zondag 1 maart 2020

21 Days of Greatness Day 1 with Chris Mabika

You can download the audio here 

This is a meditation written and read with the deepest love and a genuine wish for your enlightenment as well as mine and of all humanity. If you wish for more such meditations, join me on whatsapp using my UK phone number 07891532129. These meditations will soon be available on my Youtube channel,  on Facebook, on Linkedin and my new website. Watch this space for more details :

As we begin a new meditation challenge, I would like to welcome you all with love. I sincerely hope we will be led to a deeper understanding of our greatness during these 21 days. I Pray that this understanding can become a really great experience first hand for all of us on accessing the greatness that is in us, bestowed upon the human race on its creation. We will all get to appreciate that we once lost this greatness and now we are reclaiming it for ourselves and for all humanity.

So to begin, make sure you create a comfortable space with plenty of cushions and room to kneel, sit and lie down without too much struggle. Just make sure everything you need is accessible around you including a journal and a pen. You may want to use a neck support if you have one. Some eye masks may serve to eliminate any distractions from light and other familia objects. You might need your beautiful smelling spray to anchor your feeling of greatness so that each time you smell it you are reminded of your greatness. Each time you feel down and that you are losing control, you will just remember this smell and reset your state to a happy, masterful state of greatness.

Now kneel sit on your cushions in a kneeling position. Do not put any pressure on your legs or feet. All your weight is on the cushions and you feel the comfort on your perineum. Just relax. Arms lying loosely on your thighs or knees. Your back is straight and chest up and out. Now close your eyes and relax. Cover your eyes with a mask if you are using one. Relax and feel the support of the cushions and all the things you have put around you to support your meditation. Relax your shoulders. Make sure your head is supported by your neck and you are not hurting in any way. This is where your neck support will be ideal to make sure you eliminate any pain or discomfort.

Today we begin this series by setting the intention for it. We are setting an intention for the entire 21 days. What do you want to achieve at the end of the series? Greatness yes. But what is it that you want to achieve that will serve as your measure of your greatness. You may want to have full control over your mind and your thoughts. You might want to muster your sleeping habits to make sure you have sufficient time to rest and wake up feeling rejuvenated. You might want to master your eating habits and eat the right foods at the right time. Do you want to master your weight? Or are you seeking to overcome an illness? Is it a relationship issue? A family problem? Or is it a fear you would like to show mastery over? Are you learning a new skill and you would like to become a master of that skill. In fact there is no limit to what you can use to anchor your mastery over. Are you struggling with anger or any other emotion such as fear and you would like to be a master of your emotions? Do you want to be a master of your own destiny, one who is capable of creating any life you can dream of? This is the challenge and your imagination is the only limit you have.

We will follow Deepak Chopra’s guidance on intention setting. Although the 8-steps were provided to master manifestation, we would like to focus our attention on manifesting our own greatness. We would like to become and feel we are masters.

Remember for a moment that you are fully and completely relaxed. Relax. Take a few moments to feel a wave of relaxation move over your entire body and all your senses. Relax and feel the comfort around you. Take a moment to just appreciate such comfort. Spray and smell what comfort means to you. Smell the smell of relaxation. Relax.

In step one, we ask for guidance. Place your attention on your heart centre. Just focus in the middle of your chest. Ask for the help of the Supreme intelligent, ascended masters, the angels, archangels, the holy spirit and beings of light, whatever you believe. Some believe in the help from their ancestors, forefathers the departed. Why not? Just relax and focus on your heart centre. Some believe in their highest self, some believe their soul guides them in all they do. Get in touch with what you believe. Get in touch with all the guidance you can get. Call upon guidance from your heart. Call upon the spirit guides. Ask-what do I really really want? What is it that my soul wishes for at this moment? In what area of my life am I seeking to experience greatness? How do I want to manifest my power and greatness?

Relax and just wait for an answer. Do not stress over it. Do not worry about it. Just wait and listen. Trust the process. Note in your mind, the first thing that arises in your consciousness. Ask for clarification if you doubt anything. Learn to trust what you get during your meditations. Do not judge anything.

Now without affecting your relaxation, can you allow your eyes to open softly and make a journal entry of the first thought, the guidance you received or any feeling you felt. Just note it and gently place your pen and journal aside and close your eyes.

Relax once more.

