donderdag 12 maart 2020

21 Days of Greatness Day 12 with Chris Mabika

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21 Days of Greatness Day 12
Day 12. We meditate on the 4th Hermetic Principle of Polarity.

The Kybalion says: Everything is dual. Everything has poles. Everything has its pair of opposites. Like and unlike are the same. Opposites are the same in nature.They are different only in degree.All truths are but half truths. All paradoxes can be reconciled.

Sit or lie down in a comfortable position with eyes closed.

Let us do the balancing breath for a few minutes.. This will balance the left and right hemispheres of our brains.

Place the thumb on the right hand over the right nostril and the index finger and the middle finger over the left nostril. As We breathe in for the first time,we open the left nostril and close the right nortil using the thumb. Hold your breath by closing both nostrils, the left using the index and middle fingers and the right nostril using the thumb. Then breathe out through the right nostril with the left closed by the index and middle fingers. Close both nostrils as you hold the breath out. Then open the right nostril to inhale. You are breathing through the nose for both the inhale and exhale. Softly. Deeply. Slowly. Follow the sound. This sound is for the inbreath. This sound is for retention. This hound is for the out breath. This sound is for holding the sustain-you hold the breath outside. Breath in. Breathe out. Deep breath in. Remember.

Now the importance of the principle of polarity is that there are no differences in things, feelings, phenomena. For example, good and bad are the same. They are both good, only different in the degree of goodness. Or they are both bad, and differ only in degree of badness. Same with good and evil. Hot or cold are the same.

This means that transmutation of minds is possible. Minds can be changed by other minds. Minds may be polarized by other minds. Thus strong minds can instill fear into other minds. Likewise, love can be instilled into other minds. The good phenomenon is of higher vibration. The higher vibration always wins over the lower. Thus courage transmutes fear into courage Light transultes darkness into light. Love transmutes hate into love. Wholeness transmutes disease into wholeness.

Now. We go into a high vibrational state. Let us all go to a beautiful sanctuary. A wonderful place that you only have ever been. Allow this place to look as beautiful and possible and as wonderful as possible. Can you add something that you can see-of the greatest beauty. Just experience beauty, the only kind of beauty you can find here. Feel a wonderful feeling of warmth that only exists here. The air in this place is fresh and naturing. See the things in place and experience their beauty. Can you touch something in this place and make it real. Bring it to life. Feel its texture. Can you smell it. Is it something you can eat. Can you taste it? How does it feel on your skin. What colour is it?

Identify five very positive things that only have ever happened here.  Let these things happen. Let them bring to you love, beauty, and other wonderful states.  Allow yourself to place your attention from one of these wonders to the next to the and to the and to the next to the next, in order and back. As you move across these experiences, allow yourself to feel the different positive feelings. Scan these feelings and memorise them. Continue moving from one positive feeling to another: happiness, love, peace, lovingkindness; compassion for example. Continue to move from one positive feeling to another. Keep going until I tell you to stop. Imagine these feelings are connected in a circular shape like one giant wheel. Allow this wheel to start turning at a very high speed.

In your mind’s eye. Observe some dark, evil, unpleasant conditions that are happening anywhere in the world currently. As many as you can. See the giant high vibrating wheel turn to encircle the vices completely. Let the wonderful feelings engulf the bad feeling with vicious fire. Let light burn the darkness. See all the ugly and disturbing experiences transmute into love. See the triumph of good over evil.

This process is not fiction. This is reality. This wonderful movie is taking place in your life and in the world around you. Good is transmuting bad into perfection. Love is transmuting hate into love. This is real. Your subconscious mind,which knows everything that needs healing in your life, is now taking action to put harmony in every area of your life where there is discord. Your subconscious mind is creating beautiful conditions around your life. It is working hard to put together resources to bring harmony in your life and in the lives of those around you. As we all focus on these positive experiences, we are changing the world around us.

Take a moment to witness the positive, consume the darkness and transmute it into light. See the beauty transcend the ugly.

As you come out of your wonderful relaxation, I will guide you by calling numbers from one to five. One you are feeling less relaxed. Two every nerve and muscle is becoming fully awake and aware, Three, take a deep deep breath of cool clear mountain air filling your lungs with that energy giving energy, four Feel that cool clear mountain spring water washing the back of your eyes, your nasal passages, your throat. Your chest is clear. Your throat is clear. Your nose is clear.. Your eyes are bright and shiny and
Five Open your eyes, open your eyes and stretch

--------------------------Soothing Music for Stress Relief-------------------------------------------

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Thank you boob-lady!