zaterdag 29 februari 2020

When tomorrow you start a new meditation series...

What you see is a myosin protein dragging an endorphin along a filament to the inner part of the brain’s parietal cortex which creates happiness. Happiness. You’re looking at happiness.

vrijdag 21 februari 2020

Undestanding Abundance Day 21

You can download the audio here.

Yes it is the last day. I miss this series already. It has built me into a strong being with a controlled and balanced view towards life. Healed of my fears, my limitations and my perspective for the future. Once again it was really wonderful to work with people I have worked with before and new people who joined us only for this series. I feel that my family is growing bigger and stronger. I am hoping that we all stay close and work together on other meditations for those who will be leaving at this stage. For those who are still on board, we will be starting another series on the first of March 2020. I will advise you all what topic we will be meditating on.

I love you all.

For today, our last day we will begin and end in deep and sincere gratitude.

So as usual, sit comfortably and close your eyes. Go within and begin to experience deep relaxation. It is very important that you allow your body to relax. Again, your body knows how to relax deeply. Allow your whole body to relax.

Focus your attention on the heart centre and relax. Can you put maximum focus on the heart centre. Relax and focus only on the heart centre. Breathe deeply into the heart. Relax and focus on the heart. Feel a wave of relaxation from the heart. Breathe from the heart.

Now focus on gratitude. Allow yourself to just feel grateful. It doesn't have to be gratitude for anything. You are just grateful. Allow yourself to feel gratitude in your heart. Experience heartfelt gratitude. Let it become deeper and deeper. Just be grateful and relax. Relax and experience how to be in a state of restful gratitude. This is contentment. You are content in your life. You have a beautiful life. I will leave you to just enjoy such deep contentment.

Now again relax deeper. Relax and feel contentment within yourself.

Now look at your life before this series of meditations started. Just take a moment to reflect what has changed from the first day of these meditations. What has shifted in your life? It could have been just a fine shift but something shifted. Just one thing. Ask your heart to show you just one thing that shifted. Can you feel this shift from the heart. Now relax even deeper.

Can you breathe into your heart and spend a few moments in deep gratitude for this aspect of life. Experience the shift for the better. Ask your heart to teach you to love this shift. Can you cherish it and ask that this shift stays for the rest of your life. Ask your heart to teach you to use this shift for the benefit of all humanity. For your continued growth and for the benefit of everyone you touch.

Now focus on your heart and consider the power that brought you into this series of meditations. Consider the circumstances that brought you to join this group. This meeting of souls was ordained long before you were born. Can you thank God for the power of synchronicity. Can you be grateful for the gift of synchronicity. Can you be grateful for mysterious events that brought you to this group? Relax even more and feel gratitude. There is no coincidence ever in lif. It is all according to a grand plan. Would you focus on your heart now and expand your awareness to the body that has no boundary. The part of your being that is concerned with your soul. Allow yourself to experience your highest self from your heat. Experience yourself as the highest being and feel gratitude at this level. You are adding wonderful spiritual growth to your soul. And this growth is carried with you to the end of time. Now experience gratitude from the heart. Can you be grateful for your experience of life?

Can you relax even deeper? Deeply relaxed. Calm and relaxed. Deeper and deeper you are relaxed. Focus intently on the heart. Can you experience the new being that you have been since you joined this group? Now take your time to see how you have changed as a person. Can you feel it? Feel the changes that have taken place. Can you focus on the heart and feel gratitude for the new person that you have become. Relax even more deeply and allow yourself to experience being a new person, with even deeper experiences of life. Relax and feel gratitude.

Breathe deeply into the heart. Can you relax even deeper. Allow your mind and all your being to focus intently on your heart even deeper. Relax and experience even greater gratitude for your life. Experience gratitude from your heart.

Keep your focus on the heart and continue to express gratitude for your life. Allow yourself to see and appreciate what has worked in your life and what is working at this moment. Experience deeper gratitude. Express even more gratitude from the heart. Express gratitude from the heart.

Experience even deeper gratitude for the gift of healing. Experience it from the heart. Gratitude is faith. It is the state of receivership where you allow yourself to say thank you even before anything has been given. Take a moment to remember what you wish for. What do you still wish for.Can you feel gratitude for it? It has already been given. Feel gratitude for this.

I will be quiet now and allow you time to express gratitude for all your wishes being fulfilled.


Thank you

donderdag 20 februari 2020

Turning the other Cheek.

When I use rapeh, I go into deep relaxation and I allow my mind to freely associate and elaborate on anything it wants.
Today it brought to this saying : "if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other cheek"
Ofcourse this is not meant literaly.
A slap to the right cheek is a reminder of some trauma that was lying dormant.
Turning the other cheek is the question to understand your trauma in the other person and to see where you and the other person got it from in order to be able to trasform it and to release it.


Undestanding Abundance Day 20

You can download the audio here.

One day to go. I sincerely hope we have so far achieved significant healing in our minds and as a result freed ourselves from any form of suffering. We have also healed other people, the universe and yesterday we healed our relationships with people, people, places, events and situations. We worked on the understanding that when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Our practice for today is to bless each other in this group. We start with what Anrew Weiss calls the 4-7-8- breath. He suggests that it is one of the most effective types of breaths to achieve quick relaxation. If used for insomnia, you sleep very quickly.

Sit comfortably and relax. Close your eyes. Become aware of a deep sense of relaxation which has already started to take place. Relax. Allow your body to become profoundly relaxed. Relax your feet. Relax the Lower parts of your legs. Relax your thighs, your buttocks. Relax your back and abdomen. Relax your chest, shoulders and both arms and hands. Relax your neck, your Jaws, lips and the entire face. Feel a warm wave of relaxation over your entire body. Enjoy this state of relaxation for a while.

Now make sure your back is straight and that you are comfortable and relaxed. I will give you the instructions for the 4-7-8 breath. You breath in through the nose for a count of four. You hold for a count of seven and exhale for a count of eight. You exhale through the mouth. When you exhale, you press your tongue slightly against your front teeth so that you make a sound. Relax and breathe. We will use the pacer for this breathing.

Now use the process of transfiguration we used yesterday to picture all members of this group-active and inactive. See even those that have stopped. As we did in day 19, we saw ourselves as one with everything. Can you see yourself as one with each and every one member of the group. Can you picture the amount of energy we generated together over the past twenty days.

Can you picture how amazing the experience we had together was. See us all rejoicing together and being very excited as a group. See the freedom we have generated for ourselves and our loved ones. Can you see how much we have achieved for humanity. Imagine how much healing we have achieved for Mother Earth and for the entire univesre. This is because of the force of love.

Now experoience deep love for each member of this group. Bless each one. Wish them abundance of health, love and wealth. Wish everyone a wonderful life. Bless them.

Picture each member of this group as the most beautiful person you ahev ever met and bless them.

Now let us go into a deep sense of gratitude towards each other for working together as such a wonderful team.

Bkless the experience. Experience gratitude for each member of the team and their loved ones. Experience our oneness.

Tell everyone how much you have enjoyed working with them as we approach the end of this magical experience we have had together. Can you allow yourself to be consumed with the deepest love you have ever felt and send it to each member of this group.Tell each person on the group how much you love them and that you will always love them

Deeper and deeper, you are falling in love. Your love is getting stronger and deeper.

Finally, to enhance the effect of our meditation today, focus on the experience of breathing. Don’t change anything about the breath. Just notice how it feels to breathe. See how the breath cools your nostrils on the inbreath and how nice and warm it is when it comes out. Experience the life force and vitality your breath gives you. Relax and just notice your breath. You are not changing anything . Just observing the effects of your breath and witnessing the life that it is giving you.

Let this breath fill your heart.

Let this life force fill your entire body.

Move the life force around you as you continue to experience the miracle of breath.

Breathe the life force ro cover your whole being. See the power of this force that animates every living creature. Feel the life force all around you.

Can you bring your awareness of the life force to cover the room where you are.

Become aware of the life force in the house or place where you are. Every living being in that space is being animated by this life force. Air on its own cannot bring anybody to life. A person who is not breathing cannot experience life even if there is air all around. When this force acts on a person or other life forms, it breathes life. Become aware of this life force in all members of this group wherever they are. Become aware of it in all humanity and all creatures that dwell on the earth and all the worlds.

Continue to be aware of the life force. Maintain awareness of the life force on the earth and everywhere where life exists.

Relax and become intensely aware of the life force. Bless all life in all places at all times.


woensdag 19 februari 2020

Undestanding Abundance Day 19

You can download the audio here.

We have so far been healing ourselves and sometimes other people and the universe. This has been in a very general way.

Today we are healing our relationships. We heal the way we relate with people, places, events and situations. We look at the world from a different perspective. Wayne Dyer said if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. That is the practice of today. To change the way we look at those things we would rather not look at.

We are the masters of our own thoughts. Our thoughts create our experiences. And experiences develop new thoughts, usually of the same kind but much more ruthless than the previous thoughts.

