag 19 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 19

You can download the audio here.

You may find it useful to read this guidance before you begin your meditation. It explains what we are doing today
Yesterday we worked on creating a vapour of energy, which we allowed to move into the heart and transmuted it into love. We sent this love back to the lower energy centres to allow them to realign and perform their functions properly. In the process we removed abundance blocks.
 Today, as we continue to remove any remaining abundance blocks, we will continue to transmute energy from the lower energy centres into love and send it to the higher chakras and out to the universe. 
As we understood from a previous meditation, we cannot give if we cannot receive. We allow ourselves to receive love and abundance from the universe.
We then send this love, form the heart, out to our loved ones, to humanity, and to heal the world.
For purposes of clarification, there are three energy centres above the heart centre. The heart is the centre of love and connects with the vibration of the universe-love. It might sound rather woo woo, but it has now been proved that the heart sends out a frequency that connects us to others and to things around us. This frequency has now been measured scientifically.
In a world where we have been trained to live in competition, to work extra hard to survive, to take short-cuts if we cannot have our own way, we have closed our hearts from sending and receiving love. We have depended on our brains to think and on the survival centres, dysfunctional lower centres to decide our nature as people.
When we open our heart to love again, we restore it to its function of guiding us and we become loving beings once again. The heart aligns all the other energy centres to its frequency of love. The heart restores all the chakras to their normal function, including the three higher centres, which are:
·      The throat chakra, located in the centre of the throat. This is the centre for self-expression. When functioning well, this centre allows us to speak our truth and not only be creative but to understand and appreciate beauty, works of art and creativity-the finer things in life and abundance.
·      The sixth chakra is the third eye, situated between the eyebrows. However, as you might understand from science, the visual cortex, the part of our brain that makes sense of images allowed in by the eyes, is located at the back of the head. So is the pineal gland which controls the sixth centre. The sixth centre is connected to our ability to understand and perceive things. It allows us to see and hear beyond what the eyes can see and what the ears can hear, or to perceive the hidden meaning of things. It helps us think clearly. It gives us clarity including clarity regarding what abundance really means to us.
·      The seventh energy centre is located at the centre of the head. It connects us to all that exists-the entire universe-God.
In today’s meditation, we introduce a method of silencing the mind in which we place attention on the spine from the base to the top of the head. There is an energy channel that moves from the base of the spine to the top of the head. The energy centres or chakras are located along this channel. When we place attention of this channel, moving it up and down, we move energy from one centre to another. This way we align the energy centres.  Just by moving our attention on this channel for at least five minutes daily, we make our mind very peaceful and quiet and we think clearly. We react calmly to all situations.
By turning our attention into love and move it up and down this channel, we fill all our energy centres with love. All the energy blocks are removed and we open ourselves to receive abundance from the universe. In today’s meditation we spend some time sending and receiving love from the universe. We then send it to our loved ones and to the entire world. We finish the meditation sending love to everyone, everything and everywhere it is needed. This includes the sources of abundance in the areas we intend to create abundance in 2020. Whether it is financial abundance, peace, love, confidence, or just abundance in general, or abundance of customers or business ideas if we are running a business, we bless them all
I wish you all the best in today’s meditation-the last in the short series of meditations to clear abundance blocks

Today’s meditation is best performed whilst lying on your back, on a flat surface, feet slightly apart, arms by your side with palms facing upwards.
Take a deep calming breath and tell your whole body to relax. For a few moments make gentle suggestions to your entire body to relax. Say to every part that feels tense or in pain or holding any form of negative energy: “Relax”
Keep telling every part of your being to relax.
Now relax and feel the support of the surface on which you are lying. Aspire for comfort. Tell every muscle to relax. Relax deeply.
Now relax deeply. Look within and tell your entire body to relax.
Breathe in deeply and relax. Relax and breathe. You are deeply relaxed.
Now I would like you to keep breathing for a few moments, deeply, but as you do, make your breath as long as possible, as soft as possible. Breathe softly, deeply and slowly. Soft breath. You are now breathing softly. As you do, you are going deeper into relaxation. Your mind is becoming quieter. You are relaxed. You are in a surrendered state.
In your relaxed, surrendered state, lightly place your attention at the base of your spine. Breathe deeply, slowly, and softly. As you breathe in slowly move your attention up your spine to the top of your head. As you breathe out, move your attention from the top of your head to the base of your spine. I repeat this instruction.
Softer breaths. Don’t strain. Don’t force it. Soft, long breaths, attention lightly placed on your spine, moving it from the base of the spin to the top of the head on your in breath and from the top of the head to the base of the spine on your out breath.
I will give you some time to breath slowly and deeply, moving your attention from the base of your spine to the top of the head on the inbreath, and from the top of the head down the spine to the base of your spine.
Now keep breathing. Breathe deeply, slowly, softly and as you do, move your attention up and down the spine. Keep breathing. Soft breath, attention lightly placed on the spine, moving up to the top of the head on the in breath and down on your out breathe. Softer, lighter, longer. Your mind is very very quiet.
This time, as you move your attention up and down the spine, let your heart transmute your attention into love.
Allow this loving energy to move from the level of the heart into the throat, into the back of your head, to top of the head and up to the universe. As you breathe out, let loving energy from the universe flow into the centre of your head, down to the back of your head, down the spine to the back of your neck, into the heart and down the third and second and first centres. Softer, easier, deeper. I repeat this for you.
I will let you exchange loving energy and abundance with the universe at your own pace for a few minutes.
Remember you are fully relaxed. Deeply relaxed. Your body is soft and comfortable. Your breaths are soft, long, deep and your mind is very quiet.
Continue to breathe, and as you breathe in, move this beautiful loving energy up your spine from the base centre, to the top of your head and out to the universe. As you breathe out, allow loving to move from the universe into the seventh chakra down to the base.
Slowly, deeply and softly. Softer still.
Now place your attention on the heart. Relax deeply. Feel the love from the universe that has filled your heart, all your chakras and your entire body. Feel this love throughout your body. Soft healing love energy fills your entire body. Your body is relaxed and your mind is quiet.
You are loved. You are cared for. You are supported. You live in an abundant universe. You are abundant. You have an abundance of love. You are a loving being. You are made out of love. You are love. Take a moment to feel the love from the universe. Deep, soft, unconditional love.
Let this loving energy flow to every part of the body where you still feel any lack, any pain, any tension any loss of energy and any resistance.
Send this loving energy to all your loved ones. Tell them: “I love you”. Softly. Softer-I love you.
Send this loving to the entire world and let it heal the entire universe. Softly, easily, quiet mind.
My love, blessings and peace goes to each one of you, your loved ones and the entire world. You may open your eyes, stretch and go about your business for the day, calm and relaxed.

zaterdag 18 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 18

You can download the audio here.

