vrijdag 24 november 2017

First night sleeping alone.

Buzzer goes off at 6am.
I hit the snooze till 7:30.
Don't know where I muster the energy to get up but, I do.
I stumble to the bathroom and drag my body under the hot water.
I start feeling like a human being again.
I get out and while drying myself I realise I feel I am depleted of all lust, passion and energy.

"Hit by a truck." -I think to myself.
"Not even a morning boner??" -I continue.

Strangly I begin to appreciate this weird pain.
It brings me all the way inside my body.
A sense of familiarity emerges.

Oatmeal breakfast "as usual".
Never thought I'd consider oatmeal breakfast to be usual.

I enjoy the warm meal filling my belly and I think.
"Maybe She got it. Maybe this is way She shows me that she unedrstands. This is how She makes me slow down and rest."

Damn this Girl is so extreem.
Thank God It's Friday!

AHO <3

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Thank you boob-lady!