Sit comfortably and relax. Close your eyes. Let your awareness go to a deep sense of relaxation. Your body now knows how to relax. Follow it to a point of profound relaxation. Relax your feet, the Lowe parts of your legs. Relax your thighs, your buttocks. Relax your back and abdomen. Now relax your chest, shoulders and both arms and hands. Relax your neck, your Jaws, lips and the entire face. Feel a warm wave of relaxation over your entire body. Enjoy this state of relaxation for a while.

Now picture a person, place, thing or experience that you hate, fear, just feel uncomfortable about. It could be something that happened and still brings some bad memories. Bring it back and face it. Place tit into your consciousness and feel it right here right now. Keep them at a safe distance and observe it and experience it as if it is here. Feel the emotions this thing, person, place or event brings to you. See this experience in full colour.

Now using the process of transfiguration, see this experience turning to an amazing experience. If it is a place just replace it with the most amazing place you have ever been. Feel bring the amazing place to life. If it is a person, consider them as the most amazing person you have ever met. Or imagine them as the sweetest child you have ever met. So sweet you just want to cuddle them.

Now imagine how beautiful this person, place or thing is. Imagine how much you would miss out if you carried on with the old emotions. You are now in such a hurry to just love them. Pour out your heart to them. Tell them how much you have missed this magical moment of love. Feel the emotions turning into love. Can you allow yourself to be consumed with the deepest love you have ever felt. I will give you time to just love them. Tell them how much you love them and that you will always live them

The more difficult it is to love them, the deeper is your love. Allow yourself to relax completely and allow feelings of love to just fill your whole being.

Deeper and deeper, you are falling in love. Your love is getting stronger and deeper. If it gets more difficult to love them can you say a prayer now for God to send His angels, beings of love and light, ascended masters and archangels to help you love them. Take some time to experience love for them.let God love them on your behalf. Bless them.

Now focus on the experience of breathing. Don’t change anything about the breath. Just notice how it feels to breathe. See how the breath cools your nostrils on the inbreath and how nice and warm it is when it comes out. Experience the life force and vitality your breath gives you. Relax and just notice your breath. You are not changing anything . Just observing the effects of your breath and witnessing the life that it is giving you.

This same breath is the same breath this other person, place or whatever it is, is breathing. It is passing through them as it is passing through you. It is giving them their life or existence as it is giving you. The quality is the same. Everything about their experience is the same as yours. Your wish in life is their wish—to keep breathing this breath for as long as possible. The power breathing them is breathing you. You are one. Just as all creatures in the sea are part of the sea. The sea flows through them as they move through the sea. They are one. You are one. You are passing through the air as it is passing through you.

By hating them or being fearful of them you have those same feelings for yourself. Whatever you feel for them you feel for yourself. Whatever you wish for them you wish for yourself.

Now bring them back to your consciousness. How do you feel? I will be curious for you all to share your experiences.


dinsdag 18 februari 2020

Undestanding Abundance Day 18

You can download the audio here.

 For day 18, we will continue with the breath and the mudras we introduced on day 17. Let us start with the intention for today. We would like to build up the energy of compassion for ourselves, for our loved ones and for humanity. We do this at the beginning of the meditation and hand it all to the Supreme intelligence. The next time we call up our intention is when we reach the heart centre where we feel the energy of compassion in our hearts and teach the cells of our whole body compassion. We spread compassion to all humanity throughout the ages.

So sit comfortably with your back straight and close your eyes. Relax for a moment. Relax deeply. Relax every muscle in your body. Speak to your body and tell it to relax, from the head, the face, tell your neck muscles to relax. Relax your shoulders and the shoulder blades. Relax the chest, the abdomen and your back. Relax your arms and relax your thighs and your legs. Your whole body is completely relaxed. You are fully relaxed.

Now for our intention: Say after me, and mean this from your heart:

Lord God of my being, creator of heaven and earth, teach me compassion as you are compassionate towards humanity and the entire universe. Let me show feelings of deep sympathy and sorrow for anyone else who is stricken by misfortune. Teach me to cultivate strong desires to alleviate my own suffering, the suffering in my body and the suffering of all humanity. Let this desire be the wish for every human being now and throughout eternity. So be it.

Now relax. Relax a little and let this request sink in.

Now with even greater meaning, let us say it again:

Relax again and let this really sink in. Now for the third time, mean it from your heart and from every aspect of your being:

Relax and let this request be transformed into your nature. Feel the acceptance of the request and see it being fulfilled.

So now, we breathe.

As a reminder, in this breath: the four by four by four by four breath we breathe in to the count of four, hold the breath for four counts, exhale for four and keep the breath out for four.

As you breathe in you squeeze the muscles in your perineum, then the lower abdominal muscles and the upper abdominal muscles pushing up the spine to the top of the head. You hold at the top of the head and as you breathe out you relax all your muscles completely.

 You therefore squeeze all these muscles at the base, pushing up the spine, up the lower abdomen, the upper abdomen and imagine you are pushing energy from muladhara right up to sahasrara, the seventh energy centre.

As you breathe in, you might find that you may arch a little, especially when you hold, that helps to push the energy up.

Just as a reminder, the lower three energy centres store up a lot of energy, including the energy of creating, the source of life. They store all the strong emotions including energies that do not serve us any more. This breath helps push these energies up to the higher energy centres. When they get to the heart they are transmuted into love. As they go up, these energies become powerful energies including higher creativity and expression of truth at the throat centre, clarity of thought, higher perception and mystical experiences at the sixth centre and connection with all at sahasrara.

So I am going to start the pacer now. Today we are doing the breath for half the time we did yesterdayLets begin:

Breathe in and squeeze your perineum, muscles of the lower abdomen, the upper abdomen and push energy up past the heart, the throat the base of the head and at the top of the head and hold.

Hold at the top whilst squeezing the muscles.

As you breathe out, relax all the muscles progressively from the upper abdomen down to the perineum. Hold at the base and pulse the perineum muscles.

Pulse and squeeze and breathe in. Hold at the top. Breathe out.

Make sure your spine is straight. Hold the palm of your left hand out as if you are saying stop. Make the stop sign. Now place the left palm on your lower abdomen, below your belly button. Hold up the pointing finger and the middle finger out, on your right hand as you do pretending to point a gun at somebody. Point this finger gun at the lower abdomen, just below the little figure- rest the tip of your fingers at this point and feel the two fingers there. You may relax your left hand now.

Keep pointing these two fingers at the lower abdomen. Breathe into this point. You are breathing prana into the lower dantian. Feel only the two fingers resting lightly on the lower dantien. Place your full attention on the point where your two fingers touch the lower dantien. Breathe into this point. Breathe deeply, slowly and comfortably into the lower dantien. As you do, imagine you are fuelling your body with prana-energy. Keep breathing. Put your one hundred percent attention on the lower dantien, feel the tip of your fingers on the lower dantien. If your mind wanders, bring it back to this point. Keep breathing into this point. Picture the energy you need for the day flowing into this point and being stored for later use when you get tired or your energy is low. You will need this energy when you meet energy vampires. Keep breathing and [lacing your attention on the lower dantien.

Now place your two fingers lightly on the heart. Feel only the two fingers on your heart. Breathe into the heart. Place your one hundred percent attention at the point where your two fingers touch your chest. Keep breathing into this point. Keep breathing into your heart. Now can you feel compassion by calling up a situation you showed or witnessed compassion. If you do not understand or cannot build the feeling of compassion, intend it. Just say to your heart, I intend to feel compassion and relax. Breathe compassion out from the heart into every cell of your body. Let your heart teach every cell of your body compassion. How does it feel to be compassionate. Feel the experience of compassion now. Allow yourself to feel the feeling of compassion. Experience compassion and spread it to the rest of the body.

Feel compassion for yourself.

Now move this feeling to your closest-your nearest and dearest.

Feel compassion for all humanity now.Feel compassion for all humanity form your heart.

Now move the two pointed fingers between your eyebrows. Breathe into this space. Feel the breath coming into your third eye. Turn your eyes inwardly to face the third eye. Keep them closed but imaging you are looking at the third eye. Feel the fingers touching the third eye. All your attention is on your third eye. One hundred percent attention is on your third eye. If you need to support your arm with the left arm, please do so and keep your one hundred percent on your third eye.  Imagine everything that you need to know about compassion coming to you. You don't know how you know about compassion but you know. Imagine anything you want to know about compassion becoming clearer now. What will you do? How will you heal yourself and the entire universe with compassion. What is your role? What is your part in showing compassion and healing through compassion. This is becoming clearer now. Feel the pressure of the two figures on the third eye and receive clarity on everything you would like to know and do concerning compassion.

Now can you end this meditation in deep gratitude for learning and understanding the meaning of compassion.


maandag 17 februari 2020

Undestanding Abundance Day 17

You can download the audio here.

Today’s meditation is a seated meditation. So can you sit comfortably with your back straight and close your eyes.Can you relax and make yourself really comfortable.

