maandag 2 maart 2020

21 Days of Greatness Day 2 with Chris Mabika

You can download the audio here

21 Days of Greatness Day 2
On Day 1 of this journey into our inner greatness, we defined our intention and wrote it down.

Would you sit in a kneeling position with cushions giving you plenty of relaxed support. Your buttocks are lightly sat on your ankles but not placing too much weight on the ankles. Aim for a deep feeling of relaxation. Relax deeply. Use all the help you can from your cushions, a neck support and warm duvet in order to get into a deep sense of relaxation. Relax deeply. If you haven’t done so already, would you gently close your eyes.

Remember in this meditation series we are exploring and reclaiming our greatness. We can be completely great in every area of our lives. However, we are using one aspect to anchor our trust and belief in the divine greatness provided to us before we were created.

 In the book of Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 in the bible,
God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

We only need to take a look around to see how mankind has dominated the earth, sometimes changing and generally transforming the environment into blocks of concrete, moving metal boxes and structures made of brick and mortar. Some of these creations became wonders of the world whilst others an eyesore upon the face of the earth. That shows our potential for greatness.

Somewhere along the way the vast majority of people forgot their greatness and became slaves to these man made creations. Some became slaves to their mind’s. A lot succumbed to sickness and disease and made it a way of life. Almost the vast majority are addicted to one form of suffering or another.

As we reclaim our greatness we explore what we can achieve with our power. Not in general but us as individuals. That was your intention. You will work on this to reflect the greatness waiting to be made manifest in your life.

On Days 2, 3 and 4 we explore some of the  very rare or what we expect to be rare attributes of great people but are fundamental to greatness. If we seek our greatness whilst cultivating these attributes we can become truly great.

Today we are doing nothing but exploring the attribute of humility. We will take this as our starting point so as to get it right the first time.

When you achieve your greatness what do you intend to do with it? Is it for showing off? Are you going to show how well you can read energies and make it a source of pride?

Take time to contemplate this aspect. Can you become great but remain humble? What can you learn from the great spiritual leaders and masters about humility.? Can you learn humility from Christ? Can you see him mix with the lowest members of society, the outcasts? Can you be the stone that the builders rejected but became the cornerstone? The underdog that is widely respected and sought after.

Relax and see yourself become all you ever wanted to be. See yourself on the other hand remaining humble. See yourself submit to the divine. See yourself being of service. See yourself not seeking credit for your service. See yourself achieve your intention. In that state of ecstasy and bliss, can you remember to be humble. Can you aspire to be one of the greatest. In that greatness can you be one of the extremely humble masters, maybe mother Theresa. Can you embrace humility. Can you utter these words and mean every syllable: God, not my will but let your will be done.

This is in part what it means to hand the fruit of your practice to the Supreme Intelligence. This is understanding at every stage of your life that what you have achieved was through the grace of God. By his Grace you have become master of your life. By His Grace you are lord over your emotions and feelings. By His Grace you are Lord over your time, your finances, your energy, your weight and your feelings of hunger and pain. See yourself as Lord over any form of addiction. See God in all your achievements. Get this right from the very beginning.

Take time to see how great God is and just relax in praise. Praise Him by all your might. Praise Him by every atom of your being. Place your head on the floor, bottom on the in a child pose and praise Him. Prostrate yourself before the almighty.

Now Relax in this position. Place your hands by the side with palms facing upwards. You may need to place your head on a soft pillow. Relax and empty your mind. Just relax. You are not doing anything—just appreciating the state of relaxation you are entering into. Relax.

In your own time and ever so gently and slowly, you may sit up and go about your business


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Thank you boob-lady!