zaterdag 16 december 2017

Drum meditation.

Just like our first experience, a month ago, this mediation was provided by a lovely couple.
I love their sounds.
I love what they bring, and...
This time I noticed some struggle between them.
A dissonance.
When one was talking, the other would show signs of disagreement and discomfort.

I ask them if they would be so kind as to join us this time during the drinking at the campfire and drum while we consume the Medicine.
They agreed, to my utter joy!

I try to relax during the drum session. Doesn't really happen. I feel their tension. Something is going on...

After the beautiful drumming we step outside.
The drummer tells me he has to give me something before I drink.
Well, give me something and take something,he said.
I asked "what?".
He replied: "I have to take away some of your ego".
At this point I'm laughing like a maniac inside. Here is he with his ego trying to save me from my ego...HILARIOUS!!!
I keep a straight face and ask him: "Did you bringa couple of buckets, because I have enough for EVERYONE here!" :) :) :)

We walk to the campfire...

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Thank you boob-lady!