Today’s practice is best taken whilst lying down flat on your back, hands on the side and palms facing upwards.
In a moment I will explain some issues related with the three lower energy centres. I want you to listen, but remain as calm as possible. Do not strain in any way. Deeply relaxed.
But first, let us offer the fruits of our practice to the Supreme: “As I seek abundance and to learn about abundance, let your will be my will. Let my will merge with the universal will, so that I only aspire for what is grand, beautiful and noble, for the greatest good of all your creation”
Breathe and relax deeply. Now your whole body is fully relaxed. You are deeply relaxed. Deeper and deeper. You are deeply relaxed.
You have a higher self that lives in you, with you and is available to advise you every minute of your life. As I speak, ask this higher self to identify what behaviours you have, knowingly or unknowingly and the issues that exist in your life. These are the issues that block your abundance. By the law of resonance, your higher self will tell you what issues you have, from the following:
Your base chakra might be misaligned if you:
·        tend to struggle with survival, for example if you operate from pay cheque to pay cheque
·        hold the belief that you can only achieve what you desire through hard work: taking on several jobs without finding any time to rest, going out of your way to please your partner so that they do not leave you
·        tend to hoard things
·        have weight issue
·        constantly suffer from constipation
·        have eating disorders
Now take a moment here and breathe. Notice how much you are deeply relaxed and breathe. Let your higher self, tell you what resonates with you. What are your issues from this list? Make a mental note of these issues.
The sacral chakra may need love and attention if you have issues such as
·        addictions and attachment
·        depression and lack of confidence
·        overactive or lack of sex drive
·        trouble establishing relationships including friendships
·        struggling to be yourself and just having fun
A healthy balance results in you enjoying life in moderation and having healthy social interactions.
Now take a deep breath here. Listen to your higher self. What resonates with you? Take a moment to listen. Make a mental note of your sacral chakra issues.
When this centre is unbalanced you display
·        anger, greediness, lack of compassion and empathy
·        loss of confidence and the fire, the will power to pursue your projects to the end, including those bringing abundance
·        control issues with a tendency to manipulate
·        too much pride or control
·        complete lack of drive, purpose and direction
·        an inability to process and understand your emotions and information
·        digestive problems
Take a deep breath here. Listen to your higher self. What resonates with you? Take a moment to listen. Make a mental note of the issues with your third energy centre.
This chakra is related to Fire.
Now picture and imagine a ball of fire glowing with a bright golden light. Hold it in front of you, yes literally stretch your arms out to hold this ball of energy. Move this ball of energy slowly closer to you until you hold within you, inside the upper abdomen.
Relax deeply and take a deep breath. Ask your higher self to remind you of the issues it has identified with all the three chakras.
Take another deep breath and declare: “Now I am doing some deep cleaning”
Now listen very carefully to the following instruction:
In the following exercise you follow your breath slowly and deeply right down to your base chakra. As you do so, hold a picture of your issues there and move them from the base chakra up through the sacral chakra where you also pick up the issues you identified, and the issues of the third chakra. Move them through the ball of fire. Let this fire consume all these issues, transmuting them into a vapour of pure unconditional love. As you breathe out, take back some loving energy into the third centre, the second centre right down to the base centre.  Continue breathing, transmuting your limiting beliefs, your self-made limitations and issues with abundance into pure unconditional love and moving this clear vapour of love into the heart and as you breathe out, take back some of this loving energy back into the third centre and the second centre right down to the base centre.
Take a deep breath and from now on breathe slowly and deeply, moving all your issues from all the three chakras into the fire, transmuting them into a pure, unconditional love, and letting this pure love accumulate into your heart. On your outbreath take back some love into the third, second and first centres
I will let you do this for the next few minutes. Move all that junk in your three lower energy centres, transmute it into pure unconditional love and take up this beautiful energy into the heart. Take back this energy to the lower energy centres.
Now relax deeply. Deeply relax. All your limitations, issues and blocks to abundance have been converted into a loving energy that now fills all the first four energy centres.
Now move this beautiful energy from the first energy centre, through the second, third and the heart and let it now go past the fifth centre in the throat, past the sixth at the back of your hear or centre of your eye brow, past the seventh centre in the centre of your brain and out into the universe and back the same way. Move this beautiful energy everywhere.
Now send this loving energy out to every part of your body where you still fell lack, pain, or any low energy. Send this loving energy to all your loved ones who need it. Send it to the entire world and let it heal the entire universe.
Now in this last part let your mind wonder and if you go to sleep then sleep, otherwise when the music stops, you may open your eyes, stretch and go about your business for the day.

vrijdag 17 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 17: Solar Chakra - Manipura

You can download the audio here.

We now move to the third energy centre. Just below the rib cage. This is the centre of will-power. When you are balanced in this chakra you are outgoing, open minded, respectful, confident, and decisive. You have the will-power to pull through your projects and anything you start. When this centre is unbalanced you display anger, greediness, lack of compassion and empathy. You lose confidence and the fire, tSit comfortably and take three long, slow, deep breaths. Relax deeply. Now close your eyes and continue to breathe slowly and deeply.
Today we are meditating on the third energy centre, located just below the rib cage. This is the centre of will-power. When you are balanced in this chakra you are outgoing, open minded, respectful, confident, and decisive. You have the will-power to pull through your projects and anything you start, including finding and keeping abundance.
This chakra is related to Fire.
Now take a moment here and breathe. Relax and breathe.

he will power to pursue your projects to the end. It controls the ego.

Manipura Mandala.svg

donderdag 16 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 16: Sacral Chakra - Svadhishthana

You can download the audio here.

We continue with the removal of abundance blocks, which we started yesterday. In yesterday’s meditation we awakened the lowest energy centre, the survival centre. Today we bless the second energy centre, the centre for enjoyment of life, creativity, pleasures, desires, sexuality and emotions. Its colour is orange, showing that it is the inner flame, the burning fire of passion and self-awareness needed to succeed in life and used as a powerful energy source for self-confidence and emotional well-being.
A blocked second centre reduces our creativity, passion for life and spontaneity without which we cannot create our own abundance

Sit comfortably with your back straight and close your eyes. Make sure you are comfortable and relaxed.
Repeat after me: “I love my life and as I bless myself in this practice may the blessings accrue to the Almighty-not for my own benefit but for the benefit of all humanity. And so it is”
Remembering that where we place our attention, energy goes, focus on the colour orange at the point just below your navel. This is where you experience and enjoy the fruits of your abundance. You are not doing anything in this meditation, just paying undivided attention to the colour orange at the point below your navel
 Allow yourself to relax and focus on the colour orange, the fire of passion, just below your navel. You are energising this chakra and aligning it to receive and enjoy abundance. You are letting benevolent energies flow into your body where they will organise your energy and increase your capacity to experience and enjoy abundance.
 Take a deep breath here. Relax.
Now relax, breathe. Imagine your guilty pleasure, whatever you go to when you just want to spoil yourself. This can be a food, a game, a TV show, something, and anything that makes you feel really good. Whatever it is, can you allow yourself to imagine you are having it this minute. Picture yourself enjoying it. Relax and enjoy. Taste it, smell it, feel it, bring it into this moment, and let your whole body experience the wonderful feelings of pleasure. Have fun.
 Now move all that positive energy to your heart, enjoy from the heart.
Experience the ecstasy from the heart
Now send it through the whole body. Feel the energy move.
Now say after me: “I am successful, confident, I am abundant, I am blissful and I embrace myself fully. I am creative, passionate and spontaneous. The love I give to myself, I give to all creation”


 Swadhisthana Mandala.svg

dinsdag 14 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 15: Root Chakra - Muladhara

You van download the audio here.

