dinsdag 3 maart 2020

21 Days of Greatness Day 3 with Chris Mabika

You can download the audio here.

On day 3 we continue meditating and contemplating on some attributes of great people. Again, today we sit in a kneeling position where we feel comfortable. Can you make yourself comfortable now and relax? Make sure your spine is straight.

Today we use the pacer for breathing, in through the nose and out through the mouth. We will breath for only five minutes. As you breathe in, make sure you are breathing right down into your belly. Feel your abdomen become big like a balon, followed by your chest. When you breathe out make sure that you expel all the air as you gently push the abdomen in. We will make the exhale longer and deeper.

Now close your eyes and let us begin. You are breathing slowly and gently. Your breath is soft and almost inaudible. Slow and soft breath. Relax deeper at each outbreath. Feel all your muscles relax at each outbreath. Relax. Deeper and deeper. You are getting even more deeply relaxed. Each time you exhale, feel the breath relax you even more. You are getting even more relaxed. Relax. Deeper and deeper.

Great people seek greatness. They seek to understand greatness. Great people are curious in their area of greatness. They are great because they are curious. They find out about other great people and seek to understand how they do what they do.

This is not the the greatest part. The greatest part is that great people appreciate greatness when they see it. They understand when they see greatness. They know greatness when they see it. They resonate with greatness.

Now relax. Contemplate on this point.

In the bible, when Mary visited Elizabeth who was six months into the pregnancy of John the Baptist, the child (John) in Elizabeth’s womb, leaped. Even before he was born, John could appreciate the Greatness of Mary as she was going to give birth toA great child. Even when the two, Jesus and John were grown up, each great in his own right, they searched for each other. When they met they had nothing but deep respect for each other.

Relax even more. You are deeply relaxed.

Now in your area of greatness. Remember the area in which you set an intention in day one. Can you call upon the thought of somebody who has made it in that area. Who is this person you have chosen? What do they do? This could be somebody who has mastered disease, or somebody who has mastered their body or their mind or somebody who is at the top of their game in the areas in an area you want to improve on.

Science has now proved the existence of mirror neurons. These allow you to  copy the traits which you desire from someone. Most of the time you mirror somebody you like without noticing it, without making an effort to do so. You can also imagine the person who you would want to be. With time you will mirror this person and begin to behave like them.

You can also create a model of yourself as the best version of yourself and become that. You do this by spending more time with that. You take time in meditation to become that. You picture yourself as that person you want to be.

Do that now. Picture this person with the attributes you would like to adopt. Can you see the best version of you in your mind’s eye? See that person whose traits you wish to have. Now feel or see their presence with you.

Now let them do what they do. Can you imagine spending a day with them? It is a beautiful day. You are spending the whole day with them. You watch them as they get up. You see them have breakfast. Perhaps you have breakfast with them. How do they eat? Perhaps you are going on a walk with them. It is a beautiful day and you are taking a walk in a beautiful place. Now talk to this person. Ask them everything you would like to know about how they got to the top of their game. Get as much information as you can from them about how they made it. Wait for an answer after each question. Be curious like a child and ask. Ask them even more.

Again trust the messages, images, thoughts, and feelings you get during meditation. They carry the answers to your questions. Take the first answer you get each time you ask a question.

Now at the end of a day with them, thank them and let go of the image of this person. Integrate what you learnt. Spend some time thinking about what you learnt. What things are you going to keep? What are you going to release and forget? See yourself as the person you would like to be. Integrate all the learning you have achieved

Now you know that all your greatness comes from God, the almighty. From the universe. Picture the greatness of God. Now with such greatness on your side, you can be, have and do anything you like. Spend some time in contemplation. Be grateful for what you have learnt. And as you leave your meditation, make it a point to read, search, find out about and spend time with who you want to become.


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Thank you boob-lady!