Today we go back to our breath. We will use the pacer today. However, we hold at the top of the inbreath, and we also hold at the end of the out breath, so there will be four tones. Like this.

You have to listen very carefully to distinguish the tones. It is the four by four by four by four breath. You breathe in to the count of four, hold the breath for four counts, exhale for four and keep the breath out for four.

 I know it can be challenging, but this is the transformative breath in which we move energies from the lower energy centres up to the upper centres and transmute them into higher forms of energy at the top of the head. I am sure some may have experienced this type of breath with Dr Joe Dispenza. Ours is rhythmic, that is the only difference.

As you breathe in, you squeeze the muscles in your perineum, then all the pelvic muscles, lower abdominal muscles and the upper abdominal muscles pushing up the spine to the top of the head. You hold at the top of the head and as you breathe out you relax all your muscles completely.

To understand the perineum, imagine the muscle that you use to stop pee and the muscle you use to push and stop poo. The muscle in between these two is the perineum. You therefore squeeze all these muscles at the base, pushing up the spine, up the pelvic floor, the lower abdomen, the upper abdomen and imagine you are pushing energy from the lower energy centres right up to the seventh energy centre.

As you breathe in, you might find that you may arch a little, that helps to push the energy up. This practice may sound a bit woo-woo but it has been backed by science and this is where Dr Joe did a great job to explain what happens scientifically in his book Becoming Supernatural. This concept has also been explained by Matak Chia in some of his books and those who follow him on YouTube may have watched him demonstrate this practically.

Here we go, I will guide you for the first few breaths as follows.

Breath in and squeeze your perineum, muscles of the lower abdomen, the upper abdomen and push energy up past the heart, the throat the base of the head and at the top of the head and hold.

Hold at the top whilst squeezing the muscles.

As you breathe out, relax all the muscles progressively from the upper abdomen down to the perineum. Hold at the base and s pulse the perineum muscles.

Pulse and squeeze and breathe in. Hold at the top. Breathe out.
In Tantra we call the process of moving energy from the lower chakras to the upper chakras, and experiencing high states of being, inner alchemy.

Now relax. Relax and listen to me.

Make sure your spine is straight. Hold the palm of your left hand out as if you are saying stop. Make the stop sign. Now place the left palm on your lower abdomen, below your belly button. Hold up the pointing finger and the middle finger out, on your right hand as you do pretending to point a gun at somebody. Point this finger gun at the lower abdomen, just below the little figure. You may relax your left hand now.

Keep pointing these two fingers at the lower abdomen. This point is called the lower dantian in QiGong. Feel only the two fingers resting lightly on the lower dantien. Place your full attention on the point where your two fingers touch the lower dantien. Breathe into this point. Breathe deeply, slowly and comfortably into the lower dantien. As you do, imagine you are fuelling your body with prana-energy. Keep breathing. Put your one hundred percent attention on the lower dantien, feel the tip of your fingers on the lower dantien. If your mind wanders, bring it back to this point. Keep breathing into this point. Picture the energy you need for the day flowing into this point and being stored for later use when you get tired or your energy is low. You will need this energy when you meet energy vampires. Keep breathing and [lacing your attention on the lower dantien.

Now place your two fingers lightly on the heart. Feel only the two fingers on your heart. Breathe into the heart. Place your one hundred percent attention at the point where your two fingers touch your chest. Keep breathing into this point. Keep breathing into your heart. Imagine all the love you are bringing into your heart. Breathe love into your heart. Let your heart teach all the other parts of your body love. Spread love from this point into the heart. Breath love. Feel the experience of love. Allow yourself to feel the feeling of love. Experience love and spread it to the rest of the body. As you do, heal any pain, any stress, anything you feel is unwelcome. Heal any emotions and transmute any negative feelings into love. This is advanced alchemy. Continue to breathe love. Feel love as you breathe. Place your hundred percent attention on the heart.

Now move the two pointed fingers between your eyebrows. Breathe into this space. Feel the breath coming into your third eye. You can turn your eyes inwardly to face the third eye. Keep them closed but imaging you are looking at the third eye. As you do, feel the fingers touching the third eye. All your attention is on your third eye. One hundred percent attention is on your third eye. If you need to support your arm with the left arm, please do so and keep your one hundred percent on your third eye.  Imagine everything that you need to know coming to you. You don't know how you know but you know. Imagine all the answers to your questions being answered. Anything that is unclear is becoming clear now. You can see clearly now. You perceive beyond any normal human being. Your mind is being healed to think clearly and only wonderful thoughts. One hundred percent attention on the third eye. Feel the pressure of the two figures on the third eye.

Now to close this meditation you can put your hand down and relax.
I would like you to notice that throughout all your life, there was a presence that has stayed with you. It never left you. It never changed. It remained there with you. You don’t have to think hard. Just look back and feel this presence. That is your soul, your higher self, one who knows you in and out. One who has experienced with you everything you have ever experienced. Your body has changed a million times from a tiny body to what it is now. This presence remained unchanged. It never grew old. It is as it was when you had your first memory. When you had your first breath It witnessed everything and never judged you for anything. You have awakened this presence. Feel it as you do whatever you do today. When you feel low or sick or upset, remember this presence and say silently thanks for having my back.

I will leave you to picture this presence and express gratitude to it for never leaving you even for a fraction of a second.

Say thank you for having my back.

zondag 16 februari 2020

Undestanding Abundance Day 16

You can download the audio here.

21 Days of Healing Day 16
Today is day 16. It is the second day of exercising the correct use of will. To day we make a commitment to a daily practice of reminding ourselves that

There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought, in this substance, Produces the thing that is imagined by the thought. Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

This is a quote from Wallace D Wattles’ books.

We also remind ourselves that a daily practice of reminding ourselves that

There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought, in this substance, Produces the thing that is imagined by the thought. Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created….

Will make this substance real in our lives. We begin to realise that this is us. This substance is in us and we are a part of it. We were raised to believe that we are separate from this substance. We were brought up to believe that this substance is outside of us. Religion made it a forceful, vengeful and angry god, out to catch us and punish us.

We were brought up to believe that if we need anything we should kneel down and beg. We were taught to consider ourselves sinners not worthy to be close to this power.

Today, as part of exercising our will, we direct our minds to accept first the existence of this power, second that it exists in us and as us, and third that when we need anything we just need to think it. The more we think, the more we impress upon this substance to bring the things we need into form. We do not have to beg. We do not have to feel guilty about asking for as much as we want. We do not have to limit ourselves

The fuel for our thoughts are our emotions. To make the best of today’s practice bring your feelings into everything. Feel the feelings. Identify the emotions of every state and feel it.

So lie down and relax the best way you know how, on your back, arms on the side and palms facing up. Eyes are closed. You are warm, comfortable and relaxed.

Scan your entire body. Identify any pain, any sensation, any feeling. Just acknowledge it and move to the next. Now make a conscious effort to relax. Relax your whole body.

Again scan your body for any sensation, and feeling, any pain. Anything you feel. Again relax your entire body.

We well alternate between awareness and relaxation a couple of more times.

You will not sleep.

Scan your entire body and tell every part to relax. Identify any pain, any sensation, any feeling. Just acknowledge it and move to the next. Now make a conscious effort to relax. Relax your whole body.

Again Scan your entire body and tell every part to relax. Identify any pain, any sensation, any feeling. Just acknowledge it and move to the next. Now make a conscious effort to relax. Relax your whole body.

You will stay wake the entire time and you will feel completely relaxed. Your body will be relaxed completely and your mind will stay awake and will understand everything we are doing. Your mind will cooperate with my suggestions. Your subconscious will listen and accept everything that resonates with you. It is being renewed, retrained and reminded of its power. You have the power to determine your fate. You have the power to live a life of perfection and bliss. You have the power to live a wonderful life.


Now, as in day 13, As you relax, notice that there is a power that exists in all things and all things are made by it and all things are made of it. It is a thinking substance. Our first correct use of our will is to understand the existence of this power, not as an outside force but as a part of us that exists in us and as us. It is one with us. Our correct use of will is to direct our minds to acknowledge this power not only daily but every minute of our lives.

Let your mind recite this statement:

There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought, in this substance, Produces the thing that is imagined by the thought. Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

Can you think a thought of healing in your mind: create a picture of yourself whole, complete and perfect. How do you feel? What does health mean to you? Can you picture yourself healthy? Can you imagine the smell of success from day 15. Can you smell it? Can you smell perfect health. Can you recall this does perfect health feel like? Imagine you are looking at your being from outside. You are in perfect health. How do you look? How do you walk? How do you talk? How do you think? Can you think like this now. What would you do? Where would you go? Can you go there now?

I will be quiet to allow you to go there and experience perfect health in every aspect of your life.