I can’t believe we have now completed two full weeks of the Understanding Abundance challenge. That means going fourteen days into the month of January, fourteen days into the New Year and 14 days into the new decade, although I must confess I am not sure whether the decade begins on 1 January 2021 or has already started on 1 January 2020.
In the new and last week of the practice we are going to be looking into every corner and sweeping off anything that might hinder our access to abundance. It is important to consecrate the entire week to the Supreme consciousness as well as the day today. Here we go;
Sit comfortably with your back straight and close your eyes. Make sure you are relaxed and comfortable. Breathe slowly and deeply.
Repeat after me: “I lift my heart up to the Almighty in prayer that all the fruits of this practice may accrue to the Almighty-not for my own benefit but for the benefit of all humanity. And so it is”
The first corner we look at today is where abundance blocks tend to sit most of the time. That is on the base chakra, Muladhara, at the base of the spine. Muladhara is the chakra for survival, grounding, vitality, and stability. It is the centre for the survival instinct, desire for safety and security, and basic needs, such as food and shelter. It also affects the emotional needs and functions, such as family loyalty, and beliefs and values.
A balanced Muladhara provides a sense of stability, grounding, and security. These aspects are all related to abundance in any area of life. 
Here is how we reawaken our Muladhara chakra? First establish a symbol of abundance in your eyes. This can be something steady, full of vitality and secure. Can you build a picture of what abundance looks like or what it means to you. I picture the tree we meditated on last week If you like it as well, that is a good symbol of abundance. I also picture the abundance I witness each time I visit our family farm back in Africa where in summer we see loads of different wild fruits. I have tried to use google translate to find the names of these fruits in English but could not identify them these come at a time when the fields are green with massive amounts of produce. That is abundance to me--so much of what you want, you don’t even know what to do with it. What is yours? Take time to develop a picture or meaning of abundance. Meaning of abundance might be that you shall never have to suffer any more. Or grow old or get ill. Your picture will therefore be something that never ages, or is forever full of energy and vitality, or a river that is flowing forever...

Now take your picture and bring it down to the base chakra, the first energy centre. Pin it somewhere there and keep your attention on it. If your mind wanders, return your focus onto your picture at the base of the spine and concentrate on it. Just relax, breathe slowly, taking air deep into the base chakra. Feel how you are supported by the earth... This is how the earth, the universe provides you. There are benevolent forces around you, providing for you. Any lack is a result of this chakra losing its vitality.
Now just focus on your symbol at the base of your spine. This is the source of your abundance. Don’t do anything, just pay undivided attention to the base energy centre and to your symbol of abundance. Why are you doing this? Wherever you place your attention, energy flows. Allow yourself to relax and focus on the base of the spine. Focus on your symbol. You are energising this chakra and aligning it to source. You are letting benevolent energies flow into your body where they will organise your energy and increase your capacity to receive abundance.
Take a deep breath into the base chakra. Relax.
Now for the last part of the meditation, as you breathe in, see energy moving from the base chakra, along the spine into the heart. Feel the heart opening up. See your abundance flow. From mother earth to your heart. As you breathe out, breathe gratitude from your heart, along the spine, into the lower centre and out to every part of the body... Keep moving energy-abundance with the in-breath through the base energy centre, up the spine into the heart, and sending gratitude back on the out-breath from the heart, down through the spine into the base chakra. And all parts of the body.
Relax, breathe. Move energy with your breath-abundance from Mother Earth, in-through the base chakra, up the spine to your heart and gratitude from the heart down the spine to settle at the base energy centre and let it spread throughout the body, saying thank you to Mother Earth. 
Now say after me: “I am supported and fully provided for. I am grounded and I am powerful. All my needs are met and I am grateful for my bounty. Thank you”

Muladhara Mandala.svg

Fibonacci and 11

I went to the supermarket knowing I had 'some' cash in my pocket.
Didn't count it because I have my creditcard anyway.
I filled the grocery cart as if it was the last day on earth.
Total sum: €112,65
I reached in my pocket and as I handed over the exact amount, you should have seen the eyes on the cashier!

Furthermore, my partner was told by our doctor to take certain drops according to the numbers of Fibonacci: 112....
And 6+5 = 11 which is my 'lucky number' since my childhood (11=Gemini, 11=November, the month in which ALL my significant partners are born incl the mother of my children...)

Image result for mind is blown


Understanding Abundance Day 14

You can download the audio here.

Today is the last day of the second week of our meditation challenge. We have come a long way. On Day 12 we celebrated our power as creators of our wishes—Co creators with God almighty.

Today we would like to explore one way in which the universe may choose to manifest our wishes—synchronicity. It is an amazing experience if you can spot it and appreciate it but a mere coincidence if you are not aware. Today we meditate to increase our awareness of synchronicities in our lives.

Carl Jung who first observed synchronicities said these were meaningful events that are significantly related but appear not to have any causal connection. This is when you think of someone and make a mental note to call them but before you even move, the phone rings and that person is on the other side of the line.

At one time I made an appointment to meet someone on a particular day. This was an extremely important meeting. A few days nearer the date I discovered I had another appointment on the same date and it was of equal importance. I worried for a couple days thinking what I was going to do. I really had to cancel the meeting with the first guy but did not want to disappoint him. Just one day before the appointment date he called to cancel the appointment.

My most favourite was when I was a consultant and I had got to the end of a contract. After that I would not have any work meaning no money for several weeks. As I was driving to work on my final day of the contract I was finishing, I pictured a crisis in a company, any company. I saw the management discussing how they were going to resolve the crisis, then I heard in my mind’s ears one suggesting to ring Chris and ask if He could come and help solve the crisis. Before I completed my imagery the phone rang and yes there was a college in a crisis and needing someone to review their policies and train their staff for an urgent inspection within a week. I said yes, I could do it and in the evening on that day and for every day the following week I was so busy I was getting home in the morning.

You get the picture.

Let’s practice. Remember we are strengthening our awareness, understanding and appreciation of synchronicities.

Now Consider your chosen area of abundance. I don’t know what your abundance wish is but let us do some creation together.

Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Breath slowly and deeply. Offer your practice to the Supreme Intelligence in your own way, from your heart.

To begin let us practise one wish together. Imagine we wish for a new car. You decide what car you wish to have.

Now picture that at the right time the car meeting all your specifications will show up. The right model, make, colour, everything. Now picture this car together with me.  Let us choose one scenario from millions of possibilities, for the car to show up. Picture the car being manufactured. However, we are only looking for a second hand car.

Picture someone raising some money from some job and purchasing the car. This person uses the car for a short period. Then they get fed up with it. Picture benevolent forces making the guy send the car to some car dealer. Then they decide when that dealer will sell the car and for how much. Can you imagine the car being advertised on a website. Imagine seeing the advert and really loving to buy that car. Imagine the same benevolence forces cause a windfall to happen and you raise the exact amount for the car. Now picture yourself driving this car—your pride and joy.

This has happened to me exactly this way, not once but a few times.

Can you picture the same benevolent forces bringing all the right people, things, funds if that is what is needed, events and conditions together at the right time, place, and in the right way to make your wish come true. You need to relax as you do this exercise. Can you relax now and picture the necessary events unfolding before you. Picture the people, things and events unfolding before you to make your wish for 2020 come true. You don't need to create too much detail—leave space for God to use his mysterious ways to perform his wonders

Say after me “God works in mysterious ways to perform his wonders. I see the wonders before me. I have seen this with my own eyes and heard with my own ears.”

Say this until tomorrow when you start the meditation for day 15.

Now spend a few moments in gratitude as you receive your wish. This is no longer a wish but a wish fulfilled. Let your gratitude come from your heart.

Namaste. Thank you.

maandag 13 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 13

You can download the audio here.

On day 12 we claimed back our power as Co-creators with the Supreme Intelligence. We brought the Understanding that our thoughts and feelings, are creative. In daily life, whether we are conscious of it or not, we create all the time. When we have a clear and positive intention, with clearly and carefully controlled thoughts and great feelings, we become conscious creators.

We came together to understand abundance and to test the Understanding that if we focus our thoughts and feelings together as a group and empower them with an intention, that intention becomes manifest in real life. Today we practice the concentration of our thoughts, feelings and intention onto members of this group. We visualise each other and ourselves as having accomplished our intentions for 2020 and extend gratitude to each other for the help we gave each other in the process.

