zaterdag 14 maart 2020

21 Days of Greatness Day 14 with Chris Mabika

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21 Days of Greatness Day 14
Today our meditation will be based on the fourth Hermetic Principle, the Principle of Rhythm: Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right; is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compansates. 

I suggest you lie on your back, with palms on the sides and eyes closed. Your feet are slightly apart. Make sure your back is straight. Your head is slightly tilted with the chin towards the chest. Make sure you are comfortable and warm. As your body relaxes, you might feel colder so ensure you will be warm throughout the meditation.

Let us start with a consecration: Today I observe the rhythms of life. I observe the ebb and flow of life. I respect the cycles and trends of life. As I do so, I observe my greatness. I ensure my lowest always rests above the highest of the lows around me. I keep my vibration above the vibrations surrounding me. Not that I am superior to any other other human, and not that I am in competition with anybody, but that I refuse to be influenced and affected by the fear and restlessness that surrounds me. I refuse to associate with thoughts of fear, frustration and anger that prevail in all areas of life. I keep my tides high above all else. By the help of the supreme, I am free. Amen

Now relax deeply. I will guide you through a progressive relaxation. This relaxation will fit in with the theme of our meditation today. We are allowing the experience of rhythm in our lives. We are learning to cope with changes that are constantly taking place in life. Not out of despair but out of power and strength.

 Every time of your life, you experience highs and lows. You experience happiness and sadness. There are times of health and times of sickness. Everything is part and the nature of life. Our role is to observe these trends and maintain our vibration above the sadness and feelings of despair that grip those that do not know any better.

We understand the seasons and observe them. We do not deny them. We accept the seasons, knowing that they reflect the nature of reality. They happen in our individual lives as they happen in the entire universe. Daylight is followed by night time. There are times of hunger and times of abundance. Floods are followed by periods of drought as they exist together with normal life. These are all seasons of life.

Our role is to observe and accept. Our role is to keep our vibration at the highest. When we do, then we can truly witness events and problems around us, and appreciate the greatest power at work. But we are not helpless. We witness fear and frustration, but that does not get to us. Even if it does, the impact is minimal, as we have the support and help of the angels, ascended masters and beings of light that protect us every day and all day.

Now, starting with your feet. Can you place your attention on both your feet. Curl your toes as you breath in slowly and as you continue to curl your toes, hold your breath. Now relax as you breathe out and appreciate the warmth of fresh oxygenated blood flood your feet. Now move your attention to your lower legs, squeeze the muscles on your cuff muscles, feet and heels as you breathe in. Hold the breath as you squeeze these muscles and experience their tightness. Do not hurt yourself. As you breathe out, relax and again appreciate the feeling of relaxation as fresh oxygenated blood floods the muscles of lower legs.

Now squeeze your thigh muscles as you breathe in. You will find that this is easy to do when you stretch your entire leg on each side. Hold your breath and squeeze the muscles of your thighs. As you breathe out, Relax and spend a few moments appreciating the nice warm feeling.

Now squeeze muscles around your bottom, the perineum and pelvic muscles as you breathe in and hold. Relax and enjoy that feeling of warm relaxation as you breathe out.

Now your entire lower body is relaxed-your feet, lower legs, upper legs, buttoks, perineum, and sexual organs are relaxed.

Now squeeze your lower abdomen and lower back together as you breathe in and hold. Squeeze and hold and as you breathe out, release these muscles. Move to the chest and breathe in and hold as you bow your chest out like a balloon. As you breathe out, relax your chest.

Now squeeze your shoulder blades together as you breathe in. Squeeze and hold your breath. As you breathe out, relax

Now clench your fists and allow your biceps and triceps to tense as you breathe in. Hold and squeeze. Squeeze and hold. Now breathe out and relax your arms.

Raise your shoulders as you tense the muscles in your neck as you breathe in. Hold and squeeze. Squeeze and hold. As you breathe out relax. Now take time to appreciate the relaxation in your entire body from neck to the bottom of your feet. Enjoy this relaxation.

Breathe in as you squeeze and squeeze every muscle on your face. Make a face, tighten your lips and squeeze your lips together as you breath in and hold. As you breathe out, relax every muscle of your face, 

Finally, open your mouth as wide as possible as you breathe in. Hold and open even wider and as you release, breath out and appreciate the relaxation from head to toe.

Now scan the entire body and appreciate such a deep level of relaxation. Can double the feeling of relaxation. Double it again. Now whilst you are enjoying your relaxation, I will talk to your subconscious mind.

You are safe. You are free. You are courageous and you are part of the universal subconscious mind. You accept what is but you do not go out seeking fear. You respect the ebb and flow of life and respect the rhythms without judgement. You accept all. You are not gripped by fear. Neither do you senselessly seek fear and feed it through all forms of media. You watch and pray for those who are affected. Bless those who have lost their lives. Love everybody around you. Be courageous. Be strong. You understand the seasons of life. These are a part of nature. You have experienced them from the smallest movements in your cells and muscles in your body and in the floods, sickness, disease and abundance in nature. Let all these trends serve to make you understand that there is a power greater than everything in the entire universe. Appreciate that you are a part of that power. You are it. Take time to contemplate about this. Take time to understand the meaning of rhythm. Take time to appreciate the seasons. Understand the ups and downs of life. Take time to accept and understand these without judgement.

Now in your own time, you will come out of your relaxation, you will become awake and aware and you will stretch and become fully awake.


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Thank you boob-lady!