Now can you remember

There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought, in this substance, Produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

Can you direct your will to acquire all the wealth you ever wanted. How does wealth look like? What would you do with all that wealth. Where would you go? What feelings would you experience? How does wealth taste? How does it smell? Can you recall the smell of success from day 15? Smell this. This is your wealth. How do you look as a wealthy being? How would you serve humanity? How would you give back?

I will leave you to experience wealth in abundance. Experience wealth.

Now can you recall for a moment that

There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought, in this substance, Produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

Can you experience love? What does love mean to you? Can you experience all the love you ever wished for. Again I will leave you to experience one form of love after another.

Can you recall again that

There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought, in this substance, Produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

Now imagine you have achieved the state of oneness with this power. Imagine you are completely transformed to be like it. You are it. Whatever you think becomes real. What would you do? How would you think? What would you think? Can you think that now? Let your thoughts run wild and think all the things you would think, if you were perfectly like God and one with God, knowing that whatever you think comes into being.

Now take time to recall again that

There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought, in this substance, Produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

Imagine you have mastered the art of directing your mind on a daily basis, to imagining yourself as whole, complete and like this power. The more you direct your mind to recognise the purity and beauty and wholeness that exists in you and that you are, the less you have anything you would call a problem. What would you see? What would experience?

Indeed you are a warrior and you have conquered any negativity. You have transcended all negative thoughts. Can you now picture in your mind’s eye, that 

There is indeed a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought, in this substance, Produces the thing that is imagined by the thought. Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

Can you express gratitude to it for thinking you into existence? What else are you grateful for? Can you relax and express your gratitude? Can you go back in life and divide your life into five year periods

Period 1 is within the past five years, what good things happened to you? Just the good. Can you express gratitude for these?

Take your mind five years before this. What happened that you would say God that was great.? Can you say that now? Look and say God that was great.

Keep moving five years back until the time you had your earliest memories.

The 3 Kings of the East

After all these meditations I realised that whenever I would 'watch the breath', this would actually first block my breath and I would need some time to rela into my natural rithm again.
So I decided to approach the start of my medittions as if I would approach the room of a sleeping baby.
On my bare feet..
Observe the baby sleeping peacefully
See how it is abundant in Love, Health and Wealth.
The baby has it all.
That's when I connected Chris's words about the 3 aspects with the baby Jesus and the 3 Kings from the East bringing frankincense(Love), myrrh (Health) and gold (Wealth)

Thank you

zaterdag 15 februari 2020

Undestanding Abundance Day 15

You can download the audio here.

Day 1 of Applying the proper use of will to your practice
Now into the third and final week of the 21 Days of Healing. To help you prepare for today, if it is ok with you, the first parts of this meditation is dynamic. This means we start on our feet. We shake and move quite a bit and then lie down. For maximum effect, keep a bottle of a fragrance or essential oil you love but hardly use, handy. Keep it close to you. We call this the smell of success. We will use it in today’s meditation.

So stand for a moment. You are standing upright, arms on the side. This is the mountain pose. A powerful pose that assures and reflects your confidence. Now you stand tall, chest up and out. Chin up. Arms on your side. Feel yourself firmly supported by the ground. Stand firm but comfortable. You might need to adjust your knees so that you do not put too much pressure on them, by bending them ever so slightly

Close your eyes and look within. Now bring your palms to the prayer position and say after me: God almighty, I hand all the fruits of my practice to you today, wholly and completely, for the benefit of all sentient beings.Say this from your heart and relax in that position.

Now bring your arms back to the mountain pose, arms on your sides and listen to me for a moment.

In the meditations for day 15 and 16 we put the theory of the meditations on Day 13 and 14 into practice. We make the proper application of our will to achieve healing for ourselves. We considered healing to be the transformation of our lives into abundant health, love and wealth. Each of us identified what healing meant to us at this stage of our journey. Some identified specific areas that needed healing such as healing of past traumas, bringing love, peace and harmony into our lives, and bringing comfort from ailments. If we are to categorise, all these fall into one two or all of healing in the areas of health, wealth and love. Healing is shining the light of God to alleviate or ease any discomfort or lack in any of the three areas of love, health and wealth. 

On day 14 we explored the proper application of our will. We contemplated on the power that fills, permeates and penetrates every aspect of life. We acknowledged this power as life itself. It is a thinking power, which responds to thoughts to bring about form. When we think, this power responds to us to create what we think or to bring our thoughts into form.

Our duty is to strive to be like this power: Pure, whole and complete. This is done by the nature of our most frequent thoughts.

We acknowledged that after many years of conditioning to flood our minds with only negative thoughts, becoming positive in the face of difficulty feels like being indifferent. Concentrating on positive thoughts as a way of life becomes a real battle. However, that is the battle which we should gladly fight and the more we remember to fight this battle, the more we succeed and the more we succeed the happier we become. The happier we become, the more beautiful our lives turn. We begin attracting health, wealth and love. We experience beauty, wonder and magnificence. We can experience God on a day to day basis.

Now, onto our practice.
Open your eyes and prepare to be very active. Allow space to move your body in any way it dictates to you. Move your body now. You may want to stretch and turn and jump and dance. Just move.

Move and allow yourself to be filled with joy. Move. Move your body.

Keep moving your body. Raise your energy. Move. Allow yourself to move. You may be a little breathless, but move.

If you need to rest a bit, just stand in the upright position. When you regain your breath,  move. Move. Keep moving the best way you know how.

Now stop and stand in the upright position. Close your eyes if it feels safe to do so.  Feel yourself firmly supported by the earth. Stand firm but comfortable. You might need to adjust your knees so that you do not put too much pressure on them, by bending them ever so slightly.

Imagin a warrior. You are the warrior. How do you look? How do you feel You are the warrior? Feel like a warrior. Stand like a warrior. Pose like a warrior. Now spray your fragrance or smell your essential oil. Commit to remember the feeling of being a warrior. You are a powerful warrior.

Now you want to remember the supreme intelligence but you do not feel like doing that. Then you remember you are a warrior in a battle. Take your pose and become the warrior. See yourself battle in your mind. See yourself win the battle. You are a warrior. Win the fight. Fight the fight and win. You want to think positive thoughts but it is impossible. Everything and everyone around you is negative. It is all negative.

Remember you are the warrior. You are in a battle. Fight the battle and win.

Now you stand tall, chest up and out. Chin up. Arms on your side. You are a warrior. The warrior. How do you feel? How do you look? See yourself win the battle against negativity. You are successful. Spray and smell the smell of success. Relax.

Now lie down and relax. Relax. Allow yourself to relax. Close your eyes and relax. Relax you legs, your abdomen. Relax your back and relax your chest. Relax your arms. Relax. Deeper and deeper. Now your whole body is relaxed. Feel a wave of relation. Relax.

I will read this piece I found recently:

A 2010 study found that if you focus on a negative feeling or mood for just one day, the damaging effects are profound.

Another study showed that simply recalling a prior negative interaction triggers cardiovascular stress.

But perhaps the most shocking discovery is this: negative moods can spread like a virus through an entire community, increasing cardiovascular risk for everyone! But there’s good news as well: you can interrupt the damage by ruminating on positive feelings & thoughts.

Take this moment to just think positive thoughts. I will mention these and let yourself feel the positive thoughts. If you cannot feel them just intend to feel the thought. For example if i say love, you may want to intend love if you cannot love. Allow yourself to feel it if you can. Do not force anything. Just relax and let your subconscious lead you into positive experiences.

Now let us begin:
Love-Feel it. Experience love. Intend to love. Receive love. Give love. Share love.
Peace-feel a wave of peace wash over you. Experience peace as you lie there and relax. Relax and experience peace. Feel peace. See yourself in a peaceful place and enjoy the peace. You are it. You are peaceful.
Joy-feel joy. Experience and enjoy being joyful. Relax and allow yourself to feel joy. Allow yourself to be joyful. Experience joy.
Compassion-be compassionate to yourself. Show compassion to others. Experience compassion. Receive it. Accept it.
Gratitude-what are you grateful? Count your blessings. What has gone well in your life? Be grateful for this

Now I will give you time to feel other positive feelings on your own. If you drift away and sleep, enjoy your sleep.

Today, Why not spend one minute, once each hour, meditating on a pleasant memory or on someone you love? Your heart will literally thank you!


Thank you

The truffle in me... :)

Last night I prticipated in a truffle ceremony.
The mushroom hit me hard and brought me to a very childish energy.
All I wanted to do, is dance and have fun.
This was not allowed by the sitters and I was isolated to calm down.
This felt humiliating and I saw my inner child go through an old trauma of rejection and punishment.
In this pain I had to find a way to get a grip and to support myself.
Very confronting, very strong lesson. I hold no grudge to the sitters. <3

So, imagine my extatic joy when I hear you Chris, asking me to DANCE!!! :) ;) ;)
I blew of the ceiling in pure self-amusemnt but...when you asked to stand up strong like a Warrior, I couldn't resist returning to that humiliating event and feeling.
I counldn't stand tall unless that hurted child sitting in the dark corner, would trust me and it would feel ALLOWED to get up with me.
This resulted in an agonising inner-begging for trust and love.
I cried again with the child and then he gave me his hands....we got UP!
:D :D :D
I sprayed the parfum!
I ran in the garden half naked just to proove him we can do it! :D :D :D

Now, we stand tall, toghether, united!