Today we practice heart centred meditation. Let us therefore become comfortable and close our eyes. Put all your attention in the centre of your chest. And breathe slowly,  deeply and comfortably into the chest

Let us hand the fruits of this practice to the Supreme. “Supreme God, teach us everything we need to learn regarding abundance and heal everything that needs to be healed. Especially heal any fears, contrary and limiting beliefs and thoughts that sabotage our intentions. Increase us in all areas where there is lack. We hand all fruits of this practice back to you for the highest good of all the members of this group and for all sentient beings, wherever they exist”

Breathe slowly,  deeply and comfortably into the chest. Relax. Full attention in the centre of your chest. And breathe.

Now recall a positive event or a person that makes you feel love, compassion, joy, or peace, gratitude or any other good feeling. Now keep breathing slowly,  deeply and comfortably into the chest. And relax. Experience this good feeling in your heart.

Now as you breathe in, breathe this positive feeling into your heart and as you breathe out, let this feeling extend to every cell of your body.

Next as you breathe in, breathe this positive feeling into your heart and as you breathe out, let this feeling extend to cover the whole body.

Breathe this positive feeling into your heart and as you breathe out, let this feeling extend around you.

Breathe this positive feeling into your heart and as you breathe out, let this feeling extend to fill the room where you are.

Now Breathe this positive feeling into your heart and as you breathe out, let this feeling extend to your loved ones.

Now Breathe this positive feeling into your heart and as you breathe out, let this feeling extend to all members of this group

Now Breathe healing energy into your heart and as you breathe out, let this healing energy extend to all members of this group. Feel that you have been healed of any ailments and let this healing energy extend to all members of this group

Now Breathe powerful thoughts and beliefs into your heart and as you breathe out, let these powerful thoughts extend to all members of this group. Feel that you only think positive thoughts with ease and extend positive thoughts to all members of this group

Now Breathe gratitude into your heart and as you breathe out, let this gratitude xtend to all members of this group

Now take a moment to see all your intentions for 2020 being met. See the intentions of all members of this group as having been fully met.

Now Breathe gratitude into your heart and as you breathe out, let this gratitude extend to the whole universe for fulfilling our needs

zondag 12 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 12

You can download the audio here.

On day 1 we looked at people we know who have succeeded in a particular area of life. We learnt abundance from other people. We went on to learn abundance from nature.

It is best to do today’s meditation whilst you are lying on your back, on a flat surface. Arms facing upwards, eyes closed.

Today we meditate on the fact that all the abundance we need is within us. We are the authors our our lives. Please repeat: “I am the author of my life: today I create a life of unlimited abundance for myself and for the good of all. I hand all the fruits of my practice to the Supreme Consciousness.”

Try not to sleep. Just relax and listen to the music, as well as to my voice.

For a moment, Breathe slowly and deeply. Watch the flow of your breath, following your in-breath and as you do so, feeling the cool air come through your nostrils. Follow the out breath and as you do, feel the warmth of the air coming out.

 Focus on the tip of your nose and breathe slowly and deeply for the next few minutes.

Engage in the exercises I give you during this meditation and accept all the suggestions I make. If you find the suggestions hard to accept, breathe deep into the areas where you feel the resistance.

 Now relax completely.

Let’s us play a small game—I would like you to think as many thoughts as you can, anything, good and bad. I will tell you when to start. For now Imagine a large steel case with a heavy metal lid and a strong lock. Walk to it. Open the lid fully.

Now imagine that your thoughts are tennis balls. Each thought you think drops into this steel case and cannot come out.  Think as if you are in a race. Just let the thoughts come into your mind ad as soon as they do, let them drop into the case. Start in one, two, three—start.

Now stop.

Ensure your mind is completely empty. Gently close the lid on the still case. Lock it. Test the lock to ensure it is secure. Turn and walk away living all your thoughts, your worries, concerns, doubts in the steel case.

Now Take three, slow, deep breaths right into your belly. Relax completely. Ensure every part of you is fully relaxed, your mind is empty and completely clear. Just engage with the process.

Now in your mind remember a time you did or experience something that made you feel really great. See what you saw and experience this fully and completely. You may have earned a large amount of money unexpectedly, or fell in love for the first time, graduated with good grades, gave birth to your first child or something you waited for for a long time came your way, or when you bought your first car. Now feel the feelings you felt then. Relive this experience.

For a moment You felt like you were living the life. You were on top of the world. Go there, be on top of the world. Feel the excitement. See yourself do that silly little dance and sing that song. Carry on, and have fun. Take three deep breaths and let the feelings sink in.

Now relax completely and listen to my voice. You don’t have to hear what I say or even believe it. Just relax and listen to my voice.

That life you had for that brief moment is the life you were meant to live. That is what God meant for you. You were meant to live in bliss. You were meant to live a joyful life. Every single day was designed to be the best day of your life. Now take a moment and experience the feelings you felt. Feel them. That is what you were meant to experience all your life.

Take three deep breaths here.

You were equipped with all the tools to design such a life. You are a creator. A co-creator with the divine. You were created in the image and likeness of God. You are God. You are a part of the divine. You were meant to create the life of your dreams and live it. You are meant to create your own abundance in your own way. Your imagination is the creative force you were given to create the life you love. Your thoughts and feelings are the environment, the fuel and energy to attract what you imagine and have it. Don’t ever think about how. Leave the how to the divine.

Now take three deep breaths. Relax. Go back to the feelings you felt then. Really experience them. Relive that experience. Even now you are living that life of your dreams. Go back to that moment in your life when the sky was not the limit because there are no limits except your imagination. Truly there are no limits to what you can achieve—only your imagination.

Now I want you to be as selfish as you can for a moment. Imagine the energy in this group today as we all get excited. Take it all for yourself. Take some more, and more and more.  Now use this energy to take you back to that moment your felt powerful and invincible. Claim that power back. I can feel this energy right now and I have confidence that you can do it again. Take back your creative power. You can do it and start feeling what you felt over and over again.

Relax deeply. Go even deeper no.

You are capable of living the life you love. Imagine it. Intend it. Focus and dream. Let nothing stop you.

I know things might look really difficult right now, even impossible!

Listen to my voice, listen and relax. Relax and listen. You are energy. Your thoughts are energy. Energy-vibration, spirit. That is what you are. Your thoughts and emotions, being energy are associated with a frequency. The higher the frequency, the more joyous, grounded, confident, powerful you feel, the closer you are to who you were meant to be. The better you tap into the divine- God.

Remember the universe was once just a thought in the mind of the divine. All the wonderful buildings, cars, clothes you were, the chair you sit on—everything was once a thought in somebody’s mind. The divine is unlimited. Your imagination is unlimited. You are unlimited. If you can think it you can imagine it and if you can imagine it, you can feel it and if you feel it you bring it into your life. Now feel the powerful feelings.

Repeat in your mind—“I create my personal abundance from an infinite source” this is today’s affirmation. Recite it. Ponder on it. Use it to .remind yourself who you are. You are a part of the divine. God in flesh.

Deep breath in.

Now take a moment to be grateful. Imagine the favour God gave you to make you in his image and likeness. Imagine the power He gave you. Claim back this power this minute. Declare it each time you meet a challenge. Repeat to yourself: “I am a divine being. I am made in the image and likeness of God. I claim back my power”.

Feel this for a moment. Open your eyes and keep these positive feelings today and every day.

zaterdag 11 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 11

You can download the audio here.

Today we honor the intelligence that is our source of abundance. Please sit in a chair or kneel down on a comfortable cushion that allows you to relax. Bring your hands to a prayer position against the chest. Make sure you are comfortable.Eyes closed.

