dinsdag 17 maart 2020

21 Days of Greatness Day 17 with Chris Mabika

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21 Days of Greatness Day 17
Today is day 17 in the 21 Days of Greatness series. We are going to meditate with the 6th Hermetic Principle, the Principle of causation.

Sit in a comfortable  chair and close your eyes. Make sure you are relaxed. I realise we have not done a real  silent meditation and would like us to do so today. A real silent meditation in which I only talk at the introduction and at the end. So now relax and allow your mind to go into a deep meditative state. With practice you should be able to go into this state at will.

I will read for you the sixth Hermetic Principle. We will contemplate it for a few minutes and invite the Supreme  to give us a deeper understanding of the principle. And then leave you to sit in silence.

Here it is: “Every cause has its effect; Every Effect has its Cause. Everything  happens according to law; Chance is but a name for law not recognised; There are many planes of causation but nothing escapes the law. 

Now relax for a few minutes  while I explain the principle. We do not notice the principle at work  because of time and the sheer number of thoughts we think. Whatever  we think, we create. Yes some thoughts might not manifest as things or events in our lives but  nothing we experience happens by chance. Chance, as you have heard, is the law not recognised.

So if we think fewer  thoughts, and make these thoughts count. Or if we think a certain type of thought, and make that type of thought the dominant thought pattern in our lives, we start to see how thoughts cause our experience.

I challenge  you, to allow a full day of thinking good thoughts. Not necessarily today. Set aside a full day for this. Maybe tomorrow.

On the eve of that day, ask God in prayer for the  support of the angels and higher beings on your day of thought fasting. Ask them to help identify any negative  thoughts for you before you  entertain them on the next  day, your day of fasting.

On the day of thought fasting, begin with a prayer and then a silent meditation with the intention of thinking and manifesting only positive things in your life. Commit to thinking only positive thoughts for the day. As you go about your day, focus only on the good. Reject any negative thought in its tracks. Drop it like a hot cinder. Refuse  anything that is not of love, of beauty, of greatness, of perfection. Refuse to judge anything or anyone. Remember, all creation is of God and reflects the perfection of God. Focus only on the positive..

Play your most favourable  music as you go about your work. Give people compliments wherever you go. Send blessings to everything and everyone as you go about your work, shopping or whatever you engage in on that day. Be happy. Cheer people up and greet everyone and everything with a smile. If anything negative comes your way, bless it. It might be a  rude person or anything less than you expect, just bless it. Shake it off. Yes I mean proper shaking as we did in the other meditation and move on.

Now For the silent meditation. I will be quiet and let you do a few minutes of silent  meditation. Do not judge any thoughts. Do not engage with any thought. Just observe and wait for the next if thoughts are bothering you. By waiting and expecting them, the thoughts will soon disappear. Just relax and do nothing for the next few minutes.

...Welcome back. Come back into your body. Notice your breath. Notice how you feel. Notice the state of your mind. How do you feel? Most of all, how has this got to do with greatness. I would say everything. Think about that today.

Stretch and congratulations for successfully completing a short silent meditation.

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Thank you boob-lady!