Thank you Chris for this perfect timing again.
Thnak you all for listening.

vrijdag 14 februari 2020

Undestanding Abundance Day 14

You can download the audio here.

The Correct Use of Will
Today we are contemplating the true and noble use of our will.

One of the most powerful aspects of being human is the free will that we were given before we were even born. Even the angels and our spiritual guides will not stand against our free will. Not even God will not interfere with our free will. Would I therefore propose, on the basis of this, that the future is very fluid-it is constantly changing and we have the power to change it. God always grants us our will. Whatever you will, is what you get. There is no second guessing.

So first, you might find that it is most appropriate to sit in a comfortable position and relax. As you sit, you might notice that your eyes naturally close as they are now used to closing during meditation. After 14 days of daily meditation, with eyes mostly closed, wouldn’t it be a wonderful thing to feel great as we are establishing a habit of daily meditation. Best of all, close your eyes and relax into a meditative state.

I congratulate you for your will to get to this point. You might find that through the meaning of meditation:  the act of giving your attention to only one thing, you have been meditating even when you were carrying out your daily activities. Fourteen days of meditation-the one thing that has dominated your attention. You have made meditation a part of life. You will from now be meditating whenever you have time. You will make the time whenever it feels like you do not have the time.

As you listen to my voice and accept the congratulations from me, you might find that you are relaxing deeper and deeper. And the deeper you relax, the more comfortable you become and the deeper you relax further. So deeper and deeper you are relaxing. You are comfortable and relaxed. Deeper and deeper you relax. Your body is relaxed. Your subconscious mind is listening to my voice and is actively responding to my words. It will command the body to relax until it hears the final Thank you. Then it will wake your conscious mind up. For now, all you are doing is relaxing. Relax.

The subconscious is now taking control of your correct use and application of will

Now let us set our intention for this meditation: Today I make the correct use of my will. I am redefining the correct use of my will. Today I embrace a whole new use of my will.

What does will mean then. Will is the power the mind has to decide its actions. Say this with me: My will is the power of my mind to decide my actions.

But we are so used to saying let your will be done. Let your mind exercise its power to decide my actions. Why is it that we always do the opposite. If we are giving God permission to exercise his will on us, our role is to observe the will of God and do it. God is perfect and would love for your thoughts to be perfect. He would love for you to observe his perfection by thinking perfect thoughts. So relax and contemplate perfect thoughts.

As you relax, notice that there is a power that exists in all things and all things are made by it and all things are made of it. It is a thinking substance. Our first correct use of our will is to understand the existence of this power, not as an outside force but as a part of us that exists in us and as us. It is one with us. Our correct use of will is to direct our minds to acknowledge this power not only daily but every minute of our lives.

This is what we should do. That is what Krishna instructs Ajna to do in the Bhagavad Gita. To understand that you are one with this power and that there is no division and there is no separation. Acknowledgement of this power should be the primary use of our will

The second use of your will is to want to be like this power. Your mind should direct every part of you to come back home. Coming back home means going back to oneness with that power. We should direct our will to being happy, perfect and whole. That is the correct use of our will-the only thing God cannot and will never take away from us.

The third use of your will is to direct your mind on a daily basis, starting with a few minutes, to imagining yourself as whole, complete and like this power. The more you direct your mind to recognise the purity and beauty and wholeness that exists in you and that you are, the less you have anything you would call a problem. Will is the direction of your mind. Direct it to recognise your purity. Recognise your perfection in every area. Remember perfection is having enough of your Health, Love and Wealth.

Direct your mind to only thoughts of having sufficient health, wealth and love. That is the battle that is described in the Bhagavad Gita. This is the battle of the mind. The more you take part in this battle willingly, the more you will win it.

Take your time to contemplate this.

Relax and contemplate.

Thank you

donderdag 13 februari 2020

Undestanding Abundance Day 13

You can download the audio here.

What does Healing Mean to Me?

On day 12 we sought a deeper understanding of what healing meant to us as individuals. Now as you settle down for today’s meditation, you might find that your body is already relaxing and eyelids so heavy that you may find it difficult to keep the yes open. Go ahead. Have your eyes closed and appreciate the feeling of relaxation that gives you. You are in a seated position. And you are already going deeper into relaxation.

It might be that you did not get an answer to the question: What does Healing Mean to Me?

Whether you did or did not get an answer, it doesn’t matter anymore. You are here now. Remember the universe works in many mysterious ways to perform its wonders. In fact, after me, the universe works in many mysterious ways to perform its wonders. Allow your mind to accept this statement: the universe works in many mysterious ways to perform its wonders

The teaching process takes so many different shapes. Remember: the universe works in many mysterious ways to perform its wonders.

This meditation today may just be one of the ways in which you are receiving your teaching, so allow your body and mind to relax as you listen to my voice. Let your mind accept what is. And relax.

If you got an answer, that is perfect. You can apply it in this meditation as a reference point and you might find that your understanding will be greatly enhanced as you go deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation.

Take a deep breath here.

Now exhale completely through the mouth and relax.

Today we breathe through the central channel, the channel that runs along the spine. As you breathe in, picture a glowing white column of light move from the base chakra to the top of your head and out into the universe. This column of light moves in an opposite direction to the breath

 As you breathe out, picture this channel as a conduit of cosmic healing energy flowing in from the universe, energising and blessing all your energy centres and the related glands of the endocrine system. Cosmic energy also moves in the opposite direction to the out breath

Picture each gland being revitalised and rejuvenated as you breathe out. You are receiving healing whilst being grounded as cosmic energy flows into the earth through your feet.

Breathe and relax.

 I will give you time to continue breathing this way.


In one in breath, let your attention move up the central channel: from muladhara, the base chakra to swadhisthana the centre of creativity and passion, to mandipura the seat of the will, to anahata, the heart chakra, to vishuddha the throat chakra, to ajna the third eye and up to sahasrara and out to the universe. As you breathe out, picture cosmic energy coming into your body through the central channel to revitalise and rejuvenate your pituitary gland, the pineal gland, the thyroid gland, the heart, thymus and spleen, to the adrenals, Pancreas and sexual organs.

Relax the best way you know how.

We now hand the fruits of this practice to the Supreme Consciousness. That is to say, we do not have any claim to the fruits of this practice as they belong to the Supreme Intelligence. We are open to such fruits being of benefit to all humanity. We acknowledge our oneness with the divine and that all humanity is a part of this undivided whole. We therefore share all our experiences with the rest of humanity.

Let us say for a moment that healing means easing, or relieving something. Wouldn't this be extended to apply to the relief from or easing of any suffering, deficiency, or a problem?

There are only three areas every person may experience lack: Health. Love and Wealth. Only three. Health may be broken down to physical, mental, emotional, psychological. Love may involve erotic love or all the other forms of love whilst wealth could include money, a feeling of abundance in many different areas or having sufficient possessions

Healing means relief from suffering, deficiency, or a problem arising from lack in any of these three areas of life. When we heal ourselves, we experience fulfilment in any of these areas.

Healing means being whole. It means making holy. It means to be perfect.

If you remember from Day 1, we can only heal through the renewal of the mind. Only our thoughts can bring healing. So healing means using our thoughts correctly. That is to say keeping in our thoughts, the picture of perfection. Only see Yourself as perfect in every way. We said on Day 2 that perfection was the nature of God. Healing therefore means adopting the nature of God. It means seeing ourselves as a part of the divine, which is the all and in all.

Now relax and contemplate this. Never see yourself as lacking in anything. Never entertain thoughts of sickness or lack. Reject any thoughts of powerlessness. You are powerful as God is powerful. You are whole as God is whole. The more time you spend picturing yourself as a part of the whole that is perfect, the more you attract healing in your life. That is the exercise of healing

Contemplate this. Meditate on this.

Now, on Day 14 we shall meditate on the correct use of the will.

For now, I pray that we have received clarity on the real meaning of healing. But what does this mean to you? How does this apply in your life?

Peace and healing be upon you


Thank you

dinsdag 11 februari 2020

Undestanding Abundance Day 12

You can download the audio here

 What is your view of healing?

Today I challenge you to explore what healing means to you.

First, Sit comfortably and close your eyes.

Ask: “What does healing mean to me?” Repeat this after me: “What does healing mean to me?”

Again: “What does healing mean to me?”

Let us consecrate this practice to the Supreme consciousness. Remember, this is the process of handing the fruits of our practice to the Supreme, wholly and completely for the benefit of all sentient beings. We will that the benefits accrue to all humanity, as they accrue to one. Ask the Supreme to enable all humanity to share a common goal of healing. Relax and let this request be received at the deepest level.