In the first part of the meditation I will guide you in remembering how great this intelligence is by observing and contemplating Some mysteries of creation. In the second part each of us will explore and remember what this intelligence is-what it has done and how it has expressed itself in our personal lives. In the last part we dive deeper into gratitude for our lives.

Let’s begin.

Consider a sunflower seed or any other seed you are really familiar with. We know came from the fusion of two specks of dust both individually invisible to the naked eye. We know that wind or insects bring these specks of dust together and once they get together they start changing fast to become the seed you are holding in your mind’s eye. Yet the seed does not bear even the slightest resemblance to the tiny specs of dust. Contemplate the whole process and try to find how the two specks produced a thing so different. Take a moment to do this.

Take a good look at the seed and really picture it. Imagine it’s shape, it’s colour, texture, smell. In most cases it is dry and almost “dead”. Now in your mind’s eye, dig a shallow hole in the ground and place the seed in there. Cover it with soil. Water it a bit and watch a tiny plant shoot out of the ground. Take the plant out and observe it. Really observe it. You might find the remains of your dead seed. You might also find that nothing about the plant resembles the seed. Take some time to contemplate this process.

Now the plant has become mature and starts to flower. It produces tens or hundreds of seeds each of which bears no resemblance to the plant. If you follow this process for each seed, that tiny seed can multiply into fields of sunflowers. Take time to contemplate this process.

Follow all the processes of life and observe the mysteries of birth, growth, death, life. Could the earth be alive? Could the dead become alive when it gets into contact with water, warmth and air? Do the specks of dust, the seed, the plant all have a memory? Ok DNA but on its own, DNA does not explain how the seemingly dead elements spring back to life when conditions change. Who developed these complex processes and gave each of these elements an intelligence? How? Where? When? Contemplate these questions for a moment

There is a powerful divine force at work. This is the invisible intelligence—God, Allah, Shiva, the universe, the Supreme Intelligence.

Now Consider the space that surrounds you everywhere. Consider the empty sky. Consider yourself and all living creatures.. At one point nothing existed—there was nothing-just emptiness. Then the Supreme Intelligence thought it all into existence. Yes this whole universe  was a mere idea in the Mind of God. Then she brought it out of her mind into reality and it became the universe—a living, breathing universe. Consider the beauty, the wisdom, the power this one force has made. Imagine the giant planets and the stars and all celestial bodies. Each suspended in space with meticulous balance. Let us take a moment to contemplate such greatness..

Imagine all the beauty, the intelligence and perfection of creation—we can only look in awe and wonder. Consider the magnificence, the greatness in even the tiniest of creation. Everywhere there is something to fascinate, and amaze us. Imagine the beauty in the flower, the mystery in the darkness. Take a look at the sun, the moon and stars. Truly This intelligence is a wonder.

Now can you take a moment to express gratitude for All the wonders of the universe. Express gratitude for your life, your health, the lives of your loved ones. You know what this intelligence has done for you. Take a moment to remember every good thing or event, that has ever happened in your life—each time you have been paid at work, all the gifts you have ever received. Consider the wonder of your birth and the birth of each of your children if you have them. Take time to ponder these. Now express gratitude for all the good that you have ever experienced. Feel it as if it is happening right here right now. Rejoice and be happy. Smile. And now you may open your eyes

donderdag 9 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 10

Download the audio here.

Today we consider the concept of giving. We begin with our posture of choice—sitting or lying down. And let’s close our eyes.

Focus in the centre of your chest. Take a moment to relax completely and Repeat after me: “i offer today’s practice to the universe—wholly and completely for the benefit of all humanity”. Take a moment to receive an answer which should come as a positive energy around the chest.

The whole universe is in motion, nothing is static. It is a complex mix of processes of giving and receiving. In most spiritual traditions the law of three is regarded is a fundamental law. This reflects knowledge and action, positive and negative, giving and receiving, birth and death—these always exist together in nature. A third force which gives  the direction of the flow of creation—upward to the spiritual or more superior level or downward to the less superior or inferior. In simplest terms, this third force is an invisible force, demonstrated by the intent—the zero point.

When you stop the flow of the process of giving and receiving, a blockage happens. There is no hoarding in the universe. In order to receive you receive.

Today we observe the simplest process of giving and receiving—breathing.

For the next several minutes breath normally. Watch the flow of your breath, placing the greatest attention where each breath ends. So you breathe in and pay attention at the end of that breath, which is the beginning of the out breath. Pay particular attention to the end of the outbreath which is the beginning of the next in-breath, continuously until I tell you to stop.

Can you stop now and start contemplating the following:
If you what to receive learn to give first
If you want love, give love,
If you want abundance help others become abundant
You get back what you give out
At an energetic level, imagine what you give out is what comes back to you
If you give out negativity to get back negativity
Since our thoughts are creative you get back your dominant thoughts
Give out constant thoughts of worry and you constantly attract situations that keep you worried
Some people are constantly angry and they meet people and circumstances that keep them angry

Now we would like to take the final minutes learning to entertain positive thoughts.
Can you focus on your heart and state “I intend to understand what these feelings feel like. Teach me how they feel like”. Just bring the feeling to your attention and let you heart teach you how it feels. If you allow yourself to become fully relax and really observe your heart, you will pick up the subtle differences between the feelings. Your intention gives rise to the feeling. Take time to understand how each feeling feels

Joy of giving
Joy of receiving
Loving kindness

Take a moment to consider your intention, area in which you want to receive abundance, your new year resolution for 2020. Fuel it with these feelings or other positive feelings and add gratitude

Can you use the force of your intent to fully absorb and integrate these powerful feelings as part of your dominant feelings, what you constantly give out to the universe.

Finally, consider how you can give these good feelings to others in your day-to-day life. Can you also give a gift to everyone you meet today—a silent blessing, a helping hand, a smile, a complement… the list is endless. Also stay open to receiving. Don’t feel obliged to give back in return or to return a favour to people who give you. A simple thank you is all you need to give in return. If someone compliments you, a simple thank you will do instead of saying something like you look good too.

Let’s repeat the following affirmation for today, now and every hour during the day “today and everyday I give that which I want to receive”

Understanding Abundance Day 9

Download audio here.

In the last meditation we reflected on acceptance of what is, Acceptance goes together with non-resistance. When we practice non-resistance we go with the flow. We do not struggle for anything. Once you see yourself struggling then you know you are going, like what Esther and Jerry Hicks wrote, “upstream”. Like carrying your heavy luggage on the bus, it is unnecessary as well. Drop the struggle.

It is extremely difficult to swim upstream because you will be fighting against conditions of life. You will be struggling against the world or carrying the world on your shoulders.

There are many people whose lives are a constant struggle and they don’t know better. I am not talking about struggling to eke out a living. I lived that life when I was growing up but the thing that characterised me then was my joy. I resisted nothing. I loved that life and I was happy as I was. Now when I look back I don’t see struggle but an empowering learning process. It taught me to do only the best I can in any circumstances and leave the rest to source.Here I am talking about those who are forever complaining, fighting against things, people and all forms of life.

When you do not resist, you learn to move in the direction of a push when you are pushed and the direction of a pull when you are pulled. That is the path of least resistance. Let me give another example: Have you ever forgotten where you placed something, lets say your keys?. Have you noticed how difficult it is to find them the more you scratch and crack your head to try and remember where you put them?. Yet when you give up and carry on with other business, the image of where you placed them literally drops into your head? The same thing often happens when you are trying to remember a name. The moment you let go of the search, the name literally presents itself to you. You do not have to struggle..

