donderdag 15 maart 2018

What does it Matter?


You probably imagine a black void.
Maybe some stars and an occasional planet floating around...oh, and a comet. With a white tail.

Naseem Harramein has claimed that 'space' is not void.
It's 'full'.
Space is infinite and contains everything.
Just like the Mother.
But we call the tiny little bits of things 'matter'. Derived from mother.
While what we call 'matter' is made up of mostly...nothing.
It should have been called 'anti-matter' or 'patter'. The male energy.
The penetrating and dividing energy.
The Lucifer experiment.
But instead, we made that Male energy into GOD.

Because all we are is patterns anyway.
Patterns of emptiness, feeling lonely and disconnected from the Mother, the matter, desperately trying to connect with tricks like breathing in deeply as much Prana as possible.

Have you seen my pattern? ;)

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Thank you boob-lady!