zondag 17 december 2017

I must be your personal Saviour.

I get on my matress again.

Ready for what is to come.

Suddenly I remember.
"Tell me, what are the winning lotery numbers?" I ask and...before me, out of the pebbles of a flower, emerges a huge white dice.
It's sides where rounded, as if it was used, thrown, a kazillion times.
On the surface of the sides you could barely distinguish which cipher was written.
En the ciphers themselves where put upside down, rotated.
Several ciphers appeared on the same side!
"Well, thank you!" I laughed.

Then, I see my children.
"This is mine" I tell myself.
I see how they have become what they are by their own power and the contamination of society, of my bullshit...
He, is my first.
She, is my first second...and...my second first!
I find that an amusing thought...
It makes me cry.
I love those tears.

While enjoying this warm moment I get the most painful feeling of this ceremony.
A stabbing pain overtakes me and sends all my attention to my right side, at my liver.
I collapse from the pain.
"Not mine!" I whisper.
"It's Ok, Release it. Forgive them. They don't know what they're doing. They were also mistreated."

I realize I sound like Jesus WTF Christ. He got stabbed while hanging on the cross. On the right side.

As soon as I form this thought, I receive a blow on the right side of my neck!
So painful!
I begged for the others to release it.
To forgive their enemies.
But this one...wouldn't go away...
It reduced a the Medicine started to fade out.

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Thank you boob-lady!