I think you get the picture. Letting go is how we create abundance. Do what you can to create and energise the intention, as we are doing for the next 21 days. When you finish, let it go, release it into what Deepak Chopra calls the “womb” of creation. In that womb, the spiritual world, there is no time and there is no space, everything is here and now. We create time and space by our limited thinking when we look at our dreams and think they are “too big”,” impossible” or too “ambitious”

Find a comfortable place where you can sit or lie down. Gently close your eyes. Repeat after me: “As I let go of the need to arrange my life, the universe brings abundant good to me”

Let’s dedicate this meditation to the supreme: “I offer the benefits of living free of attachments to outcomes and the need to control completely to the supreme consciousness for the highest good of everyone concerned.''

Make yourself as comfortable as possible.For the next few minutes, let go of attachments to anything such as Abundance, the outcome of this meditation and the control of anything in your life

Today we use a meditation in which we repeat one word and only concentrate on repeating that word in our heads. The easiest word I can think of is “Love”. Repeat the word “Love” and only focus on mentally pronouncing “Love” Dont think of what it means. Just say the word as many times as possible, until I tell you to stop.

Now stop and visualise life as a stream and you are rowing a boat on the stream. Can you row downstream and experience how easy it is?. Watch yourself flow. Visualise how easy it is. Can you experience the easiness. Can you enjoy that. Can you bring yourself to love every minute of your experience. Can you resist any temptation to go upstream. Just move with ease.

Now at the end of your journey, there is an abundance of all your needs. Can you find the easiest way to come off your boat and find the most comfortable place to sit and watch your abundance. I usually visualise myself as a little lamb sleeping on green grass. For the lamb the grass is food, shelter, a comfortable bed, cools it down and is beautiful to watch after all. At this point I always remember “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want” He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me besides still waters, he restores my soul” imagine the beauty of these words. Can you picture what else your shepherd can do for you?

Can you repeat continue every hour of your day today and whenever you feel the need to use force or push against anything life brings your way: “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want”

dinsdag 7 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 8

You can download the audio here.

In the meditation for Day 8, we practice Acceptance of what is. I will explain a little bit. In his book, the Surrender Experiment, Michael A. Singer narrates how he built a massive business empire from surrendering to and accepting whatever showed up. From homelessness, Michael began to experience synchronicity after another: strangers knocked at his door seeking accommodation and what would start off as accommodation for one night would end up a permanent living arrangement until he built a housing estate; what started off as a small meditation class with no teaching plan became a vibrant practice with many members and what started as an interest in personal computers became a massive corporate with many customers. He resisted nothing, just accepted and surrendered to what is. As we look back to the completion of a week of our practice, can we revisit the meditations for Days 2 and 3 and further remove negativity, especially where we tend to judge and think some things are bad, or poor or evil. Rather than dwell on these negative facades, why don’t we look on what good these experiences carry for us. Can we call our practice for today “Acceptance of what is”? Can we call it “living in the flow of life” as Michael Singer calls it. When we live in the flow of life, we take whatever comes our way. We accept it fully and completely. We do not give it names or labels. We take everything as great for us-lessons placed in our path or things meant for our growth. Rather than ask why? Or why me? Why don’t we learn from now on to examine everything and take lessons we need to learn from them and move own. We do that with joy, without judgement. We consider that everything, everyone and every experience and every challenge that comes in our path is for our highest good. We rejoice and are thankful for our growth, for the lessons and for the abundance hidden in these experiences, regardless how ugly they look. We learn to accept when we can observe what is without judging. So today we sit with ourselves and observe every sensation and every feeling in our bodies. Do not spend any time on anything. Just observe and move on. When we go through life thinking that what we are experiencing is “bad” for us that is what suffering means. When we accept everything, we are happy despite outward appearances. Acceptance brings peace of mind. This meditation is particularly beneficial if you are moving in nature where it is safe to use your peripheral vision. Just walk and do not respond to anything, do not label anything, do not spend time on any object. Just observe and move on. So for our meditation today, let us close our eyes (unless you are in nature where you keep your eyes open) and declare: “today I accept what is without judgement”. Can you sit for several minutes just observing the feelings and sensations in your body. Don’t react to anything. Do not judge anything. Do not resist anything. Do not adjust to become more comfortable. Do not scratch that itch. Don’t label anything. Just observe. I will remind you at various points to just observe without judgement Can we now express gratitude for our capacity to accept what is. We express gratitude for the lessons in all our experiences. We express gratitude that all the experiences we have are for our highest good.

maandag 6 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 7

Download the audio here.

Today we repeat the relaxation exercise we did yesterday. When we are fully relaxed we ask the universe itself, God to teach us abundance.

You might find this practice most beneficial while lying on your back with the back straight, feet apart with the heels almost touching. Place your hands on your chest or allow them to rest on the sides with palms facing upwards

Gently close your eyes.

Before we go into relaxation let’s hand the fruits of this practice to the supreme. “I hand the fruits of this practice back to the Almighty, wholly, completely and unconditionally for the benefit of all humanity.”

In this first part of the relaxation you can move around to adjust your position to be sure you are fully relaxed.

Here we go: place your 100 Per cent attention on the toes of your left foot. Mentally tell each toe to relax. Move slowly down the left foot and then up the left leg, feeling each muscle and telling it to relax, up to the knee and the thighs. Tell every muscle to relax. Now your left leg is fully relaxed. Take time to note the difference between the left and right legs.

Now move to the toes of the right foot. Allow yourself to feel all the sensations on each toe and down the right foot to the heel, mentally telling each muscle to relax. Take your focus up your calf muscle, and through the whole leg past your knee to the thigh. Now both your legs are fully relaxed

Place your attention on the fingers of the left arm and up the forearm front and back right up to the left shoulder. To the right arm and place your full attention on the toes, the palm of the hand, the wrist, all all the way up to the shoulder, telling each muscle to relax. Relax your buttocks, your perineum, sexual organs and the pelvic bone. Relax you tummy and your back and your chest. Relax your head and face and slightly open your eyes for a few second.

Now gently close your eyes and place your attention on the chest. Breath into the chest. Call up a warm feeling of compassion to your heart and as you breathe in, breathe compassion into your heart. As you breathe out, give compassion to each cell of your body. Do this for a minute.

Continue to breathe compassion into your heart and this time as you breath out, breathe compassion into the room where you are including everything and everyone in the room with you. Do this for a minute.

Continue to breath compassion in to your heart and to the whole house and everything and everyone in the house on your out breath.

Breath compassion into your heart and out to your neighbourhood and everyone and everything in it. Give compassion to in to your heart and out to your city including everyone and everything especially those in this abundance group.

Breath compassion into your heart and out to the whole earth including everyone and everything. Breathe in compassion and out through the whole universe to infinity.

For the next few minutes I will leave you to breathe compassion in through your chest and as you breath out, consider compassion for yourself, everyone, everything and every event in the past ten years alternating with the next ten years until you get to your time of birth and an equal number of years into the future.

Can you now breath compassion into your heart and out a hundred years in future and 100 years before your birth. Give compassion to everyone, everything and every event in this era. I will leave you to go back and forth into the past and future to an infinite number of years.

Repeat after me, “I am all time, all space all things and one with all” open your eyes briefly and as you close them, make no movements from now on.

Mentally sit or bow before the universe, whatever it means to you and ask it to teach you more about abundance. You may ask the Angels or Ascended masters to help you with this. You may throw the questions out there and the universe who knows all your thoughts will answer, now or during your day. Ask what part you can play to ensure your abundance is distributed fairly for the good of everything, and everyone in the universe until infinity.
Wait patiently for the answers. Remember to bring your mind back to a receptive posture each time it wonders. Do not sleep. Put all your attention in the centre of your brain. To help with this place all your focus between the ears and just below the eye level. I will leave you to listen for answers from the universe for the next few minutes. Look out for sudden Flow of ideas, deep inner knowing, words repeating in your head, images or a voice now or any time later.

