zaterdag 7 maart 2020

21 Days of Greatness Day 7 with Chris Mabika

You can download the audio here.

21  Days of Greatness Day 7
To begin, you can pose the recording for a minute whilst you prepare for yourself a comfortable chair in front of a candle. Adjust the candle to be directly in front of the chair at eye level at a safe distance away. Ensure it will be safe for the duration of the meditation. Now light the candle.

To begin make sure you are seated in a chair in front of the candle, back straight. Sit to the front of the chair so that your feet can feel some of your weight. The weight of your head is fully and completely supported by your neck. Relax.

Arms are on the knees. Palms up. For a few moments close your eyes and listen. Relax. Make sure you are comfortable. Relax and be comfortable

Listen for a few moments. Relax.

Today is day 7 of our 21 days of Greatness challenge. We have so far set our intentions day one. In days 2, 3 and 4 we meditated on the attributes of greatness. We have been humble, practised patient acceptance and understood love to be the greatest force in the universe-God.

On day 6 we looked at the universe and observed that all is mind. The universe is mind. Everything that exists in the mind. We also exist in the mind of God. We have built the whole world on our view of it in our minds. The world we see is created in our minds. All is mind.

We can also influence what appears as external to us in our minds. If we are to become masters in our lives, we therefore should master our minds first. We require an increase in  our ability to focus. Just focusing on one thought, one  object or one idea, letting it reveal itself to us.  We do this with the help of our hearts.

So as is our normal practice, we begin with a breathing exercise. The breathing exercise in itself is training to focus the mind. Just follow your breath. Breathe deeply. You are focusing only on your breath.

 We breathe deeply and softly. We breathe through the nose for the duration of the practice.

Place your attention on your heart and hand the fruits of this practice to the Supreme intelligence wholly and completely. Can you relax as you really mean to hand the fruits of your practice to the Supreme. Make it for the benefit of all humanity. I will give you some time to really hand the fruits of your practice and mean it.

Now we start with the 4 by 4 by 4 by 4 breaths. You breathe in to the count of 4, hold for 4, breathe out for 4 and hold for 4. When you breath in, make sure you breathe deep into your abdomen. We will use the pacer. Just follow your breath.

Let us begin.

Now we can stop.

Relax your entire body.

Open your eyes. If your candlelight is off, light it now. Relax and gaze into the flame. Don’t think about the flame. Just gaze at it. Right into its centre. Right into the Center of the flame. Follow it as it flaps in response to your breath. Just relax and watch the flame. Can you see the flame as if through your third eye. See the flame from the mid point between your eye brows.

I will remind you to focus. Don’t think about the flame. Just watch it. Follow it without judgement. If your eyes become heavy allow the gaze to be soft. Flap your eyelids a little when they become dry.

Maintain your focus.

We are still working with the first principle—the principle of mentalism : THE ALL IS MIND; The Universe is Mental.

If the Universe is Mental, then Mind must be the highest power affecting its phenomena

Understanding and the ability to control "Energy," "Power," and "Matter," are all subordinate to the Mastery of the Mind.

Without this Master-Key, Mastery is impossible, and the student knocks in vain at the many doors of The Temple

Keep your gaze on the candle light. Keep it to the finish. You are training your mind to focus. The beautiful side effects of this practice is a very quiet mind. A quiet mind is magical. It makes a peaceful body. It’s thought power is tremendous. Relax.

Just maintain your gaze. Another side effect is the improvement of your vision.

You are going into the theta state where you can receive insights from your highest self. You become super intelligent. Your highest self is a genius. Do you ever wonder how clever you become when you dream. How wise your mind is to generate the beautiful dreams you often have. I wonder all the time. You are bringing that wisdom to your conscious mind.

Mental Transmutation means the art of changing and transforming mental states, forms, and conditions, into others. Through this meditation you are building your ability to achieve mental transmutation. You are becoming the alchemist.

 The great work of influencing your environment is accomplished by Mental Power. As you build your ability to focus, you are building your ability for Mental Transmutation and when you do, you must be able to change the conditions and phenomena of around your world.

You are investing in the greatest asset you have- your mind, with which you can influence your environment and everything around you.

Keep gazing.

Now you can close your eyes and contemplate again, asking for guidance from your genius mind  how you can apply its power to change any undesirable situation around you into a desirable one. How can you use your mind to transmute conditions and things around you? Ask and you will receive the answer—clearly.

Focusing in meditation will yield the desirable states.

In order to change negative states and experiences into positive states and experiences we need to dwell on the opposite. What is it you would like to change in your life? Can you take time to focus on what you want-the opposite of that. The positive.

Relax and focus.

I will give you a few minutes to do this.

Thank you


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Thank you boob-lady!