Now let us open our perception centre by carrying out 81 power breaths. This will wake us up mentally and allow us to relax and invite peace afterwards. Remember to focus your attention on the space between your eyebrows, your centre of perception as you breathe. Let the inbreath happen naturally. Hush the air out by forcing your belly in, 81 times. Exhale strongly through the mouth. We are waking ourselves up and opening ourselves to deeper and clearer understanding of the meaning of healing.

Let us begin.

Now relax and experience the energy that you have generated throughout your body and the opening of your sixth chakra. The centre for deeper understanding, clarity of thought and mystical experiences. Relax and perceive the activity of the sixth centre. How do you experience its opening? Focus intently on this centre for a few minutes and experience its opening. How do you feel? Where do you experience its opening?

In the second part of this meditation, we carry out the alternate breath. With your attention still focused intently on the space between your eyebrows, breathe in and out alternately through the left and right nostrils, holding after each inhale and exhale.

Now relax and feel the peace and calm in your mind. Appreciate the calmness in the mind. Feel the balance in your male and female energies. Feel the yang and yin. Feel and experience the balance in the left and right hemispheres of your brain. Your emotional and creative abilities are fully balanced.

You are now ready to experience the meaning of healing.  Now focus your attention on the heart centre and ask your heart: What does healing mean to me? Listen intently for the snawer. Listen and relax. Relax and listen.

What does healing mean to you? What is your greatest need for healing? What area needs healing in your life at the moment. Ask this question. I will be quiet in the next few minutes. I would really want you to now place all your focus on the heart and the sixth centres at once.

Do not force yourself to think of an answer. Just sit, relax and place your attention between your eyebrows and your heart.

Sit comfortably. Now let go of the intense focus on the heart and third eye chakras. Allow you mind to open for answers. Allow the answer to this question come to you. Relax. Let your heart tell you the answer to the question: “What does healing mean to me?” Let your centre of perception perceive the answer. Acquire a deeper understanding. Allow this understanding to be deeper and clearer.

I will be quiet to allow you to fully integrate the answer.

Now open your eyes and record in your journal, a detailed explanation of your understanding of the meaning of health. If you haven’t received an answer during the meditation allow yourself to write whatever comes to your mind. Write and write again.

Review this later today. On day 13 we will review this meaning first and then explore the question deeper.

Namaste. Thank you

Undestanding Abundance Day 11

You can download the audio here.

So we continue with our work to assure ourselves that we are free of the collective consciousness that causes sickness, disease, repeating unwanted patterns of bad luck, lack, failure, pain and suffering that runs in families throughput generations. Collective consciousness also includes things that are fashionable as it were: medical and mental conditions, trends and what people would call “my luck” and nature of relationships.

To begin, sit up with your back straight and eyes closed. We start with the alternate breathing practice. Do this at your own pace, without the pacer. Remember, use the right hand fingers to control breathing in and out. When you breathe in through the left nostril, you close the right nostril with the thumb. You close both nostrils for a few seconds to hold the breath in and then and exhale through the right nostril. Then breathe in through the right nostril. Hold. Breathe out through the left nostrils. Hold again and breathe in again through the left nostril. Continue for ten breaths.

Sit and relax to feel the calmness and peacefulness in the mind. You are relaxed deeply. Relax.

Now let us begin the fire breath which we introduced yesterday.. In some practices they believe that the number of times you are able to breathe up to, is the age you will reach alive in this lifetime. That is the number of years you will be able to live on earth. In other practices it is believed that this breath, should be practiced 81 times three times a day.

Today we aim to complete 81 times of this breath just one time.

Let us begin.

To remove suffering and pain brought by collective consciousness let us apply the approach suggested by Wallace D Wattles. You do not remove pain and suffering by trying to eliminate pain and suffering. You should never use suffering and pain as a reference point. Our reference point today is the divine.We place all our attention on the divine. The more we think about the divine and the more time we spend with the divine in mind, the more we become like the divine.

The divine is holy, that is to say whole, complete and perfect. Now imagine the divine  as a ball of fire, whole, complete and perfect. Imagine this ball inside your heart. Now let this ball or fire grow bigger and bigger inside your heart. As it grows, it is consuming all unwanted negative energies that are buried deep inside your cells. Every cell inside your body is being cleansed to retain healthy, youthful energy.

Notice as this ball of fire grows bigger and brighter. It is burning all unwanted traits and trends in your life. Let it grow to cover your children if you have any, your brothers and sisters, let it grow to cover your parents, aunts and uncles and now all your grandparents and their brothers and sisters, and all your forefathers. Go back as many generations as you can. Go forward as many generations as you can imagine.

Let the divine cover any loved ones, neighbours, people in your home area, city and now the entire world. Let any being become covered by this ball of fire. It is cleaning fire that leaves everybody back at the zero point.

This is the almighty, which Wallace D. Wattles called the one living substance of which all things are made. This living substance permeates, penetrates and fills all the interspaces of the universe. It is in and through all things, all life comes from it’s life and is all that is.

Now for the rest of this meditation, repeat silently after me, Psalm 91, here we go:

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.

A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you

You will only observe with your eyes and see the suffering of those who only think about suffering.

If you say, “The LORD is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling,
no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent.

For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;
they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
“Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
With a long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

Take your time to repeat this poem whenever you feel a bit down, sick or threatened bye sickness that is affecting everyone else around you

Thank you

zondag 9 februari 2020

Undestanding Abundance Day 10

You can download the audio here

Healing from Collective Consciousness
Today’s meditation is a seated meditation. So sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Let go of any thoughts of the past or the future. Just be present at this moment. Can you take your awareness to what is happening in this place at this moment. Feel the clothes you are wearing. Feel the breath and feel the temperature in the place where you are. Let go of any judgements or any worries or anxieties about what will happen next. Accept what is happening at this moment.

Relax. Now listen to my voice.

It is amazing how one idea, one issue, one problem and one disease affecting one person becomes widespread so quickly. These days we think it is the internet but how often do you have an idea in your mind and within a few days find that idea being already known and used widely by other people. That idea might not have appeared to you in any form before, no internet, no discussion and not even witnessing anyone using that idea

A scenario that puts this concept into perspective is the story of monkeys that were taught to wash their hands before eating. They were kept in one area and not allowed to mix with monkeys from any other area. However, a few months down the line, it was found that some monkeys in a different area were washing hands before eating but nobody had taught them. This is the concept of collective consciousness. There is a field within which anything that has ever been known or done by anybody at any time in any place, can be known or done by other people elsewhere out necessarily any form of communication.

Because of the amount of emotion related to suffering, there is far greater transfer or exchange of pain related and suffering across space and time, than normal life.

I hope I have made the concept clear. I call it collective consciousness. We are affected by other people’s suffering without any need of direct contact or communication. These days of fast information transfer, such exchange is much quicker and a lot more widespread.

Today we are healing pain and suffering from collective consciousness. We can remain free of such suffering and become the healers rather than victims of any trendy disease, problem or state. That is the state we are claiming today. We are masters of our experiences. We have the power to decide our experiences.

That is our practice for day 10 and day 11. For day 10, today, we open our minds for clarity on the concept of collective consciousness. We do this by activating our sixth chakra, that centre of clarity of thought, perception and understanding.

By placing our attention on the third eye, we activate it for clarity of thought, deeper understanding of issues and of the meaning behind what we see, hear and feel. Through such activation we can understand when we are grounded in our own energies and when we are responding to the energies of others around us.

To open this centre, we do a quick breathing exercise. Breathe from the belly. You do not consciously breathe in. All you need to do is push your belly inside and as you do, breathe out through the mouth like this: The idea is to take as many breaths as possible for as long as possible. As you breathe, maintain your focus on the space between your eyebrows. You place your attention on the third eye.

Let us begin.

Now take a deep breath in and breathe out through the mouth.

Can we do the breathing exercise again?

Now take a deep breath in, and hold. And out through the mouth. Now relax. For the rest of this meditation, sit and continue to focus your attention on your third eye. Place all your attention between your eyebrows. If your mind wonders, bring it back to the sixth chakra. Focus intently on this centre.

With eyes closed, you can pretend to look up and look bring your eyes together, to look at the spot between your eyebrows.

If your mind wonders, bring your attention back to this centre.

Now finally, sit and contemplate the concept of collective consciousness. Let your mind rest on the concept and let it receive deeper understanding of how people respond to other people’s suffering by suffering themselves. Contemplate how we pick up energies across time and space. Contemplate the suffering that is widespread in families across generations. We are masters of our own reality. There is no question of a family disease or family trend. We are free from such bondage. We are masters of our own destiny. Contemplate this idea.

You may now open your eyes..

Undestanding Abundance Day 9

You can download the audio here.

Today, day 9 we continue from where we left on Day 8. We are healing issues with our physical bodies. These issues include ailments, pains and unwanted repeating patterns. If you exhausted the issues on day 8, today may be the day to relax in your meditation and integrate the healing that took place yesterday.