Can you thank the universe and repeat this affirmation, now and to everyone and everything you meet anyone or anything from where  you receive some insights into abundance, “thank you for teaching me abundance”

Be open to receiving such insights. Record into your journal the lessons you have learnt about abundance during the meditation and if you wish, share your insights with the group. At the end of the day, record any insights you got regarding abundance from things, people, written words, adverts, songs, everywhere and record them into your journal. You may share these insights with the group if you wish.


zondag 5 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 6

I woke up at 2am with a painful pressure on my plexus area...
What I do when I feel this discomfrot is I sit up straight against the heating element at home nad let the warmth engulf my body.
This time I was lucky to find the Day 6 guided meditation in our chat group.
You can download the audio file here.
So I followed the guidance and felt my body abundandly being filled with warmth and love.

Than you Chris for this beautiful work.

Understanding Abundance Day 5

You can listen to the guided meditation here.

Image result for abundance tree

Today we will observe abundance in nature. We end the meditation with a practice of gratitude from our firm belief that by making an intention and releasing it to the Almighty, our wish has already been granted. We open our hearts to receiving abundance and live in expectancy without expectation.

(If you have any difficulty understanding this please contact me privately and I will be happy to discuss this seeming oxymoron.)

Now imagine how nature gives. Have you noticed that when it produces anything, it tends to do so in excess? Have you watched those programs on TV where they show shoals of millions of fish swimming in oceans, or have you had the privilege of going under water and seeing the different species of water plants, and sea life making a wonderful display of colour beauty and abundance, or do you sometimes wonder how many birds there are in a flock flying over you and how God has created them in such large numbers? When nature gives, it gives abundantly.

As we begin our meditation for day 5 of the Understanding Abundance challenge, I would like you to consider your own experience and examples of how nature gives lavishly.

Sit or lie down in a comfortable place and consider everywhere in nature where you have observed such abundance. Take your time to do so.

Lift your heart to the Highest Being and state: “thank you for revealing to me that you meant for me and all creation to live in lavish abundance. From my own limited thinking and that of my forefathers before me, with our uncontrolled thoughts of competition,  lack, and scarcity we have made ourselves less than you meant us to be. Today I claim back the abundance meant for me and share it with all humanity. By the realisation of one being of how powerful you made us, humanity will learn and become powerful once more. I am grateful to be taking part in this practice”

Now I get my daily lesson on abundance from a tree that I imagine, that is planted on fertile soil beside a river. Take a moment to meditate on this tree with me—as a symbol of abundance in your chosen area.

Can you place your hands on you heart and call into your mind a tree planted upon a such a stream.

Starting with the roots, observe how they sink deep into the ground and produce a solid, sturdy trunk that no amount of wind can shake. Imagine how this tree is constantly nourished and provided by mother earth. Can you take a moment to see yourself as this tree, firmly anchored into the ground, supported, provided for and natured by Mother Nature?

Say with me “I am sorry for having wasted so many years in lack. Abundance is mine and I am grateful for such a gift”

Can you picture this tree once more. Notice how much it has grown. Notice how it is evergreen regardless of year, season or day. This is what your life was meant to be, you were meant never to get sick or go hungry or lack in any way. Notice how much life this tree supports with its cover, fruit, leaves, bark and yet it continues to grow and display abundant health. This is a symbol of how much you can give to others.

 Can you imagine all the birds that have built nests and given birth to more life on the tree? Can you imagine the multitude of insects and butterflies flying around in happiness. Imagine the bees producing great tasting honey from its flowers. Notice small animals playing happily around this tree eating its fruit. Watch the bigger animals chasing them for food. Imagine other plants, parasites maintaining life from this one tree.

Consider how this goes on for years and years and the tree grows bigger and bigger until it touches the sky.

Can you state “surely my cup overflows”

Whatever you call this power, this intelligence, this Creator, isn’t it an amazing force? Isn’t it wonderful?

Can you spend a few moments expressing gratitude in your own way- dancing shouting , sitting or carrying on with the meditation and thanksgiving. When you are done, stretch, open your eyes and take this expression of gratitude into the rest of your day.

vrijdag 3 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 4

You can listen to the guided meditation here.

On day 4 of the understanding abundance challenge we seek to expand our awareness of abundance by recalling people who have shown abundance in different areas of life. We also revisit the areas where we would like to attract abundance and build specific pictures of some of the things we would like to attract in 2020.

Here is today’s practice.

Stretch as slowly as possible. For example, you can circle your head clockwise. Take a full minute to complete a full circle. Then circle it the other way and taking a full minute to go full circle. Stretch any other areas that need stretching and as you do so, yawn at least five times. Take time to do this.

Sit comfortably or lie down and watch the flow of your breath.

State once and boldly, meaning every word:
“Today I learn abundance from people placed in my path. I had the fruits of this practice wholly and completely to the Supreme Intelligence for the benefit of all humanity. I also claim a clear wish for 2020 and release it into the infinite depths of abundance where it came from, without any attachment”

Focus on your heart centre, let your hands rest on your chest and as you do: Imagine all the people whom you know and who remind you of abundance in any area of life. Some examples are:

A couple who remind you of the abundance of love from the way they talk, look at each other and hold their hands.

A mother holding her child adorably for having made a small achievement, and saying the most adorable things—reflecting abundance of love and appreciation.

Somebody who has wealth in abundance

Someone with an abundance of patience, kindness, peace, power, confidence, what you might call luck, health and vitality, friends, joy, joy, patience—you name it.  Ask your heart to let them come through your consciousness.

Continue to focus on your heart.

Now imagine them receiving these gifts from one source, an inexhaustible source.

Ask your hear to reveal this source to you.

Imagine that this source is accessible to you. You do not have to do anything. You do not have to be special or do anything special. This source requires you to only set a firm intention and Release it, never worry about it anymore. This source knows when and how to provide you with all your needs. It has kept you alive, breathing air into your lungs and digesting your food without your conscious effort or any help from you. Take time to reflect on this from your heart.

Now revisit your chosen area of abundance. Can you set an intention for 2020–just one thing that will happen among all the abundance of things you wish for. Ask your heart for guidance.

If you would like to lose weight, what size clothes would you like to fit into? Is there an amount of cash you would like to earn? Or do you just want to be able to pay all your bills without effort, do you want to fall in love again—this could be with your current partner or someone new, live it all up to the source of infinite abundance to decide. Take your time to think about this.

Can you repeat, meaning every word: “I am grateful that all my wishes are met. Today I feel abundance and my wish being fulfilled above and beyond my expectations”

Think of a good feeling, any feeling, it doesn’t have to have anything to do with your intention—just a great feeling. Can you experience this feeling from your heart. Can you feel a great warm in your heart. If you cry, let yourself cry out of joy, amazed at how much love this great source of abundance can give. In fact it’s essence is love. It is love. Experience it, let it visit you in this moment.

donderdag 2 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 3

You can listen to the guided meditation here.

Today we will continue from where we left yesterday. We are still making ourselves ready as channels and vessels for the flow of abundance into our lives and the lives of those around us. When we finish the exercise for today we will have identified and removed all areas in our lives where negativity exists. Negativity blocks the flow of positive energy and therefore the flow of abundance.

Today’s exercise and meditation will be combined into one activity. The meditation will therefore be active and open-eyed.
We begin by taking a few deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth.
Let us lift our hearts and offer the fruits of this practice to the Supreme Intelligence for the benefit of all humanity past present and future and wherever and in whatever form it exists.