In that relaxed state, recall what you saw, thought or felt. That thing you noted in your journal. Now focus on what you would like concerning this insight. You might have seen something that challenges your feelings and is unwelcome in your life. Focus on the opposite of anything unwanted that arose in your consciousness. Just focus on your desire. You might have gone straight to your desire and noted that desire in your journal Is it something you wish to change? Take your time to focus on what you want out of these first thoughts.

Now set an intention concerning that which you have focused on. Again gently open your eyes and now, clearly write down your intention. Some examples to help you frame your intention are: I would like to express my power over what I eat. I am committed to eating the best foods that my body needs for energy, repair and to stay healthy. I intend to achieve a healthy weight and feel healthy in mind, body and emotions. I am gaining control over my emotions-I only feel and express love emanating from my heart. I am a master of my finances. I exercise my greatness over time. I choose to do what I like and when I like. Or do you want to understand how God has created you as a wonderful being. At the end of this series I will have a full understanding and first hand experience of the power and greatness God has placed within me. I will have had a powerful mystical experience at the end of this series. I will sky-rocket my abilities to see and feel energy by the time this series comes to an end.

Now close your eyes and again relax deeply. Relax fully and deeply. You are deeply relaxed.

Now remember what you wrote. You noted a desire and set an intention. Can you repeat your desire in silence.This is step four. Repeat what you want to achieve. What have you noted? What is your deepest desire? That which you wrote. Repeat it silently in your mind.There is an organising power that will work to bring your desire into reality. Can you repeat your desire? Repeat it again and again. You are planting the seed of desire into the field of infinite possibilities. Now have the feeling of handing over your desire to the highest being. Ask your guides to help you hand over your desire to the supreme being. Say, this or something better for the greatest good for all concerned.

Now slowly and gently sit for a second. Feel comfortable and relaxed. From a seated position, gently lie on your back with arms on your sides, palms facing up. You are relaxed. Your body is now fully used to relaxing in this ate. Relax deeply. Deeply relax. 

As you let you of any pains, aches and sensations in your body, imaging surrendering everything to the Supreme. Feel yourself being uplifted to a position where you feel light as a feather. No worries, no anxiety, no pressure. Allow this process to help you detach from the outcome. Feel a deep sense of openness in your heart. You are open to what God provides. Relax in this state. You have handed your wish to the supreme intelligence, who knows all your needs before you even realise them yourself. You are open to any outcome. You are free of any desires.Free of any judgements. Relax. Accept anything you feel of sense without judgement. You are practising letting go.

Now in step six and seven, can you ask your body to teach you two key ingredients in the manifestation of your desire: Step six: State silently in your Patience. Say the word patience ever so quietly, in your mind. Feel this word float in your mind without any turbulence. You do not feel any movements in your mind. Just a soft, gentle echo of patience. Let it float in your mind like a feather. Patience. Now move through your body and feel what you feel. Do not make any judgments. Allow patience to float throughout your body. Patience in every cell of your body. Patience around you. Just feel it. Don’t force it. Just feel what you feel. Repeat the word: Pantience.

Now let's do the same witn acceptance.  State silently in your mind: Acceptance. Say the word acceptance ever so quietly, in your mind. Feel this word float in your mind without any turbulence. You do not feel any movements in your mind. Just a soft, gentle echo of acceptance. Let it float in your mind like a feather. Acceptance. Now move through your body and feel what you feel. Do not make any judgments. Allow acceptance to float throughout your body. Acceptance in every cell of your body. Acceptance around you. Just feel it. Don’t force it. Just feel what you feel. Repeat the word: Acceptance.

In step eight, can you make a commitment to exercise patient acceptance. In Kadampa Buddhism, they talk of Patient Acceptance. This practice will be our step eight as we navigate our greatness. They define this state as: “The practice of patience, of welcoming wholeheartedly whatever arises without wishing it were otherwise. We can use every appearance, no matter how seemingly disappointing, as a motivation to increase our wisdom and attain enlightenment. This is hugely more relaxing, for a start, and  we need to be relaxed before we can fully generate all the other positive states of mind.”
So experience relaxation. Just relax and accept whatever comes. Relax.

Finally sit comfortably. Open your eyes and spray your fragrance and take time to smell it in your nostrils and throughout your body. You are relaxed in patient acceptance. Can you stretch to really allow this beautiful feeling of patient acceptance to become a way of life. Let it be a part of your life. And as you go about your business today and throughout the next twenty one days, each time you feel light you are desperate for anything to happen. Remember this experience, remember the smell of your favorite spray and return to patient acceptance.


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Thank you boob-lady!