Let us begin lying down on the back with eyes closed. We reaffirm the intention from day 8:
I will find out where this pattern started and I will make peace with the event, person, people, time involved. Almighty God, help my subconscious mind identify the source of this issue and heal it today. Even now I am healed.
Breathe normally from the nose. What is important is that you are comfortable, warm and completely relaxed. So observe that your body is now used to the practice of relaxation and responds to you quickly. You are now relaxed.
Now scan your body round and tell every part that is tense or feeling any pain or uneasiness to relax. Take your time to go over your body and tell any uneasiness to relax. Tell your body to relax.
Keep going, telling every part of your body to relax. You may find that your body is deeper into relaxation. Deeper and deeper. You are deeply relaxed. All your muscles and your joints are soft and completely relaxed. You may find that even if you tried to lift your arms you cannot because they have become very heavy. Your legs are very heavy. Your body is heavy, lying on that surface. You are deeply relaxed.
Now in order to relax even deeper, can you pay attention to your breath now. Breathe normally and naturally. Do not try to alter your breath or change anything. Just be aware of your breath. Feel the cool air travel through your nostril, down through your throat, into the chest and feel your stomach lift as you breathe in. Feel the gentle dropping of your stomach as you breathe out and feel the warm air exit through the nostrils. Keep breathing normally and naturally.
If your mind wanders, return to your breath. Remember you are breathing normally. Just observing your breath.
Your mind is now completely relaxed. Empty. You are deep in relaxation.
Now listen to my voice. Let go of the breath and listen to my voice. You may be sleeping at this stage. Your subconscious mind is fully awake and listening to me now. It hears every command and it is taking action to heal you. You are free from any unwanted patterns and trends in your life. You are healthy and free.
You have the power to heal yourself. You remember every incidence and every detail of every cause of every ailment. You are now healing yourself. You are using your divine right to be free from illness. You are free from any repeating, unwanted pattern. You are healthy. Your mind is healthy. You are free.
Now turn to one of the issues. Go where it started. Experience what you experienced then. See yourself in the scene. Just observe the feelings and see what you saw.
Now it is time to let go. It is of no use to keep holding onto pain. That pain served its part to protect you. Your subconscious mind has been trying to protect you all along. It is not necessary anymore. You are safe. That incident is in the past. It is a distant memory. It is gone. It is forgotten. You are free of any memory of that experience. You do not need it anymore. You are free to venture and explore the world. Let go of any fear.
Now turn to another incident. Your subconscious mind knows where that pain started. Just watch to see that that experience is no longer a threat. You are free. You are healed at the deepest level. All the painful memories inside your body, in your cells, in your DNA and within your psyche is healed. You Are free. You are healed.
Now turn to your whole being and say: I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, Thank you. Keep repeating this: I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, Thank you. Keep going: I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.
You may drift to sleep

zaterdag 8 februari 2020

Understanding Abundance Day 8

You can download the audio here.

On Day 8 we are healing the Physical Body. We use relaxation to heal every part of our physical body that needs healing.
I would strongly recommend some lavender or vanilla essential oil. If you have a grade you can apply on your skin, rub a drop or two just below your nostrils. If it is not safe to apply on the skin, place the oil on a cotton bud and hold it close to your nostrils.
You need space where you can sit and then lie down in the second part of the meditation. You need your journal and a pen at the beginning and at the end. Keep them close to you. We are going to conduct two breathing exercises. Both use the pacer.
Now take a seat, Eyes open. Let us set the intention first. In your journal, write down: the heading: Today  am healing my body of:
Write down any physical problem you may have right now. Or write down any problem that comes from time to time which you would like to get rid of. If you do not have any physical ailment, write down a repeating unwanted pattern in your life:
Just write the condition: High blood pressure, migraine, difficulty breathing, bladder problems, Inability to keep a job. Or inability to keep a relationship. Or estranged child.
Write down: I will find out where this pattern started and I will make peace with the event, person, people, time involved. Almighty God, help my subconscious mind identify the source of this issue and heal it today. Even now I am healed.
When you have finished place the journal and pen on the side and, look at a point in front of you.
Place your right thumb on the right nostril and the index and ring finger on the left nostril. The middle and pointing finger are on the forehead. You may want to hold the right hand up using your left hand or if you are holding a cotton bud with your left hand, I am sure you can cope with both your hands up towards or on your nostrils for a few minutes.
For the first breath close the right nostril and breathe in through the left nostril. Open the right nostril and breathe out. You alternatite like this to the end. I will guide you through this breathing exercise at the beginning.
In the second part you can use both hands to support each other to hold the cotton bud in place. We breathe using the same pacer at the same breathing and out. I will guide you.
I am now starting the pacer and let us do the alternate breathing:
Close the right nostril and breathe in through the left nostril. Open the right nostril and breathe out. Breathe in through the left nostril. Breathe out through the right nostril. Breath in through the right nostril and out through the left nostril.
Keep alternating like this to the end.
Now stop. Take a moment to feel your male and female energies, yan and yin fully balanced. Your right and left brain are synchronized. Your creative potential and emotional qualities are completely balanced. Positive and negative energies are completely balanced.
I am starting the pacer again so still with your eyes open, breath in, breathe out. In and then out.
Now sit for a few moments to feel the benefits of the breath, Your mind is quiet and you are feeling mentally relaxed.
Now, slowly, adjust your position, and lie on your back. Feet slightly apart. Arms on the side and palms facing up. Keep your Eyes open. Gaze up at the ceiling. Find a point you can gaze at. Just keep gazing at the object or point or a colour in front of you.
As you lie there, you might find that your body has become fully relaxed. You feel the support of the surface on which you lie and You might find that your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier. Your eyelids are very heavy and you find it difficult to keep them apart. And now they are so heavy that you give up and let them close if you haven't done so yet.
Now with your eyes closed, take a quick scan of the body and identify any tense areas and places where you cannot relax. Make soft, gentle mental suggestions for your body to relax. Make it softer still. Relax.
Now place your attention to the toes on your left foot. Tell each of your toes to relax.
Move down your left foot and tell it to relax. Feel the warm, gentle sensation of relaxation as you move up the muscles of your leg: the cuff muscles, up your left thigh. Tell the whole left leg to relax.
You might notice that the whole body has gone deeper into relaxation. Your left leg is limp, warm and relaxed.
Move to the foot of your right leg. Tell each toe to relax.
Relax the whole foot, the cuff muscles and muscles on the whole leg. Tell your thigh muscles to relax.
Now both your legs are relaxed.
Take a moment to relax the fingers and thumb on your left hand. Move up the forearm and tell it to relax. Continue up the muscles of the upper arm and the shoulder and tell all the muscles to relax.
Now move your attention to the fingers and thumb on your right hand. Tell them to relax as you relax the hand, the wrist forearm and upper arm. Your right hand is now relaxed. Right shoulder is fully relaxed.
Now relax your whole torso and feel your whole body sink into the surface where you are. Feel your body lying there like an abandoned coat.

Now listen to the next song. Listen to the sound of the heart beat. Just relax and listen. Listen and relax. You will not sleep. Your body is completely relaxed but now your mind is fully awake. Your thoughts are giving way to the subconscious mind. You are fully relaxed.

Keep listening to the heart beat. You will not drift away. You will hear only the heartbeat and my voice. Listen to the heartbeat and my voice. I will give you plenty of time to listen to the heartbeat. Relax and listen.

Now take the issue that bothers you the most, of the issues you listed. Can you ask your subconscious mind to tell you where and when this began. Where are you? What do you see? Consider the scene and fully understand how this became the problem that you now have. Can you forgive it now. Can you forgive yourself if you thought you did something wrong.? Guilt does not serve any purpose ever in life. Release it. You did what was appropriate at that time. You can not change what you did but you can change how you feel about it. You have learnt and you are moving on now.

Can you forgive whoever or whatever you thought was wrong? Can you ask your body to release this pain? It does not serve you anymore.

Can you make peace with whatever or whoever or wherever this issue started. Look at it and say: I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, Thank you. Keep telling your heart: I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, Thank you. Keep going: I am sorry, please forgive me, I live you, Thank you.

Say after me: I release the memory of this from my and delete it in time, space and reality. I forgive everyone concerned and transmute this pain into love and send it back to its source to bless them. I bless  myself.

Let us do this for the next issue.

Let us do this for the next issue.

Now we have cleared a lot and you are feeling lighter. Keep listening to the heartbeat and now even my voice will be gone. Please make sure you listen long enough to fully integrate the healing that has taken place in your body.

When you wake up, write down your experience in your journal. You may want to take a look at it later today and find any insights if there is anything else you need to do. Whenever any feeling or pain or emotion shows up today just repeat. I am sorry, please forgive me, I live you, Thank you.

vrijdag 7 februari 2020

Understanding Abundance: Day 7

You can download the audio here.