Repeat three times: “Today I intend to clear my energy field of all negativity but as I do so, I detach myself from all outcomes of this practice. I therefore offer the fruits of this practice to the Supreme Being—God for the benefit of all humanity. I wish abundance to all sentient beings wherever they exist. So be it”

Now, with laser focus on your heart centre, visualise a bright white light extending from the heart centre and extending into every cell of your body.  Ask the Supreme Intelligence “help me and guide me to clear my aura of any negative energy, and to suspend all judgements of things, people, places and events. Surround me with your light of protection as I remove all negative forces from my life. Help me transmute them into love and send them back to their origin, deleting and clearing any negative karma I accumulated”

Picture any negativity bubbling up and then disappearing into nothingness.

In your journal, make a list of all the people around whom you feel uncomfortable for whatever reason. Those who push your buttons and those who present any personal challenges that take abundance from your life. They may be anybody including loved ones, spouses, children or in-laws, friends, bosses at work, neighbours or people with whom you commute to work everyday. Take your time to list as many as you can.

Address the Supreme Intelligence as follows: “I know that people in my life are there to teach me lessons of life and to fulfil karmic contracts. I take any lessons I have learnt and bless these people from now on. Help me to accept these people fully and unreservedly. Help me learn any more lessons left for me to learn joyously. I clear all channels for the flow of abundance into my life by blessing all”

Take time to bless all the people you have listed, mentioning them by name.

If there are people involved in the challenges we identified on day 1, can you list them as well. Would you say a prayer for each one of them them “you played your part in allowing me to learn what I needed to learn as part of my challenge. I thank you for that and now bless you. I claim abundance from the infinite source into your life. Now I let you go”

Take time to picture them receive abundance and the part of them that caused you pain or discomfort disappear.

Next, take time to identify things that you feel are less than acceptable to you. Write them down—these are things you usually criticise, complain about, faults you see in yourself and others, pains in your body, the shape of your body, lips or whatever makes you feel inadequate.

Can you see these faults vanish? Can you learn to see the beauty in imperfections? God who created them is perfect. Can you imagine how perfect He meant them to be? Would you apologise for finding fault in His creation? Repeat after me the affirmation of today:

“From now on I see only perfection around me. I see God in all things, therefore I see only perfection. The world I see is a reflection of my internal state. Today I notice that I am perfect and therefore everything and everyone in the world is perfect”

Can you spend a few moments looking around you and seeing only perfection from your heart. Appreciate everything around you, the air you breathe, the chair you are sitting in and the support it gives you, the floor or ground you are standing on. As you do so, feel the flow of abundance in and out of your life and bless everything your eyes rest on.

Repeat after me:

“Thank you, thank you, thank you for being a part of my world”.

Understanding Abundance Day 2

Abundance is an energy that either flows to us or away from us. As an energy, it either increases in its quality and intensity in the presence of other energies, by the principle of resonance. We are channels and vessels for the flow of energy and certainly for the flow of abundance.
If we allow abundance to flow freely in our lives, it increases in both intensity and quality and comes to us through synchronicities.

Some of the most common causes of blockages of the flow of energy in our lives are anger, resentment, guilt, jealousy and envy. A feeling of victim hood keeps us holding onto grudges and past errors of others who we believe did something to us. However, I have come to learn that it is all about me and how I judge situations. The pain I thought other people caused me in most cases was due to my own labels that I put on their actions.

One lesson I have learnt from Neale Donald Walsh was that everything people have ever done was an expression of love. It might have been wrongly expressed, interpreted or received and that gave rise to conflict, but underneath there was only love.

Exercise for today
Today we would like to open ourselves as channels for abundance through forgiveness.
First allow yourself to become very comfortable and then breathe slowly and deeply twenty one times, in through the nose and out through the mouth into the heart centre. Allow your mind to become very still. Raise your heart to the Highest Being, the Supreme Intelligence-God, and declare “In this practice I intend to give and experience forgiveness. This will help me open myself as a channel and container for the flow of abundance into my life and for blessing others around me. I hand the fruits of this practice  wholly, completely and unconditionally to the Supreme Intelligence for the benefit of all humanity”
 In that state invite the following categories of people to show up in your subconscious and either forgive them or ask for forgiveness from them. Just sit still, imagining them as pure and perfect souls, spirit, and pure energy that is present here with you right now. Make an open invitation for friends, family, strangers—people who are  still alive or have passed on for them to show up in each category.
Those who interpreted what you did or did not do for them as errors against them including those who expected you to behave in a certain way and felt you let them down. Let them express what you did wrong if they wish. Keep listening or watching for these souls or pure spirit to express their pain and anger for “what you did” until they stop showing up in your consciousness. Also scan your conscience for any feelings of guilt, genuine or imagined. Ask the people concerned for their forgiveness, stating “I am sorry to have wronged you, knowingly or unknowingly, in reality or imagined. Please forgive me so that you and I can open the flow of abundance into our lives. I have nothing but unconditional love for you and I thank you for letting go of me for what I have done against you and accept that all the negative energy between us has been transmuted into pure love and abundance.” Sit for a while watching any more guilt you may have felt or unknowingly kept in your life for any wrong you thought you had done, being forgiven and evaporating from your life. Declare “I release any feelings of guilt I may have kept within me and transmute these into love for all concerned” Open your heart to receive and give love.
For everyone who has done something “against you” ask your subconscious mind to reveal them to you and what they did or didn’t do. Forgive them, clearly stating: “I forgive you and release you so that I can experience the flow of abundance in my life fully and completely. I bless you and transmute any negative energy that I accumulated against you, into love. I declare that I love you truly and completely. I invite the Supreme Intelligence to help me forgive those I still find hard to forgive. I let you go”. Feel unconditional love for them from your heart and take a moment to experience that love from your heart.
For the next few moments experience the opening of you heart to receive and contain all the abundance you wish to invite into your life in 2020. Remember your intention and the feeling that receiving the abundance gives you. Can you experience this feeling from you heart and keep doubling it, allowing it to flow outwardly from your heart to every cell of your body? Smile and you may open your eyes.

Affirmation for today: I am a free channel and open container for the flow of abundance into my life and the lives of those I touch.

Write down in your journal any insights you might have had concerning forgiveness and abundance including any difficulties in forgiving or receiving forgiveness. If you need any help especially around forgiveness please do not hesitate to contact me privately.

You can get the audio here.

woensdag 1 januari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 1

Happy New Year!!!

While driving to Almere for another dance event, the open road invited me to think about 'Abundance'.

A fish, in the ocean, is it aware of the vastness of the waters around it?
Is it aware of the all Abundance that exist for it?
What would it need to do, to become aware of that Abundance?
And furthermore, why is it not undertaking any action to achieve this awareness?
Then I replaced 'fish' with 'me' and 'ocean' with 'world'.

Mind. Is. Blown. Away....

Fast-forward to this morning, we just received the first guided meditation from Chris in the Abundance group chat and I just completed it.

As the guidences begins, Chris tells us to feel the centre of our chest and to offer everything to the Supreme Being... it's at this moment that my heart exploded with joy and excitement. It's this feeling I'm taking out of this experience. 💓

You can listen to the guided meditation here.

“Today I claim back my right to live in abundance”

Opening my eyes to see a new world... 🙏

Since my divorce almost 10years ago, I have had a placeholder in my calendar for the week my children were supposed to be at my place.
I just removed that placeholder.
Suddenly my calendar, and thus my time, looks open for more possibilities without having to comprimise my connection to my children...
Abundance baby!

Thank you boob-lady!