maandag 9 maart 2020

21 Days of Greatness Day 9 with Chris Mabika

You can download the audio here.

21 Days of Greatness Day 9
Now sit on a chair with your back straight. Feet are firmly on the ground. Shift to the front of the chair to allow your feet to take some of your weight. Relax your body. Eyes closed

Just a reminder before we start. The title of this series is 21 days of greatness. And today is day 9. Have you ever thought how you are going to experience greatness in these 21 days? Have you had moments when you said Indeed I am truly great?

That is my challenge to you today. I challenge you to know that you are great.

Here is your intention for today: I am proving my greatness. I am living my greatness. I am witnessing my greatness. I am experiencing my greatness. So be it.

You may open your eyes

I have sent a picture which we will use for our meditation today. Place this picture at eye level where you can see it fully on your mobile or other equipment such as laptop or tablet. The picture must be upright. Make sure you remove the auto turn off of the screen. Ensure the picture will stay to the end of the meditation.

In a moment I will ask you to gaze at the dot at the centre of your picture

Our meditation today is based on the third principle proposed in the kybalion: "everything is in motion; everything vibrates; nothing is at rest." From the highest manifestation, to the lowest, everything and all things Vibrate. .

In  the next few momentsI want you to think of something you would like to have, do or to happen. Make it as small and as playful as you like or as big and as serious as you wish. Something that does not freak you out like I want to get a million pounds when you don't feel the least  ready for it. It must be something you will comfortably receive in  the shortest amount of time. Something you are willing to place at the back of your mind and forget as soon as we finish this meditation.

Here are some examples: You may want to see a white feather. Or do you want to manifest a 20 £;$; Euro note or more from nothing depending on your level of comfort with it. Do you want to experience healing today? What do you want to heal? Or do you want to know something that you have always wished to know about yourself-not about somebody else. Or do you wish to give up something? Annoying thoughts playing in your head continuously like a broken record maybe?. Or do you just want to be surprised at seeing, doing, or experiencing something that will make you say Ah in awe and wonder how it came about-meet someone special maybe. The choice is yours.

Now take a moment to decide what you wish for.

Make a mental note of your wish

Now turn to the picture. Rest your focus only at the little point in the middle . Focus without blinking your eyes, without straining.

As you breathe and focus on the dot at the centre of the picture, allow the thought of that thing you wish for to float into your imagination. However, whatever you do, place as much attention as possible at the centre of the picture. Focus on  the dot at the centre of the picture.Focus through your third eye. Gently and softly

Note what happens to the shapes as you keep your eyes firmly at the centre of the picture.

Breathe softly and easily.

Remember to focus on the centre of the picture. Your wish on your mind. Just floating

Place some attention on your wish. Don’t strain. Just carry what you wish for in your awareness.

You are not blinking.

Rest your eyes lightly and softly on the dot in the middle of the picture.

Some attention on your wish. You are comfortable


Remember: "everything is in motion; everything vibrates; nothing is at rest.

That picture is vibrating. Its  colours are vibrating. Your  mind is vibrating. That wish is vibrating. Notice the  picture changes shape and maybe colour.  Just focus on the dot in  the middle. All is vibrating. Let it all vibrate  until your breath, the  picture, your  eyes, your mind, your wish-everything vibrates together. Everything is as one.

As all these vibrations resonate with your brain waves, notice how the shapes on  your device resonate and move and shimmer.

Don’t pay too much attention to the shapes. Just place your awareness at the dot in the centre. Some attention on your wish.

What happens to the shapes as you keep your eyes firmly at the centre of the picture?


Breathe. Breathe.

Now drop the breath. Just breathe normally without paying any more attention to the breath. Focus on the dot. Some attention on your wish. 

The music you  hear in  the background is a mantra which says: Aap Sahaee Hoa meaning:
”The Creator has become my protector, the Truest of the True has taken care of me, God, God, God.”
As you go into a deep state of relaxation, everything: your breath, the  picture, your  eyes, your mind, your wish-everything is vibrating together. Everything is as one. Your wish has become reality. The creator has taken you. To make you realise your greatness. You now remember what you were meant to be
As you relax even deeper I am going to speak to your subconscious. It will hear every word I say and bring it into manifestation. In a moment I will count from one to five and you will come out of your almost hypnotic state. From the moment you come out of this state, until that thing is manifest, you will forget about it completely. Within a few days you will manifest whatever you wish for. You will be so amazed that you will say ah and smile. That which you have written in your journal will become real in your life  in a few days. From this moment forward, your subconscious, which knows best what you need, will work hard to bring that wish into reality.
One: Feeling less relaxed
Two: Every nerve, muscle fibre becoming fully awake and fully aware
Three: Take a deep breath filling your lungs with that energy giving oxygen
Four: Feel cool clear mountain spring water washing the back of your eyes, your nasal passages your throat. Your chest is clear. Your throat is clear. Your nose is clear.. Your eyes are bright and shiny and
Five Stretch

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Thank you boob-lady!