Today is Day 7, which marks the end of the first week of our 21 days of Healing. We have been working on clearing and refining the energies in our outer bodies. We have mostly worked on the emotional or astral body and the body that connects us to all that is. Today we would like to spend some time clearing and healing the lack of self-acceptance in our physical bodies.

First, as we look back, we wouldn't have been able to do what we did without the help and support from the Almighty. So we breathe today, we would like to offer as much gratitude as possible to the Almighty for taking us through the process. We also thank the Almighty for the gift of healing, which has already started to take place. As we understood from Day 1, all healing is of the mind. Ae spent time healing the body associated with the mind, giving ourselves love, happiness and seeking our highest purpose as a way of achieving healing.

Now sit comfortably and close your eyes. Place your hands on the chest and say after me. “I am full of gratitude for all the healing that I have received this week. Thank you God Almighty for the gift of healing and for making me know that I can heal myself. I am grateful that I have healed my mind and I have achieved peace in my heart. Thank you”

As you sit and offer gratitude, you might realise that you have started to relax. This is because you are home. By offering gratitude, you are confirming that you are safe. You are home. All your needs are met and you are grateful to the Almighty for them. Now take a moment to feel that all your needs are met. Look back at the week and take stock of what you achieved through these meditations. I will give you time to do this.

Now let us offer the fruits of this practice to the Almighty. Repeat after me: “I offer the fruits of this practice to the Almighty so that by the healing of one, the world may be healed. I offer the fruits of healing wholly and completely, with gratitude, and I offer these from my heart.”

Again you might realise that you have already gone deeper into a state of relaxation. You are deeply relaxed. You are comfortable and relaxed. Deeper and deeper you relax. Relax your whole body. Notice and surrender to the feeling of relaxation.

Take a moment to scan your body quickly and identify any part of you that you have been told or feel maybe I would have been better if I was a little taller, shorter, darker, thinner, bigger here, smaller there, smarter. Continue scanning your body to identify where you think things would have been better were your lips a little thicker here or whatever. You know what you do not like about yourself.

Let me tell you what happens almost daily in my life. I deal with people most of the time and I hear statements like:

I can do this but I can't because…..
I can succeed but my English is bad
I know I could if only I had the support of a man, woman…. In my life. I always tell these people, embrace “I can, regardless”. When you learn to accept yourself, then others will accept you.

If you do not accept yourself, how do you expect somebody else to accept what you don't accept? First accept yourself, then others will love and accept you as you are.Teach yourself you accept yourself as you are.

Teach yourself to look at only cultivating love in your life, loving and accepting yourself first, then the whole world will love and accept you.

So now, we will be breathing using the pacer again. On your inbreath, breathe in acceptance into those areas where you are less than happy with yourself. As you breathe out, relax your body. Soften every part that is tense. Soften any area where you feel any resistance. Breathe in healing into any painful areas and breathe out all those years of rejection in those parts of your body.

So you understand-Breathe in self-acceptance, breathe out all the tension in your body, inviting a wave of relaxation wherever you feel tense. You feel the relaxation flow throughout your body. Breath in through your nostrils and out through the mouth, with lips slightly open.

Let us begin. When you hear this sound, breathe into those areas you have always thought were less than acceptable. When you hear this sound, breathe out, see all the tension, any pain, anything that you never liked about yourself disappear with the waste carbon dioxide.

See all those years of rejection and self criticism disappear.

At the next outbreth, go into your mind.Get rid of any self criticism and judgement that you cannot do something because you feel you are less than adequate. Anything about which you ever said “I can't”. Accept yourself and replace “I can't” with “I can”. Infact, say I can and I will. Say after me as you breathe out, “I can and I will” Breathe in self lf acceptance and “I can and I will” In self acceptance and “I can and I will”

I will shortly stop the pacer and you can resume  your normal breathing. Now feel the relaxation in your body. Feel the sense of lightness. Feel the calmness in your mind. Take some time to enjoy this peace. Take your time to enjoy self acceptance.

Say after me: “I accept myself wholly and completely. Today I have claimed back all the years and months of lack of self-acceptance. I am grateful that I have come back to myself. I have returned home. This is where I was when I was born-unlimited, pure, wonderful, beautiful, perfect in all respects. This is home-I love and accept myself. And so it is.”

From now on, go back to the mantra for Day 2: “I love you” Whenever you feel low just look inside your heart and say “I love you” Whenever you feel you cannot do something. Instead of saying I can't, just stop and say to your heart “I love you”  Do that now, say “I love you” I love you” “I love you” “I love you”

You may open your eyes and stretch. Thank you. Namaste.

donderdag 6 februari 2020

Understanding Abundance: Day 6

You can download the audio here.

For today’s meditation, we keep our eyes open for the most part. We are going to get into a dialogue with our highest self, regarding the answers we got or did not get from yesterday’s meditation. If we did not get any answer, this is the time to find out what the answers should have been.

You will need your journal and pen for this meditation.

I will take you through the process.

For now, you will carry out a breathing exercise to get centred and focused.

So sit comfortably with your back straight, and relax. Relax fully and completely. Relax. Take a deep breath in. Breath out through the mouth with a sigh.

Now roll your head very slowly clockwise, meaning that you start with your chin on the chest and rotate your head so that the chin goes past the right shoulder first. Slowly, widely. Eyes open. Make this a huge circle. Feel the muscles around your neck stretch and make a clicking sound. Slowly--take a full minute to complete a full turn.  Super slow. The rest of your body is completely relaxed. You are fully relaxed. Relax completely.

Let’s do this a second time. Super slow. The rest of your body is completely relaxed. You are fully relaxed. Relax completely.Turn your head clockwise. Slowly. Chin is still on the chest, slowly past the right collar bone, now over the right shoulder, now chin is pointing upwards, over the left shoulder and now rests on the chest.

Now relax, for a few moments, integrating the feelings of relaxation you have generated. Relax.

Now turn your head anticlockwise. Slowly. Chin is still on the chest, slowly past the left collar bone, now over the left shoulder, now chin is pointing upwards, over the right shoulder and now rests on the chest.

Repeat this process

Repeat. Slowly,

Stop and again take a moment to feel the relaxation this exercise is already giving you. Now relax. You are now fully relaxed

Gaze in front of you with eyes slightly open, very relaxed. You are not focusing on anything in particular. You are using your peripheral vision to see all objects around you: up, down, sideways, front see it all at once. You are not focusing on anything in particular. You are gazing in front. Back and neck straight. Now breathe following the pacer, into your chest. You breathe in through the nostrils and out through the slightly opened mouth. Eyes gazing forward. Breathe. Make it softer. You may have noticed that the out breath is longer. Make it as complete as possible. Your body is getting rid of all the waste carbon dioxide. You are nourishing your body with fresh oxygen each time you breathe in.

Breathe. Now on each out breath, I would like you to feel your body sink into the chair or floor you are sitting on. On your out breath, feel your shoulders and upper back relax. Feel all the tension go. Feel your mind become completely empty.

Relax. Following the pacer, your out breath is long and relaxing. You are purifying your blood.

Now bring up a beautiful scene, event, person, place or experience that gives you a positive emotion like love, compassion, loving kindness. Breathe this emotion into your heart. On the out breath, take your awareness outwards as far as it goes. Eyes open, how far does your awareness go-sideways, upwards, down. You are looking straight in front of you. Make it a soft gaze as you take your awareness up, down, on all sides and forward in front of you.

Now close your eyes for a moment and continue breathing.

Now start a dialogue with your superconscious mind. With eyes closed, ask these questions from yesterday:

What is the most important thing for me to do in my life at this moment?
What would I need to do to heal in my life in order to start engaging with my highest purpose?
Listen for a moment. Listen.

Now open your eyes and write down whatever thought, word, phrase or insight comes into your conscious mind first. Even if it does not make sense, just note it down.

Now ask anything you would like to know.

For example, ask your superconscious mind to confirm the answers for you. Listen for the answer and write down whatever comes first into your consciousness. Keep asking some more questions to clarify the answers you got. Ask some more questions about the answers..

How do I know this is not my conscious mind giving me these answers? How do I know it is not my ego?

What is the first step that I need to take to start healing? Write down the answer. Ask any more questions you personally have.

Now close your eyes for a moment. Breathe.

Now open your eyes and start writing anything that comes to your mind. It doesn't have to make sense. It might be just meaningless words. Just write. Write some more and more.

Now stop.

Close your eyes and say after me.

I have made contact with my highest self. For the rest of the day today, the answers to my questions and any other questions I will have are getting clearer and clearer.  I now know exactly what is most important for more. I am deeply happy, and content. I am relaxed and fully aware of what is important in my life. I know exactly what to do. If anything appears unclear to me, all i do is turn inwards and the answers show up.

Thank you God almighty.

You may open your eyes and as you go about your business today, take short moments to look at your journal. Check the answers to see if they make more sense. Note down any new insights.


Thank you boob-lady!