donderdag 19 maart 2020

21 Days of Greatness Day 19 with Chris Mabika

You can download the audio here.

21 Days of Greatness Day 19
Day 19 and we meditate on the seventh and last Hermetic Principle. This is the Principle of gender. Let us have a lying down meditation. So lie down on your back, on a flat surface. Lie with your spine straight.  Close your eyes.

Let your breathing flow in and out naturally for a while.

Take a deep breath here and hold. Now as you breathe out through the mouth, relax every part of your body.

Take another deep breath in. Hold for a bit. And relax as you breathe out.

Another deep breath in. Hold. Relax on your out breath.

The seventh Hermetic Principle states. “Gender is in everything. Everything has its musculine and feminine aspects. Gender manifests on all planes”

Now relax. We are going to consider what is called mental gender. Here we consider the me and the I. The me is the part of you associated with your body and personality. This is what you project to the outside world. This is the part of you that creates what people can describe as good, bad, father, mother, job role and all other things that people use to describe you. That part of you is concerned with becoming. It is constantly changing, creating and manifesting.

Then there is the I. This part of you directs energy into me by means of the will. It stays the same. Never changing. It is who you really are. This part is concerned with being. This is the I.

According to the principle of gender, the I is the musculine and the me is the feminine. The masculine is responsible for directing its will, and the feminine is the one responsible for creation. It is the part of you that manifests. The feminine is ever changing, ever creating.

When our feminie works in partnership with the musculine, everything you do becomes flawless and deeply aligned. That is why athletes these days talk about being in the flow. This is the state in which life literally flows. Everything moves according to the will. In this meditation we aim to bring the me and I to work together in harmony.

This is achieved in the state of repose. In a state of deep relaxation. The masculine directs its will and the feminine goes to work to create what we wish for.

Now consider just one thing you would like to be able to do effortlessly. Let us say you want to have a brilliant memory for example. You want to remember facts, things, names, places, and faces. If you are not concerned about memory, think of something else you would like to do effortlessly. What would you like to be. What do you want to create. What do you want to be.

You picture this I, the masculine working in harmony with the feminine to create what you want to manifest in your body. Become fully aware and conscious of every part of the body and being able to direct and coordinate your muscles, and all parts of you effortlessly.

Then the I takes charge. Now in a deeply relaxed state, become aware of the I being in control. Imagine yourself performing even what seems most difficult with ease. See yourself in the most relaxed state, flawlessly executing the things that you almost always put aside because they are too uncomfortable to do.

Let the I take charge. Let it Direct your will to what you want to do and achieve. See the me create your wish. See it happen. Yet you remain calm and deeply relaxed. Yet you are able to stand aside and see yourself perform at your best. I will be quiet and let you work on what you want to become.

You can conduct this meditation around everything that you wish to manifest. This does not have to take a long time. If you commit a few minutes to become deeply relaxed and picture yourself becoming or doing the best you would like to be and let the I and the me work together in concert to manifest your wishes.

Now to end the meditation, can you become aware of the here and now. Move your fingers and toes. Take a deep rejuvenating breath and stretch, and yawn. And open your eyes.

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Thank you boob-lady!