donderdag 5 maart 2020

21 Days of Greatness Day 5 with Chris Mabika

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21 Days of Greatness Day 5
Today we keep things open as we open ourselves to greatness. Take the posture that makes you relax the best you can. Take the posture that resonates with your state today and when you can, relax. Relax the best way you know how. Relax.

For the next few minutes relax and, in your mind can you state softly and repeatedly: I am. I am. I am. If any thought , feeling or any form of distraction arises acknowledge its presence and continue: I am I am I am.

Keep saying I am. I am I am.

Now release the mantra. Stop the words. Relax and recognise the state of your mind. Relax. Notice anything that shows up in your mind without judgment. Notice the silence.

Can you start the mantra. I am. I am. I am. Acknowledge any distractions and Cary on: I am I am I am

Now release the mantra and relax. Notice any thoughts or feelings ideas or experiences without judgement. Relax.

Now start the mantra but after each I am can you listen for what comes up. If nothing comes up continue I am. Wait. I am.

Now as we come to the end of the meditation open your eyes,  take your journal and record as many words as you remember that came up. Remember never ignore anything that comes during a meditation.

Make a commitment to look at your list for the rest of the day today, recording any insights that come up. Any meanings of the words. Any ideas


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Thank you boob-lady!