Last night, using rapeh in a attempt to find some peace, stumbled uppon this:
We have 7 days in the week.
We have 7 main Chakras
We have 7 visible heavenly bodies in the sky.
What if the order of our days is a 'route' on how to guide our energy through our body?
Like a inner celestial map...
So, Sunday = Sun -> Solar Chackra
Monday = Moon -> Crown Chakra
Tuesday = Mardi = Mars-day(Red planet) -> Root Chakra
Wednesday =Mercredi = Mercurius-day, the messenger -> Throat Chakra
Thursday = Thor's day = Zeus's day = Jupiter -> Sacral Chakra
Friday = Venus -> Heart Chakra
and Saturday = Saturn -> 6th Chakra -> 3rd Eye
If you draw 'route' you get this...
If you project it into 3D you get a spiral going to the Sacral, jumping to the Heart and exploding out of the 3rd Eye.
I have been trying this today and after doing it intentionally for 3 rounds, I "let it go" and felt like I was floating on a calm lake.
Thank you for listenning :)
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